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Nor aught withhold, from influence of thy love ;

Or what imports the safety of mankind,

Or elsewise that on Providence depends.

Freely the Spirit's influence outpour'd,

Shall equal from us flow; Who wills as we,

To sanctify, enliven, raise, whom else,

No good could reach, no death redeeming save.

Him who receive, shall be as these, who wait

Acceptance, born of Israel's seed, or else

From diverse nations gather'd in ; whom now

I welcome, to predestined seats,

Long since prepared, participants in bliss ;

Welcome in thee, made worthy to be heirs,

And fully bought, with treasure of thy blood.

Who Him receive not, greater ill shall find,

More weight of woe, worse ruin on their heads ;

As greater gifts, and more abounding grace,

Profuse accept, to higher glory raise,

So, when despised, shall deeper sink in wrath.

As those proud hosts, heav'n's haughty powers, to such

Height raised, with beatific vision bless'd,

When fall'n, past rising, past repentance fell;

So no more those shall 'scape, who now despite,

Though long so lenient judged, abundant grace.

Whilst heaven, to those receiving, shall repay,

Earth's sore fought conflicts, with eternal joys ;

To those rejecting, rebel angel's doom,

Eternal torments, death, and dark despair,

When final judgement, each one's works shall prove."

So They, supremo in bliss, altern converse, And fill the measure of their love for man. When, our Salvation, bending from his seat,

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