Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/207

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A,D. 1307. Anno tricefimo quinto Edwardi I. Stat. 1. 161 Etc Rot. in Tmr. Lond. Confiderans igitur prefatus dominus Rex fibi & populo fuo valde fore dampnofum fi tam grandes jacturas & infolentias fuftineret diutius fub diffimi- latione tranfire volenfque idcirco Monafteria Prio- ratus & alias religioforum domos & loca in regno & terris dominio iuo fubjectis conftituta fecundum voluntatem & pia vota fundatorum ipforum manu- tenere & defendere & contra hujufmodi oppreffio- nes de congruo remedio providere decetero ut tene- tur de confilio Comitum Baronum Magnatum Pro- cerum & aliorum nobilium & regni fui communi- tatis in parliamento fuo apnd Weftm' die Domini- ca proxima poft feftum fancti Mathie apoftoli an- no regni fui tricefimo tertio habito ordinavit & fta- tuit. " II. Wherefore our forefaid Lord the King, con- 3 Eul(tr - 45« 

fidering that it would be very prejudicial to him and
his People if he fhould any longer fuffer fo great

• Loffes and Injuries to be winked at, and therefore • being willing to maintain and defend the Mbnafte-

ries, Priories, and other Religious Houfes erected in
his Kingdom, and in all Lands fubject to his Domi-
nion, * and from henceforth to provide fufficient
Remedy to reform fuch Oppreffions, as he is bound," * Add "eoriing

by the Counfel of his Earls, Barons, Great Men, 1 *"™""" 1 , 1 1 t 1 1 r 1 ■ T7-- I • 1 • t-i !• pious Intentions of and other Nobles of his Kingdom in his .Parliament their Founders. holden at We/iminfter, f in the five and thirtieth f Add on the Year of his Reign, hath ordained and enacted, Lord's Day next after the Feafl of St- Mai hew the AfefUc.

Read three. Confirmed by 5 Ed. 3. c, 3. 

CAP. II. Religious Perfons {hall fend nothing to their Superiors beyond the Sea. NEquis Abbas Prior Magifter Cuftos feu quivis alius religiofus cujufcumque conditionis feu ftatus aut religionis exiftat fub poteftate & ditione fua conftitutus cenfum aliquem per fuperiores fuos Abbates Priores Magifiros Cuftodes Religiofarum domorum vel locorum impofterum vel inter feipfos aliqualiter ordinatum extra regnum & dominium Ilium fub nomine redditus tallagii apporti feu im- pofitionis cujufcumque vel alias nomine efcambii venditionis mutui vel alterius contractus quocum- que nomine cenfeatur per fe vel per mercatores aut alios clam vel palam arte vel ingenio deferat vel tranfmittat feu deferri faciat quoquomodo nee eti- am ad partes exteras fe divertat caufa vifitationis aut alio colore quefito ut fie bona monafteriorum & domorum fuarum extra regnum & dominium predictum adducat. Et fi quis contra prefens fta- tutum venire prefumpferit confiderata qualitate de- licti & regie prohibitionis penfato contemptu gra- viter puniatur. THAT no Abbot, Prior, Matter, Warden, or other Religious Perfon, of whatfoever Condi- tion, State, or Religion he be, being under the King's Power or Jurifdiction, fhall by himfelf, or by Mer- chants or others, fecretly or openly, by any Device or Means, carry or fend, or by any Means caufe to be fent, any Tax impofed by the Abbots, Priors, Matters or Wardens of Religious Houfes their Supe- riors,, or affefled amongft themfelves, out of his King- dom and his Dominion, under the Name of a Rent, Tallage, or any kind of Impofition, or otherwife by the way of Exchange, mutual Sale, or other Con- tract howfoever it may be termed ; (2) neither fhall depart into any other Country for Vifitation, or upon any other Colour, by that Means to carry the Goods of their Monafteries and Houfes out of the Kingdom and Dominion aforefaid. (3) And if any will pre- fume to offend this prefent Statute, he fhall be grie- voufly punifhed according to the Quality of his Of- Confirmed by fence, and according to his Contempt of the King's 4 E< J. 3- c. 6. P.„I,;i,:.-:„„ > And farther by 5 Ed. 3. c. 3. Prohibition.' CAP. III. No Impofitions fhall be taxed by Priors Aliens. PReterea inhibet prefatus dominus Rex omnibus &fingulis AbbatibusPrioribusMagiftrisCufto- <3ibus religiofarum domorum & locorum alienige- nis quorum poteftati fubjectioni & obedientie de- rmis eorundem ordinum in regno Sz dominio fuo exiftentes fubduntur ne decetero tallagia cenfus impofitiones apporta feu alia quecumque onera ali- quibus monafteriis prioratibus feu aliis domibus re- ligions eis ut predicitur fie fubjectis imponant vel faciant aliqualiter aflidere & hoc fub forisfactura omnium que in poteftate fua optinent & forisfacere poterunt in futurum. Oreover, our forefaid Lord the King doth in- ji - s hibit all and fingular Abbots, Priors, Matters, and Governors of Religious Houfes and Places, being Aliens, to whole Authority, Subjection, and Obe- dience the Houfes of the fame Orders in his King- dom and Dominion be fubject, that they do not at any Time hereafter impofe, or by any Means affefs any Tallages, Payments, Charges, or other Burdens whatfoever, upon the Monafteries, Priories, or other Religious Houfes in Subjection unto them (as is afore- faid) and that upon Pain of all that they have or may forfeit.' CAP. IV. By whom the common Seal of an Abbey fhall be kept, and how ufed. ET infuper ordinavit dominus Rex & ftatuit quod Abbates Ciftercien' & Premonttraten' ordinum & aliorum religioforum quorum figillum in cuftodia Abbatis & non Conventus prius refi- V01. 1. ND further, our Lord the King hath ordained The Comiron _ andeftablifhed, That the Abbots of the Orders Seals of Abbeys ' of Cejiercienfes and Premonftratenfes, and other Reli- 8 Co ' II8, ' gious Orders, whofe Seal hath heretofore been ufed y ' to .