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Altivolant with pride, his darling sin.

The Devil saw from far and silent stood,

Whilst his unconscious instruments, their arts,

To sap the virtue of th' Immaculate,

Employ'd. Meekly she heard them plead, dilate,

Prefer, her lineage of a royal race j

From arguments nasute, illation draw,

That she should aim their royal house to raise,

And save the people, as did Shushan's queen,

The daughter of the son of Jair, whom he,

Who reign'd from India's coasts to Ethiop's verge,

From lowly, raised to Vasthi's lofty throne.

Boteless they plead, her peerless beauty urge,

The throne of Juda prostrate at her feet,

And Juda's princes longing for her hand ;

Then branded her as barren, Juda's shame.

" Youth, beauty, wealth and valor," so they urged,

" With zeal impetuous now await thy choice ;

The mighty ones of Israel claim thy hand j

India seeks, with all its wealth, to deck

Thy queenly form ; the gems of Iran glow,

And Egypts pearls are sparkling for thy hair,

Whilst Persia lays her treasures at thy feet."

Such were the themes which daily were renew'd,

And daily sway'd them in their vain attempts,

Unconscious whose inspirings they obey'd.

Oft were their efforts skilfully disposed,

But still as oft the Virgin them repell'd.

With look enravish'd, fasten'd on the skies,

Her hands upon her spotless breast enclasp'd,

And meek, in smiling ecstasy enrapt,

She gave but this response to their appeals :

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