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When the Rover boys reached the vicinity of the Staton cottage they found Alice and Helen in the dooryard, watching for them.

"Mamma says you must come in," said Alice. "She wishes to see you."

"And papa wants to see you, too," added Helen.

"Thank you, we won't mind resting a bit," answered Dick. "The sun is rather hot."

They were soon seated on the broad porch, and here Mrs. Staton and her husband were introduced. They proved to be nice people, and both thanked the boys warmly for what they had done on the road.

"I've told Isaac Klem about that bull," said Mr. Staton. "Some day he'll do a whole lot of damage."

"We are going to keep a good lookout for him in the future," put in Alice. "I don't wish to be scared out of my wits again."

Before the boys left Mrs. Staton insisted on