Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/173

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A.D. 1292. Anno vicefimo Edwardi I. Stat. 3. 127 W HERE one by the King's Writ doth de- mand any Tenements againft Tenant by the Courtefie, in Tail, in Dower, or for The Statute De Defenfione Juris, made 20 Edw. I. Stat. 3. and Anno Dom. 1292. Where a Stranger coming in by a collateral Title, not Party to the Suit, fhall be received. Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. GU M quis per breve domini Regis petat tene- menta verfus tenentem per legem Anglie per feodum talliatum nomine dotis vel alio modo ad terminum vite'vel annomm & petens tan- tum fuerit profecutus quod tenementa fint quafi admittenda & fibi adjudicanda & fuper hoc vene- rit ante judicium redditum aliquis a latere dicens fe habere feodum & jus in tenementis illis & Curie fupplicaverit quod ex quo ante judicium venerit tenementum fuum defenfurus & paratus inde pe- tenti refponfurus quod ad hoc admittatur racione cujufdam ftatuti domini Regis nunc inter cetera ul- tima ftatuta Weftm' editi per quod ftatutum tam nullum jus habentes quam £11 i qui jus habuerunt multotiens in cafu predidto falfo Si in deceptionem Curie fupervenerunt & petierunt fe admitti re- fponfuros ut per admiffionem fuam poflent peten- tes de novo implacitare & fie petentes in Curia Regis in cafu predifto fepius elongantur jure fuo per maliciam fupradiftam de ftatuto predifto fu- pervenientem quam ex jufta caufa aut rationabili prout coram Juftic' multotiens contingit & inveni- tur propter quod dominus Rex ad malitiam pre- di£tam in cafu predifto deftruendam, remedium volens apponere, in pleno parliamento fuo, & de communi confilio fuo, ftatuit & firmiter de cetero videlicet a die lune proxima poft Purificationem beate Virginis anno regni fui vicefimo precepit ob- fervari, quod cum aliquis a latere ante judicium in cafu predicto fupervenerit & petierit fe admitti in- veniet fumcientem fecuritatem prout vifum fuerit curie ad refpondendum petenti de valore exituum tenementi fie admittendi a die quo recipitur refpon- furus ufque diem quo judicium finale fiet fuper pe- titione petentis & fi ille petens demandam fuam recuperet graviter amercietur fi habeat unde & fi non habeat committatur gaole ad voluntatem Re- gis Et fi verificare poterit jus fuum effe tale quale illud aiTeruit quando petiit ipfum admitti eat quie- tus, Sec. Term of Life, or of Years, and the Demandant fueth fo far that the Lands be in Manner recovered, whereupon another, not Party to the Suit, cometh in before Judgement given, and faith, That he hath Fee and Right in thofe Lands, and prayeth the Court, that in. as much as he is come before Judge- ment, ready to defend his Tenement, and to make Anfwer unto the Demandant, that he may be ad- mitted thereunto by Force of a Statute made by the King that now is, amongft other the lafiv Statutes made at Weftminjler ; (z) by which Statute as well fuch as had no Right, as they which had Right,, oftentimes in the Cafe before mentioned, falfly, and in Deceit of the Court did come in, and pray to be received to make Anfwer, that by their Admifiion they might prolong the Demandant from the Judge- ment and Seifin of his Land, and to caufe thofe Demandants to plead of new; and fo the Demand- ants are greatly deferred in' the Cafe aforefaid to re- cover their Right in the King's Court, by reafon of fuch Malice, as well by miftaking of the faid Statute, as for any other Caufe juft and reafonable; and this is ufed and found oftertbefore our Juftices :" Q.) W h " efore our Lord the King, for to withftand 5y r 3 R'. r.fta?.- all fuch Malice in the aforefaid Cafe, and intending '-^17. aRner- to provide a Remedy therein, in his full Parliament* ^° ner ma y he "~ and by his Common Council, hath ordained, and' " > ™ d /) "', a Suit from henceforth commanded ftraitly to be obferved, TultZ!T that is to wir of the Purif, Year of his __. it the forefaid Cafe cometh in by a collateral" Title and defireth to be received, before his Receipt he fhall find fufRcient Surety (as the Court will award) to fatisfie the Demandant of the Value of the Lands fo to be recovered, from the Day that he is received to make Anfwer until the Time that final Judgement be given upon the Petition of the Demandant. (4) And if the Demandant recover his Demand, the De- fendor fhall be grievoufly amerced, if he have where- of; and if he have not, he fhafl be imprifonedat the King's Pleafure. (5) And if he can prove his Right to be as good as he affirmed at fuch. Time as he was received, he (hell go quit.' ST A TUTU M DE MO NET A, 20 Edw. I. Stat. 4, «^_ Cotton MS. Claudius, D. z. * A M„™ r t TR , E les d ™"p s - & ] es P eri !f <l e fount avenuz cea en ariere & purrount aven' de la. J^ Monoye Dengleterre eft iffint ordenez q.l ?oit crie & defendu per le Roi en toute le Roialme en. toutes les villes marchaundes qe nul homme fur grief forfaiture ne foit fi hardy defpendre'mettre ou Kfcerv. autre monoie dautre coigne qe del coigne le Roi Dengleterre Dirland' & Defcoce. » Thefe three Statutes are taken from the Vturmn StatuttrUm jenndo fan. Unrqore