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At table sat, took bread, and bless'd, and break, And gave to them, as at the Paschal board. Their eyes were open'd ; they the Saviour knew ; But he, that instant, vanished from their sight. Dismay'd, confounded, sorrowing, yet o'erjoy'd, They call, implore, extend their hands and pray Lord, we believe, help thou our unbelief. Then all his words recall, and each to each, Confess'd " Did not our hearts within us burn, As by the way the scriptures he disclosed, Read his own suff' rings, death, and life restored. Nor harshly spake, but more with tenderness Our just reproof for unbelief inferr'd." So they with tears; and, rising that same hour, They hastive to Jerusalem return, And tell the rest, with joy, the Lord hath truly' Ris'n from the dead ; talk'd with us by the way, And then himself reveal' d in breaking bread. Whilst they yet spake, Jesus himself appears, ' Stands in their midst, and says "Peace be to you. Fear not, 'tis I ; behold my hands and feet ; Handle, and see, for spirit hath not flesh And bones, as thus you see. Be troubled not, Nor yet your hearts let doubting thoughts invade."

With heart restored, they round the Saviour press, Revolve his person, touch his hands and feet, Pity his wounds, recount his sorrows o'er, Wonder, and weep, and joy, and him believe.

The somber gray of early dawn, was tinged With the first blushes of returning day, When, on Tiberias' shore, secluded spot, The risen Master stood. There Simon, chief,


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