Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/108

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<6i Stat !• Ajfrno quarto Edward 1 1. A.B. 127^.

  • Men flam, orinPeril to be flain, as otherwhere Is ufed
  • in England, and all fhall follow the Huy and Steps, as

c near as can be ; and he that cloth not, and is convicT:

  • thereupon, {hall be attached to be afore the Juftices

4 of the Gaol, W& Cotton MS. hutefium, ficut alibi eft confuetudo in Anglia; 5: omnes fequentur hutefium, fcflicet hutefium & ve- ftigia, fi fieri poterit ; &. qui non fecerit, & fuper hoc convincatur quod noluerit, attachietur quod fit coram Jufticiariis degaola. [ut prius.] T^he Statute of Bigamy, made 4 O&ob. Ann. 4 Edw. I. Stat. 3. and Anno Dom. 1276.

  • ~RttAaifJotbirs <e

■ej the Council of «  zhe Kingdom of ^ England. , c •f Read zvbc all If «  IN the Prefence of certain Reverend Fathers, Bi- fhops of England, and others * of the King's Coun~ cil, the Conftitutions under-written were re- cited, and after heard and publifhed before the King and his Council, forafmuch as all the King's Coun- cil, as well Juftices as other, did agree that they ihould be put in Writing for a perpetual Memory, and that they fhould be ftedfaftly obferved." • Cotton MS. IN prefentia venerabilium patrum ah'quorum Epifcoporum Anglie, & aliorum de confilio regni Anglie, recitate fuerunt conftitutiones fubfcripte & recordate, & poftmodum coram do- mino Rege & fuo confilio audite, qui omnes de confilio Juftic' fimiliter & alii concordarunt, quod in fcriptura redigerentur ad perpetuam memori- am, & quod firmiter obfervarentur. C A P. I. In what Cafes Aid fhall be granted of the King, in what not.

  • H. 7. it. «

5 H. 7. 16. < 9 H. 7. 15. , 15 H. 7. 10. < % Net in the Original. ]| Who have bdd<- ill Ufa qr.dPrac- ( iiee kitberto to c have been. , ^f Add it is of Jncb Efitl. l Fitz. Proceed. * 5.6. < Fitz. TraverA 41- 1 Roll 2SS: 2 Inft. z68. "Thefirjl Article, Concerning Pleas where the Tenant excepteth, that he cannot anfwer without the King ; it is agreed by the Juftices, and other learned Men of our Lord the King's Council % of the Realm, || which here- tofore have had the Ufe and Praclke of Judgement, that where a Feoffment was made by the King with a Deed thereupon, 51 that if another Perfon by a like Feoffment and like Deed be bounden to Warranty, the Juftices could not heretofore have proceeded any further, neither yet do proceed without the King's Commandment had therefore, neither can it be thought that they may proceed,' Primus articulus fie incipit : E placitis ubi vero tenens fie excipir, quod fine Rege refpondere non poteft ; concorda- tum eft per Juftrc' & alios fapientes de confilio domini Regis, qui confuetudinem & ufum hafte- nus habuerunt, quod ubi feoft'amentum factum fuerit per Regem, & carta fuper hoc confecta, tantum fe habet, quod fi aliqua perfona per con- fimile feoffamentum, & per confimilem cartam, tenetur ad warrantum, Jufticiarii ulterius proce- dere non potuerunt, nee hucufque proceflerunt, nifi fuper hoc preceptum a domino rege] habuif* fent, nee videri poteft quod procedere poffiint. CAP. II. In what Cafes Aid is granted of the King, in what not. a Jntt. 27a. S.»fl. 17. " A ND it feerneth alfo, that they could not pro- " _/". ceed in certain Cafes, as where the King hath

  • ' confirmed or ratified any Man's Deed to the Ufe of

" another, or hath granted any thing as much as in

  • ' him is, or where a Deed is (hewed, and Claufe con-

" tained therein, whereby he ought to warrantize :"

  • And in like Cafes they ftiall not furceafe by occafion
  • of a Confirmation, Grant, or Surrender, or other

' like, but, after Advertifement made thereof to the

  • King, they fhall proceed without Delay.'

IN certis autern cafibus, utpote ubi Rex confir* maverit vel ratificaverit factum alicujus in rem alienam, vel rem aliquam alicui conceflerit, quan- tum in ipfo eft, vel ubi profert cartam, quod Rex aliquod tenementum reddiderit, vel claufula ali- qua contineatur, per quam warrantia debeatur j & pro confimilibus cafibus, nee occafidne confir- macionis, ratificacionis, conceffionis, five reddici- onis aut aliorum confimilium fuperfedendum eft, quin poftquam hoc Regi fuerit oftenfum, fine dila- ciohe procedatur. C A P. III. In Dower the King's Grantee of a Ward fliall not have Aid. Fitz. Aidde f^Oncerning the Endowment of Women, where Roi,' 1 j, iz, 17, ' V> the Guardians of their Hufbands Inheritance V>> 34. H> &c- ' have Wardfiiip by the Gift or Grant of the King, or 4 where fuch Guardians be Tenants of the Thins in " demand j or if the Heirs of fuch Lands be vouched to c Warranty^ if they fay that they cannot anfwer with- ' out the King ; they fhall not furceafe upon the Matter ' therefore, but fhall proceed therein according to Unftii7i. • Right.' DE dotibus mulierum, ubi aliqui Cuftodia'S he* reditatummarilorum fuorurh habeant, vel dc dono Regis, vel ex eoncefnone Regis, five cuftodes rem petitam teneant, five heredes predicT:orum te* nementorum vocentur ad Warantum, fi excipi- ant qucd fine Rege refpondere non poffiint : non iJeo fuperfedeatur, quin in loquela predi&a, pfout juftum fueritj proceaatur. DE