Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/182

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Stat. i. Anno vicefimo feptimo E d w a r d i I. A. D. 1299, 1 & % P. & M. c. 13. B8 Ed. I. flat. I for Perlbns ap- pealed. offended in any Thing contrary to the Form of the forefaid Statute lately made at Weftminjler ; and whom they fhall find guilty, they fhall chaften and punifh in all Things according to the Form of the c - a - , , * Statute aforefaid.' o« 3 /i. 7. c. 3. giving Power to Jitfiices of Peace to let Prifoners to Bail. i6fi?.SfB.(.i 3. giving farther DireBions tofucb jfuftices. Likewife 31 Car. 2. c. 2 igertmi commuted for Treafon or Felony, and not indiBed the next Term ; and A.W.& M. c. 4. ordering that Bail may be taken by "Judge of Affile. CAP. IV. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. nuper apud Weftm' editi deliquerunt et quos inde culpabiles invenerint ipfos in omnibus fecundum formam ftatuti predidti puniant & exigent. §. 7. for hailing Nifi Prius fhall be granted before one of the Juftices of the Court where the Suit is com- menced.

    • Not in Orig.

•f- Read 'whereby as well they as ethers who have nore hands. 3y 12 Ed. 2. flat, 1. c. 3. Pleas of Land .Jhall be taken by Nifi Prius. By 14 Ed. 3. flat. 1. c. 16, i^if Prius may be granted before jfujlice of ano- ther Court than Habere the Suit dependetb. And fee dR.z. fiat. 1. c. 5. 11 R. 2, c. 11. 14 H. 6. r.s. 35 #. S. c. 6. 18 Elix. e, 12. II Geo. 1. c. 31. 24 Geo. 2. c. 18. §. 5. con- taining various^ Regulations 'with regard to Trials <xt Nifi Prius. J3 Ed. 1. flat. I. c.30, " ALSO where we have provided, that none fhall " J~. be impanelled any where out of the Shire " where he is dwelling, in Recognifances, Enquefts, " and Juries, that have lefs than an hundred Shillings " of Land * or Rent, whereby t they that have more " Lands-, by too often appearing as well in our Ex- " chequer, as before our Juftices of either Bench, are " much impoverifhed :'" ' II. We therefore, confidering the intolerable Da-

  • mage of our People, not only for the Difcharge of
  • fuch Jurors, but alfo for the more fpeedy Miniftra-
  • tion of Juftice to all Parties fuing in our Court,

' have provided and ordained, that Enquefts and Re- ' cognifances determinable before Juftices of either ' Bench, from henceforth fhall be taken in Time of ' Vacation before any of the Juftices before whom the ' Plea is brought, being aflbciate with one Knight of ' the fame Shire where fuch Enquefts fhall pafs, unlefs 1 it be an Enqueft that requireth great Examination. I (2) And fo from henceforth in taking fuch Enquefts, ' the Juftices fhall do as to them fhall feem moft ex- ' pedient for the common Utility of our Realm, not- ' withftanding the Statute lately made at Wejlminjler ' upon the taking of fuch Enquefts, containing, that ' if any Enquefts be taken contrary to the Form of the ' faid Statute, they fhould be of none EffecV I Tern cum ftatuerimus quod nullus ponatur ali- cubi extra com' in inquifitionibus recognitioni- bus & juratis aliquibus qui minus quam centum folidatas terre habeat per quod tarn ipfi quam plus terre habentes propter frequentes tam ad Scacca- rium quam coram Juftic' de utroque Banco fum- monitiones depauperantur. Nos tantam intolerabilem populi noftri ja&uram advertentes non folum ad eorumdem juratorum exonerationem fet etiam ad celerem partibus in cur' noftra placitantibus juftitiam exhibendam fta- tuimus & ordinavimus quod inquifitiones & re- cognitiones coram Juftic' de utroque Banco dece- tero adjudicande capiantur tempore vacationis co- ram aliquo Juftic' eorumdem coram quibus placi- tum dedudtum fuerit affociato ill i uno milite com' illiusjubi tales inquifitiones emerferint nifi fuerit inquiiitio magna indigens examinatione. Et fie in hujufmodi inquifitionibus capiendis decetero fiat prout Juftic' ad utilitatem regni noftri potius effe viderint faciendum non obftante ftatuto nuper apud Weftm' fuper inquifitionibus capiendis edito continente quod fi omiffa forma in ftatuto illo or- dinata alique inquifitiones capiantur pro nullis penitus habeantur. Et ideo tibi precipimus fir- quod ftatim & fine miter mjungentes quod itatim & line dilatione aliqua fac' legi & publicari in civitatibus burgis villis mercatoriis & locis aliis folempnibus per totam balli- vam tuam ubi videris expedire omnes articulos fupradidtos ut illos quos conceffimus ac teneri volumus & fir- miter obfervari in forma predicta integre & inconcufle ac omnia & fingula fuprafcripta omnibus fcire fac' in- dilate. T. R. apud Weftm' fecundo die April Ordinatio de Libertatibus perquirendis, made 27 Edw. I. Stat. 2. and Anno Dom. 1299. In what Cafes the Writ of Ad quod dampnum is to be fued. A Commiffion receive Atturneys for fuch as be impleaded. may be granted to In what Cafej the Writ ad quod dampnum ' is to be fued. • Read twentieth. I T is to be known, That the King ordained at Wejlminfter, the firft Day of April, * the Seven and twentieth Year of his Reign, that fuch as would purchafe a new Park, and Men of Religion that would amortife Lands or Tenements, fhould have Writs out of the Chancery to enquire upon Cotton MS. Vefpaftan, B. 7. IJ^AIT aflaver qe le Roy ordeina a Weftm' le i primer jour DaverelP Ian de fon regne xx° qe ceux qe voudreient purchacer novel emparke- ment & gentz de Religion qe vodreient terrez ou te- nementz amortir eient briefe en la Chaunc' pur enquere folom lez pointz acuftumez en tiels chofez a This Note is on the Roll, Conlimlle flarutum ulquc ibi Et ideo tibi precipimus, &c. milium fuit fubferiptis v ; delicct Thefaurario Sc Baro- nibus de Scaccario Rogero de Brabanzoun & fociis fuis Juftic' ad placita R. audienda & terminanda aflignatis Johanni de Metinrbam Sc fncits fuis Juftic' de Banco Regis cum claufula ifta Et ideo vobis mandamus quod cartam prediBam coram vobis in Banco prcdiBo legi & omnes & fingulos er'icules jupradiBet ut illos quos conceffimus & teneri volumus qualenui vtt & panel coram vtbil placitantcs contingunt integre & inconcuffe obfervari facialis. T. R. apud rY'Jim' fecundo die April', Et