Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/162

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n6 Statvj, Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. A. D. 1285. The Form of acknowledging of a Statute Merchant. Co. Lit. a! Djter 35. < c c c c Sealing of a Statute. Fitz. Execut. 131. Cro. El. 519. The Creditor's Remedy if the Debtbenotpaid iR.3. f.?. Certificate of the ? Statute into the t Chancery. 4 Fitz. Extent. 79. 37H.6. f.6. ' s c c Within what ' Time the Debtor «  may fell his 1 Land^ 6 Kegilr. 146. Fitz.Ezecut.49, ' 89, 118, 154. ' 4 Co. 67. I Dyer 206. t Fitz. Rjfceit. 27 Ed. 3. flat, 2. t c. 9. fed*. 7. { Wh2tEftate the Merchant (hall have in the Debtor's Lanjf, thirteenth Year of his Reign, caufed the faid Sta- tute made at Atton Burnel to be rehearfed ; (6) and for the Declaration of certain Articles in the Statute aforefaid hath ordained and eftablifhed, That a Mer- chant who will be fure of his Debt, fhall caufe his Debtor to come before the Mayor of London, or'be- fore fome chief Warden of a City, or of another good Town, where the King fhall appoint, (7) and before the Mayor and chief vVarden, or other fuffi- cient Men chofen and fworn thereto, when the Mayor or chief Warden cannot attend, (8) and be- fore one of the Clerks that the King mall thereto aflign, when both cannot attend, he fhall acknow- ledge the Debt and the Day of Payment ; (9) and the Recognifance fhall be inrolled by one of the Clerks Hands being known, and the Roll fhall be double, whereof one Part fhall remain with the Mayor or chief Warden, and the other with the Clerks that thereto fhall be firft named ; (10) and further, one of the faid Clerks with his own Hand fhall write an Obligation, to which Writing the Seal of the Debtor fhall be put with the King's Seal pro- vided for the fame Intent; which Seal mall be of two Pieces, whereof the greater Piece fhall remain in the Cuftody of the Mayor, or the chief Warden, and 'the other Piece in the keeping of the forefaid Clerk. (11) And if the Debtor do not pay at the Day limited unto him, then fhall the Merchant come to the Mayor and Clerk with his Obligation ; (iz) and if it be found by the Roll or Writing, that the Debt was knowledged, and the Day of Payment expired, the Mayor or chief Warden fhall caufe the Body of the Debtor to be taken (if he be LayJ whenfoever he happeiieth to come in their Power, and fhall com- mit him to the Prifon of the Town, if there be any, and he fhall remain there at his own Cofts, until he hath agreed for the Debt. (13) And it is com- manded that the Keeper of the Town Prifon fhall retain him upon the Delivery of the Mayor or War- den ; and if the Keeper fhall not receive him, he fhall be anfwerable for the Debt, if he have where- of; and if he have not whereof, he that committed the Prifon to his keeping fhall anfwer. (14) And if the Debtor cannot be found in the Power of the Mayor, or chief Warden, then fhall the Mayor or chief Warden fend into the Chancery, under the King's Seal, the Recognifance of the Debt ; and the Chancellor fhall direct a Writ unto the Sheriff, in whofe Shire the Debtor fhall be found,' for to take his Body (if he be Lay) and fafely to keep him in Prifon until he hath agreed for the Debt ; (15) and within a Quarter of a Year after that he is- taken, his Chattels fhall be delivered him, fo that by his own. he may levy and pay the Debt; (16} and it fhall be lawful unto him, during the fame Quarter, to fell his Lands and Tenements for the Difcharge of his Debts, and his Sale fhall be good and effectual. (17) And if he do not agree within the Quarter, next after the Quarter expired all the Lands and Goods of the Debtor fhall be delivered unto the Merchant by a reafonable Extent, to hold them until fuch Time as the Debt is wholly levied ; and never- thelefs the Body fhall remain in Prifon as before is faid; (i3) and the Merchant fhall find him Bread and Water, (19) and the Merchant fhall have fuch Seifin in the Lands and Tenements delivered unto » Londres. Gotten MS t Ex Rot. in Turr. Lend, de fun regne troizime fift reciter lavauntdit ftatut fet a Acton Burnell e pur declarer aquns articles de fun ftatut avauntdit ad ordine e eftabli qe mar- chaunt qi veut eftre feure de fa dette face venir fun dettur devaunt le meyre de a Appelby ou de- vaunte autre chief gardeyn de vile ou de autre bone vile ou le rey ordinera e devaunt le meire, ou chief gardein ou autre prodhome a ceo efleu e jure quaunt meire ou chief gardeyn ne poet en- tendre e devaunt un des clers qi le rey a ceo a- tornera quaunt ambodeus ne poent entendre co- nuffe la dette e jour de la paie e feit la conoif- faunce enroullee de la main del un des clers avaunt- diz qi ferra conue e le roule duble dun? le un> demorge vers le meire ou chief gardein e lautre v ers le clerk qi a ceo primes ferra nome e oftre ceo un des avauntdiz clers de fa main face le ef-. crit de obligacion a quel efcrit feit mis le feel deli dettur ove le feel le rey qe a ceo eft purveu le quel feel ferra de deus pieces dunt la greignour piece demoera en la garde le meire ou chief gar- dein e lautre piece en la main le clerk avauntdit. E fi le dettur ne rende al jour qe lui eft affis ft veigne le marchaunt al meyre e al clerk ove fa lettrs de obligacion e fi trove feit par roule ou par lettre qe la dette fuft conue e le jour aflis feit paffe fi face le meyre ou chief gardeyn pren- dre le cors al dettur fil eft lay quel heure qe il feit trove en fon poer 6 liverer a la prifon de la vile fi prifon y feit e la demoerge a fes cuftages propres defqe ataunt qil eit fet gre de la dette. E comaunde eft qe le gardein de la prifon de la vile le reteigne par la livere del meyre ou le gar- deyn e fil ne le voille receivre fi refpoigne mein- tenant le gardein de la prifon de la dette fil eit de qei e £1 nad de qei cy refpoigne celui qi la prifon luy bailla a garder. E fi le dettur ne poet eftre trove en le poer del meyre ou chief gar- dein dunqe maunde le meyre ou chief gardein defuz le feel le rey avauntdit al chaunceler la co- noiffaunce fete de la dette e le chaunceler envoie- bref al vifcunte en qi baillie le dettur ferra trove qil preigne fon cors fil eft lay e en fave prifon- le garde defqe ataunt qil eit fet gre de la dette e dedenz un quarter del an apres ceo qe il ferra pris eit fes chateus e fes terres delivres ifJint qe par les foens puiffe lever e paier la dette e biert luy lift dedenz le quarter terre & tenement ven- der pur fes dettes aquifer e fa vente ferra ferme & eftable. E fil ne face gre dedenz le quarter pane feient liverez au marchaunt tutz les biens del detter e totes fes terres par refhable eftent a . tenir defqe ataunt qe la dette pleinement ferra le- vee e ja le plus tart le cors demoerge en prifon cum avaunt eft dit e le marchaunt luy truiffe pain e ewe e eit le marchaunt en ceuls tenemenz a hit