Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/129

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A. D. 1285. Anno declmo tertio Edward 1 I. Stat. i H Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. euperent petitionem fuam vel quod tenentes eant quietu Et fi acTio hujufmodi tenentis qui nacelle habet oftendere jus fuum rrtota fuerit per breve de Recto licet magna aififa vel duellum jungi non pof- fit per verba confueta jungi tamen pofiunt per ver- ba fatis aptaQuia cum tenens in hoc quod oftendit jus fuum quod ei competit per breve quod prius impetravit fit loco adtoris bene poterit vvarrantus defendere jus tenentis qui loco petentis ut dictum eft habetur &c feifinam antecefToris fui offerre de- fendere per corpus liberi hominis fui vel ponere fe in magnam aflifam & petere recognitionem fieri utrum ipfe majus jus habeat in tenemento petito an predictus talis. Velaliomodo jungi poterit magna aflifa fie Talis, defendit jus, &c. & cognofcit feifi- nam antecefToris. fui & ponit fe in magnam aflifam, &C. & petit recognitionem fieri utrum ipfe majus jus haheat.ia predidJo tenemento ut in illo de quo feoffavit talem. vel quod talis remifit & quietum clamavit, &c. an predidlus: talis. Cum aliquando contingat quod mulier non habens jus petendi dotem herede alicujus infra etatem exiftenteim- petret breve'de dote fuper cuftodem & cuftos per, favorem mulieris dotem reddiderit vel defaltam fe- cerit vel placitum ita fi6t,e per collufionem defen- derit per quod dos hujufmodi mulieri in prejudici- um heredis adjudicata fuerit provifum eft quod he- res cum' ad etatem pervenerit habeat actionem pe- tendi'feifinam- antecefToris fui verfus hujufmodi mu= lierem qualem haberet verfus alium quemcumque deforciatojrem Ita tamen quod falva fit mulieri ver- fus petentem exceptio oftendere quod jus habet in dote fua quod fi oftendere poterit recedat quieta & •dotem fuam retineat & fit heres in mifericordia & amercietur graviter fecundum difcretionem Juftic' fin autem recuperet heres petitionem fuam. Eo- dem modo fubveniatur muheri fi heres vel alius earn implacitaverit de dote fua fi dotem fuam per defaltam amiferit in quo cafu fua defalta non fit ei ita prejudicialis quin dotem fuam fi jus- habeat re- cuperare poffit & fiat ei tale breve : Precipe A: quodju/le, &c. reddattali quefuit uxor talis jant am terram cum pertinentiis in N. quam cla- mat e/Je rationabilem dotem fua?n vel de rationabili dote fua & quam talis ei deforc . Et ad iftud breve habeat tenens exceptionem fuam ad oftendendum quod mulier jus non habet in dote quod fiverificare poterit recedat quietus alioquin recuperet mulier te- nementum quod prius tenuit in dotem. Et cum temporibus retroactis aliquis terram fuam amififfet per defaltam non habuit aliud recuperare quam per breve de recto quod eis competere non poterit qui de mero jure loqui non potuerunt veluti tenentes ad terminum vite vel per liberum maritagium vel per feodum talliatum-in quibus cafibus falvatur re- verfio provifum eft decetero quod eorum defalta non fit eis ita prejudicialis quin riatum fuum fi jus ha- beant recuperare poffint per aliud breve quam per breve de Redo. De- maritagio amiffo per defaltam fiat tale- breve;

is this, That theDemandants fhall recover their De-
mand, or the Tenants fhall go quit, (g) And if the
Action of fuch a Tenant, which is compelled to fhew
his Right, be moved by a Writ of Right, though

that the great Aflife or Battail cannot be joyned by the Words accuftomed, yet it fhall be joyned by Words convenient; (10) for when the Tenant, in that he fheweth his Right which belongeth to him by

the Writ that he before purchafed, inftead of a De- ■

mandant, the Warrantor may well defend the Right

of the Tenant, which is accounted in Place of the
Demandant, as before is faid, and offer to defend the
Seifin of his Anceftors by the Body of his Freeman,
or put himfelf in the great Aflife, and pray Recog- ,

nizance to be made, whether he hath more Right to the Land in demand, or elfe -the Party before named. I

(n) Or otherwife the great Aflife may be joyned
thus, Talis defendit jus, &c. and fo the Warrantor
may defend the Right, and knowledge the Seifin of
his Anceftor, and put himfelf in the great Aflife, tffr.
and pray Recognizance to be made, whether he hath
more Right in the forefaid Land, as in that whereof
he infeofted fuch a Man, or that fuch a one releafed
and quit claimed, CSV. or elfe the forefaid Party, C3V.
(12) And where fometime it chanceth that a Woman Thl: He ' f ayoid-
not having Right to demand Dower, the Heir being ^ " Wll ? m of
within Age, doth purchafe a Writ of Dower againft v " rei j!^ n g. e ^

' a Guardian, and the Guardian endoweth the Woman Guardian* ' by Favour, or maketh Default, or by Collufion de- ' fendeth the Plea fo faintly, whereby the Woman-is. ' awarded her Dower in Prejudice of the Heir; (13) it ( is provided, That the Heir, when he cometh to full ' Age, fhall have an A£tion to demand the Seifin of his ' A nce ft° r againft fuch a Woman, like as he fhould ' have againft any other Deforceor ; yet fo, that the a Woman's ' Woman fhall have her Exception faved againft the Dower recovered ' Demandant, to fhew that fhe had Right to her Dower, againft her by ' which if fhe can fhew, fhe fhall go quit and retain her De&ult * ' Dower, and the Heir fhall be grievoufly amerced, ac- ' cording to the Difcretion of the Juftices.; and if not, ' the Heir fhall recover his Demand, &c. (14) In ' like Manner the Woman fhall be aided, if the Heir c or any other do implead her for her Dower, or if fhe ' lofe her Dower by Default, in which cafe the Default ' fhall not be fo prejudicial to her, but that fhe fhall ' recover her Dower, if fhe have Right thereto, fhd ' fhe fhall have this Writ: II. Precipe A. quod jufte, &c. reddat B. quae fuit6Co. 8. uxor F. tantam terram cum pertinentiis in C. quam Co. Lit. iji.V, clamat effe rationabilem dotem fuam, vel de rationa- bili dote fua, & quod prasdictus A. ei deforceat, &c. ' (2) And to this Writ the Tenant fhall have his Ex- ' ception, to fhew that file had no Right to. be en- ' dowed ; which if he can verify, he fhall go quit;' if ' not, the Woman fhall recover the Land whereof fhe ' was endowed before. (3 J And whereas before time, ' if a Man had loft his Land by Default, he had none ' other Recovery than by a Writ of Right, which was ' not maintainable by any that could not claim of meet ' Right, as Tenants for Term of Life, in free Mar- ' riage, or in Tail,, in which Eftates a Reverfion is re- ' ferved ; (4) it is provided, That from henceforth ' their Default fhall not be fo prejudicial, but that they ' may recover their Eftate by another Writ than by a ' Writ of Right, if they have Right. (5) For Land ' in Free Marriage, loft by Default, fuch a Writ fhall

  • be made :

M z Praecipe 354. b. 356.