Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/157

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A. D. 1285. Anno declmo tertioEDWARDi I. Stat. r. in CAP. XL VIII. In what Cafes the View of Land is grantable, and what not. Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. DE vifu terre ordinatum eft & ftatutum quod decetero non concedatur vifus nifi in cafu quando vifus terre eft neceffarius ficuti fi aliquis amittat tenementum per defakam & ille qui amifit fufcitet aliud breve ad petendum idem tenemen- tum. Et in cafu quando quis per aliquam ex- ceptionem dilatoriam caffat breve poft vifum terre ficut per non tenuram vel male nominando villam vel hujufmodi fi fufcitet aliud breve in hoc cafu & fuperiori decetero non concedatur vifus terre dum- modo habuerit in prioribus brevibus. In brevi de dote cum petitur dos de tenemento quod vir uxor' alienavit tenenti vel ejus antecefTori cum ignorare non debeat tenens quale tenementum vir uxoris alienavit fibi vel anteceffori fuo licet vir non obi- erit feifitus nichilominus tenenti decetero non erit vifus concedendus. In brevi etiam de ingreffu cafTato per hoc quod petens male nominavit in- greffum fi petens fufcitet aliud breve de aliquo Ingreffu ft tenens in priori brevi habuit vifum in fecundo non habebit. In omnibus etiam brevibus per que tenementa petuntur ratione dimiflionis quam petens vel ejus anteceffor fecit tenenti & non anteceffori ficuti quod ei dimifit dum fuit infra etatem non compos mentis in prifona & hmilibus non jaceat decetero vifus fed ft dimiffio facia fuerit anteceffori jaceat decetero vifus ficut prius. FOR View of Land it is ordained and provided, Fitz. View, 5o> That from henceforth View ftiall not be granted 5'- 57. "9> but in cafe when View of Land is neceffary : As if I lS- v . one lofe Land by Default, and he that lofeth, mo- t ' .'j.'T,' /„ veth a Writ to demand the fame Land. And in cafe 67, '102, i'ig, r when one by an Exception dilatory abateth a Writ 119. after the View of the Land, as by Non-tenure, or loH - 7- f> 8 » mifnaming of the Town, or fuch like, if he pur- •479" chafe another Writ, in this Cafe, and in the Cafe before mentioned, from henceforth the View fhall not be granted, if he had View in the firft Writs. (z) In a Writ of Dower, where the Dower in De- mand is of Land that the Hufband aliened to the Te- nant or his Anceftors, where the Tenant ought not to be ignorant what Land the Hufband did aliene to him or his Anceftor, though the Hufband died not feifed, yet from henceforth View fhall not be grant- ed to the Tenant. (3) In a Writ of Entre alfo, that is abated becaufe the Demandant mifnamed the Entre, if the Demandant purchafe another Writ of Entre, if the Tenant had View in the firft Writ, he fhall not have it in the fecond. (4) In all Writs alfo where Lands be demanded by reafon of a Leafe made by the Demandant, or his Anceftor, unto the Te- nant, and not to his Anceftor, as that which he leafed to him, being within Age, not whole of Mind, being in Prifon, and fuch like, View fhall not be granted hereafter; (0 but if the Demife were made to his Anceftor, the View fhall lie as it hath done before.' CAP. XLIX. The Penalty for buying the Title of Land depending in Suit. Law faileth. A Remedy for Suits where the L Ex Cotton MS. E Chaunceller Vcfpaf. B. 7./*/. 39. Treforer ne Ju/lice ne mil Counfeil le Roy ne clerc del Efcheqier ne de Juftice ne de autre Miniflre ne nul del hofliel le Roy clerc ne lay ne puijfe refceivere efglife ne avow/on de efglife ne terre ne tenement nen fee ne par donn ne par achat ne a ferme ne a champert ne en autre manere tant come la cbofe ejl en plee devant le Roy ou devant mil de cez Mini- ftrez ne nul lower nen Jolt pris et qe contre cejle% cho- fez face ou per luy ou per autre ou ?iul bargain face foit puny a la vohmtee le Roy auxibien celluy qe le pur- thacera come celluy qi le fra. HE Chancellor, Treafurer, Juftices, nor any Fits. Cham- J. of the King's Council, no Clerk of the Chan- P"ty, 1, 5, 6, g", eery, nor of the Exchequer, nor of any Juftice or „' I4, *S- other Officer, nor any of the King's Houfe, Clerk "j£; " 7 " ne Lay,, fhall not receive any Church, nor Advow- Add aS'Ws-?.* fon of a Church, Land, nor Tenement in Fee, by Enfbrifd by it- Gift, nor by Purchafe, nor to Farm, nor by Cham- Ed - t-ftat. 3. perty, nor otherwife, fo long as the Thing is in Plea £**«  before us, or before any of our Officers; (2) nor jg? 1 *' fhall take no Reward thereof. (3) And he that doth Raft. 1 191 contrary to this Aft, either himfelf, or by another, or make any Bargain, fhall be punifhed at the King's Pleafure, as well he that purchafeth, as he that doth • r u > See farther yj' Ed. i.ftat. 2& 3, I Ed. %.jiat. ». c. 14. 4 Ed. 3. c. II. so Ed. 3. c. 4. 1 S. 2. c. 4. agaitifi Mamlemnci cud Champerty ; and 32 H. 8. c. 9. againfl Bracery and buying of Tititi, -which farther enforces the Statutes againfl Maintenance and Champerty. CAP. L. No Man fhall depart from the King's Court without Remedy. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. OMnia predicl;a ftatuta incipiant confervarr ad feftum fancli Michaelis proximo futurum ita quod occafione deliftorum contra aliquod predic- torum ftatutorum citra predictum feftum perpetra- torum pena delinquentibus de quibus mentio fit in LL the faid Statutes fhall take EfFecT: at the- Feaft of 'Sit. Michael next coming, fo that by occafion of any Offence done on this Side the faid Feaft, contrary to any of thefe Statutes, no Puniih- ment (Mention whereof is made 1 within thefe Sta- ' tutes)