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At length he answer'd " Lord, thou know'st all things ;

And knowing all, dost know, I do love thee."

The Saviour then his high commission gave,

Renew'd his pow'r, and "Feed my sheep," he said.

" The lambs already are beneath thy charge,

Now lead the leaders of my flock with care ;

For, I have pray'd for thee, for special grace,

That thou, renewed, thy brethren may'st confirm.

Behold then, thy commission ; thus endow'd,

And with me in my kingdom sociate join'd,

Some likeness to me shall thy death betide.

For now I say, amen ; when thou wast young,

Thou didst thyself begird, walk where thou would' st;

But when thou'rt old, thou shalt thy hands stretch forth,

And others lead thee, where thou would'st not go."

So walk'd Immanuel, taught, and fed, and bless'd, Pending that hour, when Olivet, blest hill, Saw him from whence he came glorious ascend ; Daily reveal'd himself to whom he loved, Promise with admonition intermix'd, And mild injunction affable imposed ; To these display'd his wounds, with those broke bread, Caused this to thrust his hand within his side, Feel the nail prints in his torn feet and hands, And proved himself arisen from the dead.


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