Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/310

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s-64 jStat S' Anno vlcefimo quinto Edwardi III. A. D. 1350. c a p.. IX. Auncel Weight fhall be put out, and Weighing fhall be by equal Balance. 34. Ed. 3. c. 5. Meafures pall be according to the King's Stan- dard. 27 Ed. 3. c. 10. snfiiels Penalty on him tabo does not lueigb by equal Balance, Enforced and emended by j; R.I. fiat. J. c.j, J 5 R.z. c, " ITEM, Whereas great Damage and Deceit is " JL done to the People, for that divers Merchants •" ufe to buy and weigh Woolls and other Merchan- " difes, by a Weight which is called Auncel-" 'it is ' accorded and eftablifhed, That this Weight, called ' Auncel betwixt Buyers and Sellers, fhall be wholly ' put out ; (2) and that every Perfon do fell and buy ' by the Balance, fo that the Balance be even, and the ' Woolls and other Merchandizes evenly weighed by ' right "Weight, fo that the Sack of Wooll weigh no ' more but xxvl. Stones, and every Stone to weigh ' xiv. I. and that the Beam of the Balance do not bow ' more to the one Part than to the other ; (3) and that ' the Weight be according to the Standard of the Ex-

  • chequer. (4) And if any Buyer do the contrary, he

' fhall be grievoufly punifhed, as well at the Suit of the ' Party, as at the Suit of our Lord the King.' 4, SH.6.C5. jlH.7,c,4. izH. 7. c. 5. and 16 Car. 1. c. 19. 2S Car. 2. c. S, 22 &z-$ Car. 2. c. 12. I Ann.jlat. 1, c. i$.fect. I, Ex Rot.- in Turr. Lond. ENfement pur ce qe tres grant damage & defceit eft fait au poeple par tant qe plufours mar- chantz ufent dachater & poifer leines & autres marchandifes par une pois qeft appelle AunfelT Acorde eft & eftabli qe celle pois appelle Aunfell' entre achatour et vendour foit del tout ofte & qe chefcun vend & achat par balances iffint qe les ba- lances foient owels & les leines & autres marchan- difes owelment poifez par droit pois & qe le falc de leine ne poife qe vint & fys peres & chefcun pere poife quatorze livres & qe leftater de la balance ne encline ne a lune partie ne al autre & qe le pois foit acordant al eftandard del Efcheker. Et fi nul achatour faCe al encontre foit grevoufement puny fibien a la feute de partie come a la feute noftre Seignur le Roi. C A P. X. Every Meafure fhall be according to the King's Standard ; and fhall be finked without Heap; faving the Rents of Lords. 9S.3. fiafe«, " TTEM, Whereas it is contained in the Great £ ' 2 S- " J. Charter, that one Meafure fhall be throughout ' ' England, which Charter hath not been well kept and " holden in this Point in Times pair. ;" ' (2) it is ac- ' corded and aftented, That all the Meafures, that is

  • to fay, Bufhels, Half-bufhels, Peck, Gallon, Pottle,
  • . and Quart, throughout England, within Franchifes

' and without, fhali be according to the King's Stari- ' dard; (3) and the Quarter fhali contain Eight Bu- ' fhels by the Standard, and no more. (4) And every

  • Meafure of Corn fhall be ftriken without Heap,

' faving the Rents and Ferms of Lords, which fhall be -' meafured by fuch Meafures as they were wont in ' Times paft. (5) And the Purveyors of the King, of ' the Queen, and all other, fhall make their Purvey- ' ances by the fame Meafure ftriked in the fame Man- ner, and at all Times that fhall be needful. (6)

  • And our Lord the King fhall affign certain Juftices

in every County to inquire, hear, and determine up- on the Points aforefaid, and upon the fame to do Punifhment according to the Trefpafs, as well at the Party's Suit, as at the King's ; (7) fo always, that all Manner of Franchifes be faved to the Lords in all Points without Blemiih to be made in any Manner.'

  • Oirut the

Word and. Juftices fhall inquire of and punifh the Of- fenders. 4.Fd. 3. c. 6. J ^ See the Re- . ferences to the JhregoingCbapter* 3 .Read c. 4. Uxint come contenue foit en la Grande Cbar- tre qe une mefure foit ufee parmy tout En- gleterre la quele chartre nad mie efte tenu bien ea ceo point avant fes heures fi eft acorde & affentu-qe toua. les mefures ceft afavoir bufiel dimid' buffel & peck galon potel & quart par toute Engleterre deinz franchife & dehors foient acordauntz al eftan- dard noftre Seignur le Roi & contiegne le quartre oet buffelx par leftandard & nient pluis. Et foit chefcune mefure de blee rafe fanz comble fauvez les rentes h fermes des Seignurs queles foient me- fures par tiele mefure come eles foleient avant ces heures. Et facent les purveours le Roi ma dame la Roigne & touz autres lours purveahces par meifmes> les mefures rafes & en meifme lamanere Et a toutes les foitz qe meftier ferra Noftre Seignur le Roi aflignera certeines Juftices en chefcune countee denqueer & doier & terminer fur les pointz fuifditz & de faire fur ce due puniffement folonc chefcun trefpas fibien a la feute de partie come a la feute le Roi. Iflint totes foitz qe toutes maneres des fran- chifes foient fauvez as Seignurs en toutz pointz faunz nul emblemifTement ent faire en quecumqe man ere. CAP. XI. Aid to make the King's Son Knight, or to marry his Daughter. 3 Ed. 1. c 36. T? Stre ceo acorde eft & afTentu qe renable eid pur faire leifne fitz le Roi chivaler & fa ei/hefce fill maiier JQ, foit demande & leve folonc la forme del eftatut ent fait & nemie en autre manere ceft aflavoir de chef- r cun fee tenue du Roi faunz meen vint fouldz & nient plus & de chefcun vint livree de terre tenue du Roi /. f aunz meen en fokage vint fouldz & nient plus. c. 2»f. ° l C A P.