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Ne'er knew; more perfect than the first made Eve, Brighter than seraphim, or aught that stands Before the heav'nly throne, as well becomes Who the Redeemer worthy was to bear. So was she made inviolate, for now Nature no longer stays, no more forestalls The child of grace, expected long, at length Produced. Transcendent, happy pair ! more bless'd Than our first sire. seed immaculate ! sacred womb ! with sacred increment Enlarged, how higher than the heav'ns your name Is raised ; how wider than the earth is spread Your fame. Nor tongue can tell, nor ready pen Portray, the measure of your great renown.

Th' arch-enemy of man and prince of air, High on his hyperborean throne sat; By sufferance, superior erect,

Where sulph'rous fires dread thunderbolts concoct, Which, cloth'd with vapors from th' ocean suck'd, O'er land and sea fly, sweeping down amain, And hurl their wrathful terrors where they list. Thus high he built, ethereal, from what time This nether sphere 'neath his dominion fell ; A gorgeous throne, in hues chatoyant dipp'd, Of gold, green, blue, purple and red ; adorn'd With glitt'ring columns, pyramids and spires, 'Midst circling domes of baleful fires imbow'd ; The scene of fierce contentions, horrid sounds, Armies on armies rushing oft, so they Of Lapland tell, with fiery chariots arm'd, Tormenting all the air; whilst men amazed, Fall prostrate on the ground and deprecate

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