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Though of it not, yet in it much remains,

To stimulate your faith, love, energy

And zeal. Faith him towards, who his own life

Spared not, to purchase yours; love for the boon,

With energy and zeal, that life to gain,

Which lives beyond the confines of the tomb.

Here lies your warfare, here the fields of strife,

Where seen and unseen foes your way contest.

Here ope the lists, you the athletes, call'd

To wrestle, run, toil, strive th' immortal prize.

Who fights shall conquer; he, who strives, shall win,

With arms celestial, grace superior crown'd.

Let not your hearts be troubled nor afraid,

I will not leave you orphans, comfortless;

But will myself be with you to conduct,

Through all the varying conflicts, earth and hell,

Against the safety of your souls shall wage.

Be not deceived; the world will love you not;

Will hate you, persecute, and for my sake

Destroy. Hath it not hated me, defamed,

And, as it hoped, destroy'd? So will it you.

The servant is not greater than his lord.

If you were of the world, the world would love,

But, since I you have chosen from the world,

The world will hate you, as it hateth me.

But blessed are ye, when mankind shall hate,

And when ye suffer persecution, bless'd;

Bless'd when reviled, and evil spok'n against,

Untruly, for my sake; bless'd when ye mourn;

For, yours the kingdom is, and mine; and I

The Father's am; as I in him, so you in me,

In suff'ring one, so one in glory crown'd.


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