Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/273

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A.D. 1340. Anno decimo quarto Edward 1 III. Stat. 1. Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. fpoundre a touz fil mefpreigne. £t fi nul autre foit en tiel office foit remue & autre covenable mys en fon lieu. ' the fame County, whereof he nlay anfwer to all Per- ' fons if he offend. And if any other be in the fame ' Office, he fhall be removed, and another convenient ' fet in his Place.' 227 CAP. XII. Bufhels and Weights fhall be made and fent into every County. ITEM come il foit contenuz en la Grande Char- tre qe une mefure & un poys foit par my toute Engleterre & auxint contenuz foit en un effatut fait el temps le Roi Edward aiel le Roi qoreft qe nul ne vende par buffel fil ne foit merche du leal le Roi & qil foit acordant a leftandard le Roi et auxint y eft contenuz qe celui qe ferra atteint qil eit double mefure ceft aflaver un plus grande pur achater & un autre meindre pur vendre foit em- prifone come faufour & grevement puny queles chofes nent my efte tenuz ne ufez puis les ditz efta- bliffementz a grant grevance du poeple fi eft affen- tuz & acorde qe defore en avant un mefure & un pois foit parmy toute Engleterre & qe le Treforer face faire certaines eftandardz de buflel de galon de poys darreifne & les face mander en chefcune coun- tee par la ou tielx eftandardz ne font pas avant ces hures mandez & fur cei foient affignez deux bons & fuffifantz en chefcun counte & plus folonc ceo qe la countee eft graun 1 . de furveer auffibien deinz franchife come dehors qe les mefures & les poys foient acordantz a les eftandardz & qils eient poair denquere oyer & terminer & de punir touz ceux qe ferront trovez en coupe et qe les vifcountes a lour mandement les receivent &les reteinent en prifone tanqe ils eint fait fin au Roi. Et foit oy chefcun qe pleindre fe voudra de tieux qe mefparnent en vendant ou en achatant auffibien pur le Roi come pur lui mefmes. Et qe les ditz affignez liverent lour eftretes chefc- un an a lendemeyn Seint Michel a Lefcheqer & priegnent pur lour defpens la quarte partie de ce qils pount lever & refpoigncnt au Roi de les trois parties & de ce qe ne poet eftre leve avant lour pro- fre foit la quart partie allowe a eux a Lefcheqer & les trois parties levez al oeps le Roi. Et neft pas lentention le Roi qe le clerc du marchee ne face fon office par la ou il vendra felonc ce qil foleit faire avant ces hures ne qe'Ies Seignurs des fraun- chifes ne foient ouftkz de lour franchifes par caufe de ceft eftabliffement. flat. 1. c. 2. i$Ed. 3. c. 5 & 6. flat. 1. <:. 1 J. fee. I. FEM, Where it is contained in the Great Char- 9 h. 3. ih±. 1. ter, that one Meafure and one Weight bee. it. throughout England; (2) and alfo it is contained in 5 1 f'-i-J 1 " 1 - »■ a Statute made in the Time of King Edward, s ' ' 1 ' Grandfather to the King that now is, that none fhall fell by the Bufhel, if it be not marked with the King's Seal, and that it be according to the King's Standard; (3) and alfo it is contained, that he which fhall be attainted for having double Meafure, that is to fay, one greater to buy, and another lefs 27 Ed. 3. flat. 2. to fell, fhall be imprifoned as falfe, and grievoufly c. 10. inflieis punifhed ; which Things have not been hold.en nor P"y l 'y m Qf- ufed after the faid Eftablifhment, to the great Grief "g"-j; n *" ' of the People;" ' (4) it is afTented and accorded, p ift or . c 8,' That from henceforth one Meafure and one Weight ante 187. fhall be throughout the Realm of England; (5) and that the Treasurer caufe to be made certain Stan- dards of Buftiels, Gallons, of Weights of *Auncel, * Erafs. and fend the fame into every County where fuch Standards be not fent before this Time; (6) and thereupon fhall be affigned two good and fufficient Perfons in every County, and more, according as the County in Greatnefs requireth, to furvey as well within Franchife as without, that the Meafures and the Weights be according to the Standard, and that they have Power to inquire, hear, and determine, and to punifh all thofe that fhall be found thereof guilty; (7) and that the Sheriffs at their Command- ments receive and detain them in Prifon till they have made Fine to the-King. (S) And every Perfon that will complain of fuch as co offend m Buying or Sel- ling fhall be heard, as well for the King, as for him- felf.' ' II. And that the faid Afngnes fhall deliver their Eftreates every Year in the Morrow of Saint Michael} at the Exchequer, and take for their the fourth Part of that which they may levy, and anfwer to the King the three Parts ; (2) and of that which may not be levied before their Profer, the fourth Part fhall be allowed to them at the Exchequer, and. the three Parts levied to the King's Ufe, (3) And it is ^ cj e 3 r k 7 o£ not the King's Mind, but that the Clerk of the t he Market. ' Market fhall do his Office where he will, according See fan ter am- as he was wont to do in Times paft; (4) nor the "rm»g ifc'gbt Lords of Franchifes fhall not be oufted of their Fran- Xjid^ w £ chifes by the Occafion of this Ordinance.' V.10. 'i is/:*'. 13 R, a, c. 9. 15.K, 2. f.4. 8 H. 6. e. 3. 11H.7.C.4. 12 H. 7. c. 5, 16 Car. i, c. 19, zz'Car. a,.{. 8_.«a«f lil««> C A P. XIII. Efcheators fhall make no Wafte in the Lands of the King's Wards. A Ward fhall have an Aftion of Wafte againft his Guardian. 7TEM come en la Grande Chartre foit contenuz qe apres la mort des aunceftres qe tiegnent du Roi en 9 H. 3. Pat. 1. A chief & des queux les heirs font deinz age qe leRoi face garder les terres fanz waft & deftruftion & c -4. 5- 6 Ed. 1. les rend entierement a les heirs quant ils vendront a la plein age & encountre Dieu & droit & les ditz efta-^'j^ £ £, t . bliiTementz les efchetours & autres as queux les terres de tieux heirs ount efte commis out fait waft & dc- c lg _' 3 ' 6Ei '^ ftruclion a grant mefchief auffibien des heirs des Countes Barons & autres grantz come dautrei qe tiegnent c . , } , ■ ■ G g 2 du