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Rudin looked out of the window.

‘But the project really was not a bad one, and it might have been of immense service.’

‘And where did Kurbyev go to?’ asked Lezhnyov.

‘Oh, he is now in Siberia, he has become a gold-digger. And you will see he will make himself a position; he will get on.’

‘Perhaps; but then you will not be likely to make a position for yourself, it seems.’

‘Well, that can’t be helped! But I know I was always a frivolous creature in your eyes.’

‘Hush, brother; there was a time, certainly, when I saw your weak side; but now, believe me, I have learnt to value you. You will not make yourself a position. And I love you, Dmitri, for that, indeed I do!’

Rudin smiled faintly.


‘I respect you for it!’ repeated Lezhnyov. ‘Do you understand me?’

Both were silent for a little.

‘Well, shall I proceed to number three?’ asked Rudin.

‘Please do.’