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Till through Judea willing crowds pursued ; Some to believe, others to scoff and gibe, The Saducees to doubt, the Scribes to mock, And Pharisees to cavil at his words.

Imbosom'd in a circling ridge of hills, Beside Taberias' placid lake, where once Its shores with floral bloom, with juicy plants, And fruits, and fragrant shrubs, were rich imbrown'd, (Though desert now, with awful silence ruled, As well befits which heard the Saviour's voice Command its raging billows to be still,) Reposed Magdala, villa far renown'd, Voluptuous retreat, costly adorn'd, With teeming fountains, streams, and gay parterres, Whose shaded alleys, ambient declined, Through gentle slopes, and undulating meads, With myrtle, ivy, hazel, laurel, crown'd, Whose various perfumes, bland, diffused the air With enervating sweets, and soothing balm. Birds ever warbled in their leafy shades, Whilst purling rills, and brooks, cascades, and founts, Their nect'rous dews distill'd in golden spray. Not famed more Alcinous' gardens bloom'd, Nor varied more with fruitful plants and trees; Nor those of him incestuous Myrrha bore, Whom annual the Syrian maids lament, Anemone, by Argive's daughters call'dj Nor more licentious those, than this retreat. Amidst its groves the stately villa rose, Of costly cedar built, fretted with gold, By skilful hands with ivory inwrought, And plates of burnish'd silver rich emboss'd;

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