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Nor dulcimer, with tinkling cymbals blent;

(For heav'n that day, not music's rapture knew ;)

But tender, soft, in lengthen' d measure drawn,

And tremulous, with griefful voice depress'd,

Sad fugue, with plodding cadence, mournful, slow ;

Not wanting tears, pure crystal drops outpour'd,

Which, as they fell, transpierced with rays serene,

Th' ethereal painted in prismatic hues,

The bow of promise, that through heav'n portrays,

Mercy divine, clear shining 'bove the clouds

Of smother'd wrath, which hide his face from earth,

And darkly low'r on Calvary's fated hill.

Gethsemani, beneath the heav'nly view, Desert and lone, in hebon darkness lay. Starless the sky was, and with clouds o'erhung, Without a ray to cheer the threat'ning gloom ; Void of angelic guards, whom highest Pow'r Had summon' d to the regions of the sky , From which dread moment, Gabriel and his hosts, With all heav'n's shining messengers of love, From earth withdrew, in darkling woe left drear. The Lamb of God, in sorrow prostrate bows, Neath sin's dire burden mountainous press'd down, Till drops of bloody sweat, through anguish press'd, And weight of others' guilt, embalm the ground. O'er him oppress'd, with midnight wing outspread, The prince of darkness horrible draws near ; Nor distant far Sin's grimy shadow, Death, Shakes, terrible with wrath, his savage dart ; Whilst imps of hell, and nameless shapes around, Midst hideous uproar, fierce beset their Prey ; When thus the fiend exulting vaunts aloud :

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