Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/135

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A.D. 1285. Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. Stat. 1 89 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. gat quod tenens in dominico feoffatus eft ad tenen- dum per minus fervicium quam medius facere de- buit capitali domino cum poft hujufmodi procla- mationem attornatus fit tenens capitali domino medio omiffo neceffe habet tenens refpondere capi- tali domino de ferviciis & cohfuetudinibus que me- dius ei prius facere debuit. Et poftquam venerit medius in curia & cognoverit quod acquietare de- beat tenehtem fuum vel adjudicetur ad acquietan- dum fi poft hujufmodi cognitionem vel judicium querimonia perveniat quod medius non acquietavit tenentem fuum tunc exeat breve de Judicio quod vicecomes diftringat medium ad acquietandum te- nentem fuum & ad elfendum coram Jufticiariis ad certum diem ad oftendendum quare prius non ac- quietavit Et cum per diftrictionem venerit audiatur querens & fi querens verificare poterit quod ipfum non acquietavit fatisfaciet de dampnis & per judi- cium tenens recedat quietus de fuo medio & attor- netur capitali domino. Et fi ad primam diftricStio- nem non venerit exeat breve de alia diftriclione & fiat proclamatio Et poftquam teftificata fuerit pro- cedatur ad judicium ficut fuperius dictum eft. Et fciendum quod per hoc ftatutum non excluduntur tenentes quin habeant warrantiam fi de tenemen- ts fuis implacitentur fuper medios fuos & eorum heredes ficut prius habuerunt. Nee etiam exclu- duntur tenentes quin fequi poffint verfus medios fuos fecundum confuetudinem prius ufitatam fi vi- derint quod proceffus eorum plus valeat per anti- quam confuetudineni quam per iftud ftatutum. Et fciendum quod per iftud ftatutum non provide- tur remedium quibufcumque mediis fet folummodo in cafu cum fit unus medius tantum inter dominum diftringentem & tenentem Et in cafu quando me- dius ille eft plene etatis & in cafu quando tenens fine prejudicio alterius quam medii attornare fe poteft capitali domino quod diftum eft pro mulie- ribus tenentibus in dotem tenentibus per Legem Anglie vel aliter ad terminum vite vel per feodum talliatum quibus pro aliquibus cafibus nondum eft remedium provifurn fet Deo dante alias provide- bitur. hath nothing, until the Procefs come to the Great Diftrefs and Proclamation ; {ib) and fo after Pro- clamation made in both Counties, the Mean (hall be fore-judged of his Fee and Service. (17) Andwhere it happeneth fometimes, that the Tenant in Demean is infeoffed to hold by lefs Service than the Mean ought to do unto the chief Lord, when after fuch Proclamation the Tenant hath attorned to the chief Lord, and the Mean being excluded, the Tenant" muft of Neceffity anfwer unto the chief Lord for all fuch Services and Cuftoms as the Mean was wont to do to him. (18) And after that the Mean is come into the Court, and hath confeffed that he ought to acquit his Tenant, or be compelled by Judgement to acquit, if after fuch Confeffion or Judgement it is complained that the Mean doth not acquit his Te- nant, then fhall iffue a Writ Judicial; that the She- riff (hall diftrain the Mean to acquit the Tenant, and to be at a certain Day before the Jufticers, for to fhew why he hath not acquitted him before - f and when they have proceeded unto the Great Diftrefs, the Plaintiff fhall be heard; (19) And if the Plaintiff can prove that he hath not acquitted him, he fhall yield Damages, and by Award of the Court the Te- nant fhall go quit from the Mean, and fhall attorn unto the chief Lord. (20) And if he come not at the firft Diftrefs, a Writ fhall go forth to diftrain him- again, and Proclamation fhall be made, and as foon as it is returned, they fhall proceed in Judgement, as before is faid. (21) And it is to be underftanden, that by this Statute Tenants are not excluded, but they fhall have a Warranty of the Means and their Heirs, if they be impleaded of their Lands, as they have had before ; (22) nor the Tenants fhall be ex- cluded, but that they may fue againft their Means, as they ufed heretofore, if they fee that their Procefs may be more available by the old Cuftom, than by this Statute. (23) And it is to wit, that by this Statute no Remedy is provided to any Means, but only in cafe where there is but one only Mean be- tween the Lord that diftraineth and the Tenant ; (24) and in cafe where that Mean is of full Age; (25) and in cafe where the Tenant may attorn unto the chief Lord without Prejudice of any other than of the Mean, which is fpoken for Women Tenants in Dower, and Tenants by the Courtefie, or other- wife for Term of Life, or in Fee-tail, unto whom for certain Caufes Remedy is not yet provided, but (God willing) there fhall be at another Time.' The Tenant holding by lefs Service than the Mean doth. Fitz. Mefne, i. S3- Fitz. Avowry, 146, 168. Fitz. Mefne, 23, 29. Damages in a Writ of Mefne. Fitz. Procefs, J 53- Fitz. Mefne, -°> 2+, 38, 59, 63, 70. The Tenants Warranty of the Mefne. Fitz. Mefne, 63. Fitz. Mefne,

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For which Means only this Statute is ordained. ■Raft. .533, &e. CAP. X. At what Time Writs fhall be delivered for Suits depending before Juftices in Eyre. Perfon may make a general Attorney. Any CUM in itinere Juftitiariorum proclamatum fuerit quod omnes qui brevia liberare volue- rint ea liberent infra certum terminum poft quern nullum breve recipiatur multi de hoc confidentes cum moram fecerint ufque ad predictum terminum & nullum breve fuper eos fuerit liberatum de licen- tia Juftitiariorum recedunt poft quorum receffum adverfarii fui ipforum abfentiam percipientes brevia fua porrigunt in cera que aliquando per fraudem aliquando per vie' pro dono recipiuntur & alii qui fecurecredebant receffiffe tenementa fua amirtunt. Ut hujufmodi fraudi fubveniatur impofterum ftatuit Dominus Rex quod Juftitiarii in itineribus fuis fta- Voi. I. Inft. 376. Hereas in the Circuit of Juftices it was pro- C rl a ' m , e ! ] ', ,T hat a11 fuch 3S WOuld deliver Delivering of Writs, mould deliver them within a certain Time, Writs for " after which no Writ fhouldbe received; many truft- Suits dependinj " ing upon the fame, and tarrying until the faid Time, !" f |f e J ,,(li «' " and no Writ ferved upon them, departed by Licence '" yre " " of the faid Juftices; after whole Departure their " Adverfaries, perceiving their Abfence, delivered their " Writs in Wax, which fometimes by Fraud, and " fometimes for Rewards, be received of the Sheriff, " and they, that thought to have departed quiet, lofe " their Lands." ' (2) For the Remedy of fuch Fraud ' from henceforth, the King hath ordained, That the N < Juftices .,,