Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/148

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102 Stat. Anno decimo tertio Edward i I. A. D. 1285. A Writ if the Heir be carried into another County. Djer.239. If the Heir die before the Suit ended. Fitz. Brief, 776. 5^ Ed. 3. f. 48. 11 H. 4. f. 54. Fitz, Execu- tors, 52. Fitz. Gard. no, ?4 Ed. 3. f. 25. If the Defendant die. 20 K. 3. c. 6. 3 Ed. 1. c. 2Z. Refummons in communi cufto- dia. 5-2 H. 3 c. 7. Fitz. Proccs. 33. Fitz. Card. Sg. Dyer 369. Eieclione cufto- dia:. Regift. 161, &c. Oif. ty 12 Car. 2. C. 2i. ' be married, or carried into another County, then a , ' Writ lhall be directed to the Sheriff of the fame ' Shire in this Form :' Queftus eft nobis A. quod B. nuper talem haeredem infra aetatem & in cuftodia fua exiltentem tali loco in comitatu tali rapuit, & de comitatu tali ad talem locum in com' tuo abduxit contra voluntatem ipfius A. & con- tra pacem noftram, &c. Et ideo tibi praecipimus, quod praedictum haeredem (ubicunque in balliva tua invenire poteris) capias, & falvo & fecure eum cuftodias, ita quod eum habeas coram juftitiariis noftris, &c. tali die, quem idem A. habet-verfus prEedicStum B. ad red- dendum cui de jure reddi debeat. ' (7) And if the Heir do die afore he can be found, cr before he can be reftored to the Plaintiff, the Plea fhall pais between them neverthelefs, until it be tried unto whom he ought to have been reftored if he had been living. (8) Neither fhall the Ravifher of fuch a one be excufed or eafed of the Punifhment afore- faid by the Death of the Heir, whom he did with- hold by Wrong during his Life. (9) And if the Plaintiff die before the Plea determined, if the Right belong to him by reafon of his proper Fee, the Plea fhall be refummoned at the Suit of the Heir of the Plaintiff, and the Plea fhall pafs in due Order. (10) But if the Right belongeth to him by another Title, as by a Title of Gift, Sale,, or other fuch like, then the Plea fhall be refummoned at the Suit of the Exe- cutors of the Plaintiff, and the Plea fhall pafs as be- fore is faid. (11) In the fame manner if the Defen- dant die before the Plea be tried, or the Heir be re- ftored, the Plea fhall pafs by Refummons between the Plaintiff, his Heirs or Executors, and the Executors of the Defendant or his Heirs, if the Executors be not fufficient to fatisfy for the Value of the Marriage, after as it is contained in other Statutes, but not as to the Pain of Imprifonment; for none ought to be pu- nifhed for the Offence of another. ,( 1 1 ) In the fame manner when a Plea hangeth between Parties for the Ward of Land, or of an Heir, or of both, by the common Writ that beginneth Pracipe tali, &c. quod reddat, &c. Refummons fhall be made between the Heirs and Executors of the Plaintiff; and likewife the Heirs and the Executors of the Defendant, if Death prevent any of the Parties before the Plea de- termined. (13) And when they have paffed to the great Diftrefs, a Day fhall be given, within which three County-Courts may be holden at the leaft, in every of which open Proclamation fhall be made, that the Deforcer fhall come into the Bench at the Day contained in the Writ, to anfwer the Plaintiff; (14) at which Day if he come not, and the Procla- mation be fo returned once, twice, or thrice, the Judgement fhall pafs for the Plaintiff, faving the Right of the Defendant, if after he will claim if. (15) In the fame manner it fhall be done in a Writ of Trefpafs, when any complaineth himfelf to be ejected from fuch Wardships.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. •tunc vicecomiti illius comitatus fiat breve in had forma : Queftus ejl nobis A. quod B. nuper talem heredem infra etatem & in cuftodia fua exijlentem tali loco in comitatu tali rapuit & de comitatu tali ad talem lo- cum in comitatu tuo abduxit contra voluntatem ipfius A. & contra pacem noflram Et ideo tibi precipimus quod predict u?n heredem ubicumque in balliva tua invenire, poteris capias £sf falvo & fecure eum -cujlodias ita quod eum habeas coram jii/litiariis noflris tali loco & die quem diem idem A. habet v erf us prediclum B. ad r*d.~ dendum cui de jure reddi debeat. Et fi heres antequam inveniri poterit vel ante- quam reftituatur querenti obierit nichilominus pro- cedat placitum inter eos quoufque terminetur cui reftitui deberet fi fuperftes fuiffet. Nee excufabi- tur ille aut alleviabitur ille qui injufte rapuit hujuf- modi heredem de pena fupradicta poft mortem he- redis cujus extitit male fidei pofleffor dum vixit. Et fi querens obierit ante placitum terminatum fi jus ei competebat ratione proprii feodi fui refum- moneatur loquela ad fecStam heredis querentis & procedat placitum debito ordine. Si vero per alium titulum competatei jus ficut titulo donationis ven- ditionis vel alio hujufmodi titulo tunc refummo- neatur loquela ad fedtam executorum querentis & procedat placitum ut predidlum eft. Eodem mo- do fi moriatur pars defendens antequam placitum terminetur vel heres reftituatur procedat placitum per refummonitionem inter querentem vel ejus he- redem feu executores & executores defendentis vel ejus heredem fi executores non fufficiant quoad fa- tisfadHonem de valore maritagii fecundum quod in aliis ftatutis continetur fet non quoad penam pri- fone qua quis pro alieno fafto non eft puniendus. Eodem modo cum pendeat placitum inter partes de cuftodia terre & heredis vel utriufque per commune breve quod incipit Precipe tali quod reddat &c. fiat refummonitio inter heredes & executores querentis & fimiliter heredes aut executores defendentis fi. mors alteram partem preveniat ante placitum ter- minatum. Et cum perveniatur ad magnam di- ftrictionem detur terminus infra quem tres comi- tatus teneantur ad minus in quorum quolibet co- mitatu fiat publica proclamatio quod deforciator veniat ad bancum ad diem in brevi contentum re- fponfurus querenti ad quem diem fi non venerit & proclamatio fie femel fecundo & tertio teftificata fuerit procedatur ad judicium pro querente falvo jure defendentis fi poftmodum inde loqui voluerit. Eodem modo fiat in brevi de tranfgreflione cum uis queritur fe ejecStum fuiffe de hujufmodi cufto- iis. CAP. XXXVI. A Diftrefs taken upon a Suit commenced by others. The Penalty for (C '. rement of Suits. 22 Ed. 3. f. 15. " Fitz. Avowry, a FOrafmuch as Lords of Courts, and other that keep Courts, and Stewards, intending to grieve their Inferiors, where they have no lawful mean fo to do, procure other to move Matters againft them, and to put in Surety and other Pledges, or to pur- ET quia domini curiarum & alii qui curias te- nent & fenefcalli volentes gtavare fubditos fuos cum non habeant legalem viam eos gravandi pro- curant alios movere querelas verfus eos & dare va- dium & offerre plegios vel impetrare hrevia & ad feiStas