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The trembling band fell backward to the ground.

So fell the Bethsames, whose look forbidd'n,

In Josue's field profaned the sacred ark;

So, at the Breach of Chidon, Oza fell,

Who sacrilegious raised his hand to stay

The consecrated wood, nor fear'd the Lord.

Those, instant by their rashness seal'd their fate;

These Mercy spares, not hastive to destroy,

That reckless seek the true Ark to profane.

But, heart restored, they seize him, bind, hold fast,

And drag impetuous to the Bethdin's door,

Where sat the wicked, Innocence to judge.

Forlorn, deserted, as he had declared,

By one, the chief, denied, with foes beset,

The persecuted Lamb, fore Caiphas stood;

Who witnesses suborn 'd, false to convict

Of blasphemy, and so adjudged to death;

Whom then, with clamors, he to Pilate sends.

'Twas at the hour, when night's funereal pall, Darkest obscures the earth, the Traitor came, Wrack'd with remorseful pangs, by conscience stung, And threw the price of blood at Caiphas' feet, Then fled the presence; but, found no relief, For his perturbed, and fiend harassed thoughts. His guilt alarm'd him, horror chill'd his blood, And torturing fears his palsied members shook, As from the haunts of men, the Felon sped, In solitude to seek rest for his soul; But rest found none, whom furies still pursued, And lash'd with scorpion stings where e'er he fled. 'Twas in the vale of Hinnom, where, fit place, By anguish driv'n, oppress'd with blank despair,

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