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If closed by any, where much grace abounds,

Who chiefest need, and chiefest e'er embrace,

As weaker vessels, covenant with God ;

A goodly train, in fellowship of faith,

Hope, love, befitting best angelic souls.

Their names not wanting, and not hard to tell,

Nor wanting deeds t' adorn heroic verse,

Were 't fit to sing of sex, where sex is lost,

Resorbed in ocean infinite of love.

Sex not here sung, but deeds achieved by grace,

(Heroic more than carnal warfare waged,)

And victory through Her obtained, the chief,

In whom was nor the knot original,

Nor cortex rough of actual distain ;

The crown of virgins, Mother of the race,

And Queen of all, o'er whom her Son holds sway.

More num'rous theirs than ours, adorned the more,

W T ith what shines brightest there, where earthly fails,

And needy elements no value bear.

Repentant, sorrowing, now rejoicing Eve,

Who with the promise of that perfect Seed,

Was first consoled, here saw the promise fill'd ;

Saw him who was to come, the Man divine,

Who made himself the Victim for her fault ;

Her daughter, second Eve saw, heav'nly fair,

In lineal descent, predestined line;

More perfect than herself, true Paradise,

The Serpent sly ne'er enter'd, nor defiled.

Next beauteous Ada came, mother of those,

Who pastoral life pursue ; who made the harp,

And taught the swelling organ's pipes to blow,

With harp immortal deck'd and heav'nly crown.

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