Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/222

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176 Stat, & Anno duodecimo E.DWARfPiH. A. D. 1318. 'Sro. El, 310, 5°9> 7°3> 767- Cro. Car. 1&9. 3 Bulftr. 73. 'Sro. Return de Brief, Si. Bro. Scire fac'/ l™' „■ , Sheriffs and Bailiffs (hall 6t -their Names to thair Returns. tCarthsw, 56. ' S"hefifFs 'by Bailiffs of fuch Fra"nchifes, an Indenture ' ihall be made between the Bailiff of the Franchife ' by his proper Name, and the Sheriff by his proper ' Name. (3/ And if any Sheriff change the Return ' fo delivered to him by Indenture, and be thereof con- I vicl at the Suit of the Lord of the Franchife, of ' whom he received the Return, if the Lord have had ' any Damage, or if his Franchife be imblemifhed, ' and at the Suit of the Party that hath fuftained Lofs 4 through that Occafion, he fhall be punifhed by the ' King for his falfe Return, and fhall yield unto the ' Lord and to the Party double Damages. (4) Alfo it ' is agreed, That from henceforth Sheriffs, and other ' Bailiffs that receive the King's Writs returnable in ' his Court, fhall put their own Names with the Re- ' turns, fo that the Court may know of whom they ' took fuch Returns, if need be. (5) And if any ' Sheriff or other Bailiff leave out his Name in his ' Returns, he fhall be grievoufly amerced to the King's ' U-fe.' .Ex Rot. in Tun. Lond. fes foit fake endenture plenere entre Ie bailiif de la fraunchife nome par fon propre noun Sc le vifcoun- te nome par fon propre. noun. Et fi nul vifcounte chaunge retourn iffint livere a li par endenture & de ceo feit atteint a la fute le Seignur de la fraun- chife dont il avera tiel retourn refceu ill le Seig- nur avera damage encoru ou fa fraunchife feit en- blemie & a la fute de la partie qe avera damage en- corue par eel encheifon feit puni de vers le Roi com de faus return & rende au Seignur & a la par- tie damage a double. Auffint eft acorde qe defore Vifcontes & autr'es Baillifs qe refceivent brefs le Roi returnables en fa court mettent leur propres noum ove leur returnes iffint qe le court puiffe-favoir a qi prendre des tieux returns fi meftier feit. Et fi nul vifconte ou autre bailiif en fes returns entreleffe fon noun- feit grevement amercie al oeps le Roi. jByGR. i.,/?.;r. 1. ' c, 9. mViH uallcr < ^fhall cxcKife a ju- > dicialPfhce, ©V. , Altered by ^R.a.c.ix, ami ' 3H.&.C.8. Reglft. <?4. Rail, 6S5. C A P. VI. No Officer of a City or Borough fhall fell Wine or Vicluals during his Office. LSO to the common Profit of the People, it is agreed, That no Officer in City or in Borough, that by Reafon of his Office ought to keep Affifes of Wines and Vicluals, fo long as he is Attendant to that Office, fliall not merchandife for Wines nor Vicluals, neither in Grofs, nor by Retale; (2) and if any do, and be thereof convidl, the Merchandife -whereof he is convicl fhall be forfeit to the King, and the third Part thereof fhall be delivered to the Party that fued the Offender, as the King's Gift. (3) And in fuch Cafe he that will fue for a Thing fo forfeited, fhall be received ; (4) and the Chan- cellor, Treafurer, Barons of the Exchequer, Jufti- ces of either Bench, and Juftices affigned to take Affifes, fhall admit fuch Plaints by Writs, and with- out Writs, and fhall determine them, and fhall per- form all Things contained in thefe Articles in Form lid. (5) And neverthelefs the King may a tices to execute this Thing in C Boroughs, when and where it pleafeth him.' f- fign his Juftices to execute this Thing in Cities and ENfement por comun profit du poeple acorde eft qe nul miniftre en crte ne en burgh qi par refon de fon office deit garder affife des vins & des vitailles tant com il ferra entendaunt a tiel office ne marchaunde des vins ne des vitailles en gros ne a retail Et fi nul face & de ceo foit atteint la mar- chaundie dunt il ferra atteint foit forfake au Roi & la tierce partie feit livere come de donn le Roi a celi a qi fute le trefpailbur ferra iffint ateint. Et en tieu cas feit refceu celi qe vodra fure por tieu chofe ateindre & Chauncellej Treaforer Barons del Efcheker Juftices delun Bank &de lautre & Juftices affignetz as affifes prendre refceivent tieux pleintes par brief & fans bref & Ies terminent & perfacent totes les chofes contenues en ceft article en la four- me avantdite. Et jadimeyns put le Roi affigner fes Juftices a cefte chofe perfere en cites & en burghs qant & la ou il plerra. EX dileclis & fidelibus fuis Henrico le Scrop & fociisfuis Juftic' noftris ad placita coram nobis tenenda' affignatis falutem. Quedam ftatuta per nos in prefenti parliamento noftro apud Ebor'um convocato de affenfu prelatorum comitum baronum & totius communitatis regni noftri ibidem exiftentium adcornmunem utilitatem populi ejufdem regni edita vobis mittimus fub figillo noftro confignata mandantes quatenus ftatuta ilia coram vobis publicari Sc ea in omnibus & fingulis fuis articulis quantum ad vos pertinet firmiter teneri faciatis. T. R. apud Ebor'um primo die Decembr'. Per ipfum Regem. ' E Rci au Vifcountez dEverwyk faluz. Come nadgeres entre autre e ftatutz faitz a noflre drein parlement _> a Everwyk feuffe accordeez & faitz les eftabliffementz qe fenfuent Por ceo qe fovenere pleinte ad ejle fahe en la court le Roi &c. ut fupra ufque in finem vos comandons qe les ditz pointz enfi eftabliz facetz publier en voftre plein countee e en cites e en burghs & aillors en voftre baillie ou vous verretz qil foit afaire & les teig- netz & gardez tant qe come a vous apent fur les peines fufecrites. Donez a Everwyk le oytifme jour de Ja- nevoif. Eodem rnodo mandatum ejl fmpulis vicecomitibus per Angliam. Diiiia ftatuta pojimodum miJJ'afuerunt in Hiberniam lit in brevi fuljeripto continetur & liber ata fuerunt Godcfrido filio Rogeri una cum difto brevi deferend'. EX Cancellario fuo Hibernie falutem. Quedam ftatuta per nos in parliamento noftro apud Ebor' con- V vocato de affenfu Prelatorum Comitum Baronum & totius communitatis regni noftri ibidem exiftentium ad communem utilitatem populi ejufdem regni acterre noftre Hibernie edita vobis fub figillo noftro mittimus confignata mandantes quod ftatuta ilia in dicla cancellaria noftra cuftodiri ac in rotulis ejufdem cancellarie irrotulari & fub figillo noftro quo utimur in Hibernia. in forma patenti exemplincari & ad fingulas placeas no-> 4- ftras