Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/221

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A. D. 13 1 8. Anno duodecimo Edwardi II. Stat. 1. 175 Ex Rot. in Tun. Lond. les enqueues & les reconifaunces devant Juftices del un Bank & del autre ajugez fuiftent prifes de- vant afcun des Juftices des places aflocie a li un Chivaler du Counte em les enqueftes ferreient a prendre ft les enquefts ne fuiflent de grant exami - nement & qe en tieles enqueftes prendre fuft fait ficom les Juftices verroient qe feift a fere au profit du Roialme le quel eftatut ad befoigne deftre meuz declare Acorde eft qe les enqueftes &juretz qe font & ferront a prendre en plee de terre qe ne font mie de grant examinement foient prifes en pays devant un Juftice de la place ou le pie eft aflocie a li un prodhome du pays Chevaler ou autre Iflint qe cer- tain jour feit done en Bank & certein jour & leu en pays en prefence des parties ft demaundaunt le prie. Et auft les enqueftes & jurez en plai de terre qe demaundent grant examinement foient prifes en pays en la fourme fufdite devant deus Juftices du Bank. now is, that Inquefts and Recognifances taken before Juftices of the one Bench and of the other, fhould be taken before any Juftice of the Places accom- panied with fome Knight of the Shire where fuch Inqirdts hap to be taken, if they have not Need of great Examination; (2) and that in fuch In- quefts the Juftices fhall do as they think moft expedi- ent for the Wealth of the Realm, the which Statute needeth to be better declared;" ' (3) it is agreed, Co.Lit. 6. That Inquefts and Juries that be and fhall be taken *f '4 Ed - "' in Pleas of Land, that require not great Examina- ^/•'„'^ fl ' r p er . tion, fliall be taken in the Country before a Juftice (i„ s tnjiPiiut of the Place where the Plea is, accompanied with a nay be granted. fubftantial Man of the Country, Knight, or other, fo that a certain Day be given in the Bench, and a certain Day and Place in the Country, in the Pre- fence of the Parties, if the Demandant requeft it. (4) And alfo the Inquefts and Juries, in Pleas of Land that require great Examination, fhall be taken in the Country (in the Manner abovefaidj before Raft - 4$7«  two Juftices of the Bench.' C A P. IV. TuRices of Niji Prim fhall record Nonfuits, Defaults, We. ET eit la Juftice ou les Juftices poer a recorder nonfutes & defautes en pays as jour Sz lieus qe ferront afilgriez com defuz eft dit. Et ceo qil averont fait en les chofes fufdites feit reporte en Bank a jour done & illoeqs enroule h de ceo juge- ment rendu. Et nentent mie le Roi qe les dites enqueftes & jurez ne puiflent eftre prifes en Bank ft ele veignent ne qe ceft eftatut feftent a grant affi- fes.- Et aufi une Juftice del un Bank & de lautre aflocie a ltii un prddhornme du pays Chevaler ou autre al requeftedu pleintif preigne les enqueftes des pledz pledez & a pleder qe font movez par at- tachementz & deftrefces Et eyt poer de recorder les nonfutes com defus eft dift & prendre les enqueftes par defautes illoeq-s faites. - Et qant a les affiles de Dreiin prefent & les enqueftes fur bref de Qiiare impedit prendre feit fait com' il efticontenutz en le fecund eftatut de Weftm' Et eyt la Juftice poer de recorder nonfutes & defautes en pays & fur ceo jugement. doner com en Bank & foit reporte en Bank ceo qe il avera fait Si illoeqs feit enroule. Et ft iflint aveigne qe les Juftices ou la Juftice qe fer- ront ou ferra affigne de prendre tieles enqueftes en pays ne veignent pas ou ne veigne en pays au jour affigne jadumeyns les parties & les gentz del en- quefte gardent lour jour en Bank. AND the Juftices or Juftice fhall have Power to D yer ,5^ record "N onfuits and Defaults in the Country, at the Days and Places affigned, as afore is faid. (zj And that which they fhall have done in the Things above mentioned, fhall be reported in the Bench at a Day certain, there to be inrolled, and thereupon Judgement fhall be given. (3) And the King in- tendeth not, that the faid Inquefts and Juries fhould not be taken in the Bench if they come, nor that this Statute fhould extend unto great Affifes. (4.) And alfo one Juftice of the one Place and of the other, being aflocrate with a difcreet Man of the Country, Knight, or other, at the Requeft of the Plaintiff, fhall take Inquefts upon Pleas pleaded and to be plead- ed, that be moved by Attatchment and Diftrefs, and- fhall have Power to record Nonfuits as above is faid, and to take Inquefts upon Defaults there made. (5) And as to the Inquefts to be taken upon Writs of i3.l?d. 1. flat. t. Shiare impedit^ it fhall be done as is contained in the c - 3°- Statute of Wejlmi-nfter the Second ; and the Juftices- B 3 '4^.j.ft 3 t. fhall have Power to record Nonfuits and Defaults in V^ ■'" the Country, and to give Judgement thereupon, as judgement in they do in the Bench, and there to report that which Suare impedit,. they have done, and there to be inrolled. (6) And & c - if it happen, that the Juftice or Juftices that fhall be afligned to take fuch Inquefts iiT the" Country, do not come, or if they come into the Country at the Day afligned, yet the Parties and Perfons of fuch Inquefts- fhall keep their Day in the Bench.' CAP. V. An Indenture fhall be made between the Sheriff and Bailiff of Liberty of every Return'. ND becaufe it is many Times complained in" Co the King's Court upon Returns, that BsilifFs 2 Roi ET pur ceo qe fovenere pleintead efte fait en la Court le Roi qe les retourns qe baillifs des fraunchifes qe unt pleyn retourn des briefs le Roi unt liverez as vifcontes apres unt efte chaungez & en autre manere retournez en la Court le Roi a grant damage des afcuns des parties & en delayance de droiture Acorde eft qe des retourns qe defore fe ferront as vifcontes par baillifs. des tieles fraunchi- 3 41; ' m, ' of Franchifes (having full Power to return the King's a 9, 110. ' Writs) have delivered- to Sheriffs, that have been

after changed, and otherwife returned into the King's
Court, to the great Damage of fome of the Parti s r
and the Delay of Right;" ' (-2) it is agreed, That

of Returns which hereafter fhall be delivered to the-' " Sheriffs-