Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/250

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204. C. 9— 11 Anno quarto Edward 1 III. A. D. 1330. CAP. IX. Sheriffs, Bailiffs of Hundreds, and Efcheators, fhall have fufficient in the County. q.Ti. 2. flat 2. 3 Ed. 3. c. 4. 13 & 14 Car. a. c. 21. noho pall be Sheriffs; and of ivhat Eflate they pall it. TEM it is accorded, That no Sheriff, Bailiff of Hundred, Wapentake, nor of Franchife, nor Under-Efcheators, fhall be from henceforth, except he- have Lands fufficient in the Place where they be Minifters, whereof to anfwer the King and his Peo- ple, in cafe that any Man complain againft them, as it was ordained at another Time at the Parliament holdcn at Lincoln, in the Time of the King's P'ather that now is, that is to fay, in the Ninth Year of his Reign.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM eft acorde qe nul vifcountbaillif de hun- dred wapentak ne de fraunchife ne foutzefche- tours ne foit defore fil neit terre fuffifaument es lieus ou ils font miniftres dont refpoundre au Roi & au poeple en cas fi home vodra pleindre devers eux come autrefoitz fut ordene au parlement de Nicole en temps le piere noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft ceft affavoir Ian de fon regne noefifme. C A P. X. Sheriffs and Gaolers fhall' receive Offenders without taking any thing,' TEM, Whereas in Times paft, Sheriffs and Gaolers of Gaols would not receive Thieves, Perfons appealed, indicated, or found with the Mi- ner, taken and attached by the Conftables. and Town- fhips, without taking great Fines and Ranforas of them for their Receit, whereby the faid Conftables and Townfhips have been unwilling to take Thieves and Felons, becaufe of fuch extream Charges, and the Thieves and the Felons the more encouraged to offend;" * (2) it is enacted., That the Sheriffs and Gaolers fhall receive and fafely keep in Prifon from 4 henceforth fuch Thieves and Felons, by the Deli- 1 very of the Conftables and Townfhips, without ta- " king any thing for the Receit. And the Juftices af-

  • figned to deliver the Gaol, fhall have Power to hear

' their Complaints that will complain upon the She- 4 riffs and Gaolers in fuch Cafe, and moreover to pu- «. nifh the Sheriffs and Gaolers if they be found guilty.' TEM par la ou avant ces houres vifcountes ft gaolers de gaoles nount pas volu receyvre les- larons appellez enditez ou trovez ove meyn oevre- pris & attachez par les coneftables & villeez fanz. grevoufe fyns & raunceons aprendre de eux pur la receite par quel les ditz coneftables & villeez ont efte plus efchuz aprendre les larouns & felons pur tieles outrageoufes charges & les larouns & felouns plus efbaudiz a meffaire fi eft acorde qe les vifcoun- tes & gaolers receyvent & falvement gardent en prifone defore tieux larouns & felouns par le livere des ditz coneftables & villeez fanz riens prendre pur la receite. Et qe les Juftices affignez a deli- verer les gaoles eient poair doier les pleintes de ceux qi fe vodront pleindre fur les vifcountes & gaolers- en tieu cas & outre a punir les vifcountes & gaoler* fils foient trovez coupables. CAP. XI. Juftices of Affifes, &c. fhall enquire of Maintainers, Confpirators, and Champertors." yEi. I. c. 28 &? " 33: 13 Ed. 1. " flat. I. c. 49. " it Ed. I. ftaf. 3. a c. II. 33 Ed. I> c flat. 3. 1 Ed.. 3, flat. 2. c. 14. Enforced by 20 * Ed. 3. 04. iR. t 2. c. 4.. 7 R. 2. c e. 15. And fee iz H. 8. c. 9. •which farther eefircei the .Sta- i tulti againfl 6 Maintenance, < Adjournment of Suits. Reg.ft. lgS; «  F. N.B;ns.H. «  Rtgifl, J83. 1 RdH. 11.9, t ITEM, Where in Times paft divers People of the Realm, as well great Men as other, have made Alliances, Confederacies, and Confpiracies,. to main- tain Parties, Pleas, and Quarrels, whereby divers have been wrongfully difinherited, and fome ran- fomed and deftroyed, and fome for fear to be maim- ed and beaten, durft not fue for their Right, nor complain, nor the Jurors of Inquefts give their Ver- dicts, to the great Hurt of the People, and Slander of the Law, and common Right;" l (2) it is., ac- corded, That the Juftices of the one Bench and of the other, and the Juftices of Affifes, whensoever they come to hold their Seffions, or to take Inquefts upon Nifi prius, fhall enquire, hear, and determine, as well at the King's Suit, as at the Suit of the Par- ty, of fuch Maintainers, Bearers and Confpirators, and alfo ofthem that commit Champerty, and of all other Things contained in the forefaid Article, as well' as Juftices in Eyre fhould do if they were in the fame County. (3) And that which cannot be deter- mined before the Juftices of the one Bench or the other upon the Ni/i prius, for Shortnefs of Time, fhall be adjournecl into the Place whereof they "be Juftices, and there be determined as Right and Rea- fc-n fhall require*.' ITEM pur ceo qe avant ces houres plufours? gentz du Roialme auxibien grantz come autres. ount fait alliaunces confederacies & confpiracies a. meyntenir parties pleez & quereles par ount plu- fours gentz ount efte atort defheritez & afcuns. rientz & deftruz & afcuns pur doute deftre mahei- mez & batuz noferent pas feuyr lour droit ne plein- dre ne les jurours des enqueftes lour verditz dire a. grant damage du poeple & areriffement de la Iei'ft de commune droit fi eft acorde qe les Juftices del un-Baunk & del autre & les Juftices as affifes pren- dre affignez a totes les foitz qil vendront a faire lour feffions ou a prendre enqueftes fur Nifi prius enquergent oient & terminent auxibien a la feute-: le Roi come a la feute de partie fur tieux meynte- nours emparnours & confpiratours & auxint de champartours & des totes autres chofes contenuz en le dit article auxiavant come Juftices de eyre ferroient fils fuiffent en rneifme le countee. Et ceo qe ne poet eftre termine devant les Juftices del un Baunk ou de lautre fur le Nifi prius pur brefte de. lour demoer en pais feit ajournee en les places dont ils font Juftices & illoeqes terminee felonc droit & refon. C AK.