Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/215

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A.D. 1315* Arino nono Edwardi II. Stat. t. 169 c A P. IX. Diftrefles fhalhnot be taken in the Highways, nor in the ancient Fees of the Church; Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. ITEM miniftri domini Regis ut vicecomites & alii ingrediuntur feodum ecclefie ad diftridtiones faciend' & aliquando capiunt animalia Rec~torum in via regia quando non habent nifi terram pertinen- tem ad ecclefiam. Refponfio. Placet domino regi ne decetero diftricliones fiant hujufmodi nee in via 1 regia nee in feodis quibus olim. ecclefie funt dotate vult tamen diftricliones fieri in poffeflionibus de no- vo a perfonis ecclefiafticis adquifitis. " A LSO the King's Officers, as Sheriffs and other, 2 i n ft,6-- " x. do enter into the Fees of the Church to take " Diftrefles, and fometime they take the Parfon's Beafts " in the King's Highway, where they have nothing • " but the Land belonging to the Church." (2) The Anfvjer. ' The King's Pleafure is, That from hence- ' forth fiieh Diftrefles fhall neither be taken in the

King's Highway, nor in the Fees wherewith Churches 

' in Times paft have been indowed ; nevertheless he ' willeth Diftrefles to be taken in Poffeflions of the c -Church-newly purchafed by Ecclefiaftical Perfons.' ^*J?j v ' 3', CAP. X. They that abjure the Realm fhall be in-Peaee, fb long-as they be in the Church or Highway. ITEM quandoqtle aliqiti corifugientes 'ad'-'eccle- fiam abjurant terram fecundum regni qonfuetu- dinem & profequuntur laici eos vel inimici eorum & a publica ftrata abftrahuntur & fufpenduntur vel ftatim decapitantur & dum funt in ecclefia cufto- diuntur per armatos infra cimiterium !& quandoque infra ecclefiam ita arffe quod non poffunt ex'ire 1'0'H cum facrum caufa fuperflui ponderis deponendi nee permittitur eis neceflaria vi£tui miriiftrari. Refpon/io. Qui terram abjurarunt dum funt in ftrata publica funt in pace regis n,ec decent ab al.iquo mpleftari et dum funt in ecclefia cuftodes eorum non debent morari infra cimiterium nifi neceflitas vel evafionis periculum hoc requirat. ' Nee arcentur eonfugi dum funt ineeclefia quin poflint habere vite necef- faria & exire libere pro obfeeno pondere deponendo. Placet etiam domino Regi ut latrones appellators quandocumque voluerint poflint faqerdotibus fua facinora confiteri fet caveant confefibres ne erronee hujufinodi appellatores informent, A L S O where fome flying unto the Church, ab-zlnft. 62S. jure the Realm, according to the Cuftom of ' the Realm, and Lay-men or their Enemies do pur-

fue them, and pluck them from the King's Highway,

■ and they are hanged or "headed ; and whilft they be

in. the "Church, are kept in the Church-yard with

1 armed Men,. and fometime in the Church, fo ftrait-

ly, that they, cannot "depart from, the hallowed

Grou'nd to empty their Belly, and cannot be fuffered

to have Neceflafies brought unto them for their Li-
ving." (z) The Anfiver. ' They that abjure the

Realm, fo long as they be in the Common Way, fhall be in the King's Peace, nor ought to be difturb- ed of any Man; a'rid when' they "be "in the Church, their Keepers ought not to abide in the Church-yard, except Neceffity or Peril of Efcape do require fo. (-3) And fo long as they be in the Church, they fhall Repealed h not be compelled to flee away, but they fhall have Neceffaries - for their Living, and may go forth to empty their Belly. (4) And the King's Pleafure is, that Thieves or Appellors (whenfoever they will) may confers their Offences unto Priefts; but let the ConfefloFs beware that they do not erroneoufly inform fuch Appellors.' c 25. 21 JaCi 1. c. 2$. rak:s azuay all Sanctuaries ivt. aimer* CAP. XI. Religious Houfes fhall not be charged by Compuifion with Corodies, Penfions, Refort, or taking of their Horfes or Carts. ITEM petitur quod dominusRex & regni Mag- nates non onerent domos religiofas vel ecclefi- afticas perfonas pro corrodiis penfionibus vel pre- hendinationibus faciendis in domibus religiofis & aliis locis ecclefiafticis carecHs & equis fibi mitten- dis cum per hoc predifte domus depauperentur cul- tufque divinus in hac parte diminuatur et propter hujufmodi onera compelluntur fepiffime prefbyteri & alii miniftri ecclefiaftici divinis officiis deputati a locis recedere fupradictis. Refponfio. Placet do- mino Regi quod fuper contends in petitione decete- ro indebite non onerentur. Et fi per magnates aut alios contra fiat habeantinde remedium juxta for- roam ftatutorum tempore domini E, Regis patris Vol, I. LS O it is defired that our Lord the King, and 2 i n a, C25, _,_the Great Men of the Realm do not charge Religious Houfes, or Spiritual Perfons, for Corodies, " Penfions, or fojourning in Religious Houfes, and " other Places of the Church, or with taking up Horfe " or Carts, whereby fuch Houfes are impoverished, " and God's Service diminifhed, and, by reafon of " fuch Charges, Priefts, and other Minifters of the " Church deputed unto Divine Service, are oftentimes " compelled to depart from the Places aforefaid." .(z) The Anfvjer. ' The'King's Pleafure is, That upon the ' Contents in their Petition, from henceforth they c fhall not be unduly charged. {) And if the con- 3 Ed. 1. ' trary be done by great Men or other, they fhall have ' Remedy after the Form of the Statutes made in the . 5 Time of King Edward, Father to the King that 25 ' now