Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/313

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A. E>. I35°» Anno vicefimo quinto Edwardi III. Stat. 5, 267 Ex Rot, in Turr. Lond. me la manere deliverent les monoies quant eles ferront faitz par pois & nemie par nombre faunz nully targer. Weight; and in the fame Manner mail deliver the Money when it mail be made by Weight, and not by Number, without any tarrying.' CAP. XXI. The King's Butlers fhall purvey no more Wine than fhall be appointed. Stre ce come avant ces heures les botiller? noftre Seignur le Roi & lours deputees fo- leient prendre & parnent de jour en autre moult •plus des vyns par colour de lour office al oeps no- ilre Seignur le Roi qil ne bofoigneroit des queux les plus fiebles ils deliverent al oeps noftre Seignur le Roi •& les meillours en grant nombre ils retie- enent devers eux a vendre & a faire ent lour pro- fit & a la foitz ils relefl'ent as marchantz ces qils •ount pris de eux pur fines & dounes qils prei- gnent de meiimes- les marchantz par extorfion en grant damage & empoverifTement des ditz mar- chantz fi eft acorde & eftabli qe le Senefchal del Hoftiel le Roi & le Treforer de la Garderobe mandent as touz les portz dEngleterre la ou vyns font a prendre al oeps le Roi le certein nombre qe le botiller prendra en chefcun port ft qe rien foit pris outre eel nombre & qe meir & baillifs ■des ditz portz certifient les ditz Senefchal & Tre- forer le nombre des toneux iffint prifes par le bo- tiller ou les lieutenantz fouz les feals des ditz meir •& bailiifs & par endenture faite entre eux & les parnours des ditz vines. Et en cas qil foit trove qe le botiller ou fes lieu tenantz preignent plus ou preignent lower de nully ou delaie nully par colour de fon office come par areft face gre de double a la partie & foit oufte de fon office & eit la prifon & foit reint a la volunte le Roi & le Roi affignera fes Juftices quant lui plcrra denquere fur ceftes chofes & refpoigne le botiller fibien pur fes deputees come pur lui meiimes la ou ils ne font mie fufficeantz. TEM, Whereas before this Time the King's Butlers and their Deputies were wont to take, ' and daily do take, much more Wine, by Colour of ' their Office, to the King's Ufe, than they fhall need,

whereof the worft they deliver to the King's Ufe,

' and the beft in great Number they retain to them- ' felves, to fell and make thereof their Profit ; and ' fometime they releafe to Merchants that which they ' have taken of them, for Fines and Gifts, which ' they take of the fame Merchants by Extortion, to ' the great Damage and Impoverifhment of the faid ' Merchants;" ' (2) it is accorded, That the Stew- ard of the King's Houfe, and Treafurer of the Ward- robe, (hall fend to all the Ports of England, where Wines be to be taken to the King's Ufe, the certain Number which the Butler fhall take in every Port, fo that nothing be taken over this Number ; (3) and that the Mayor and Bailiffs of the faid Ports certify the faid Steward and Treafurer of the Number of all the Tuns fo taken by the Butler or his Lieutenant, under the Seal of the faid Mayor and Bailiffs, by In- dentures made betwixt them and the Takers of the faid Wines. (4) And in cafe that it be found, that the Butler or his Lieutenant take more, or take lee- ward of any, or delay any by Colour of his Office, as by Arreft, he fhall make Gree to the Party of the double, and fhall be put out of his Office, and- have Irnprifonment, and be ranfomed at the King's Will. '5) And the King fhall affign his Juftices when it all pleafe him, to enquire upon thefe Things ; (6) And the Butler fhall anfwer as well for his De- puties as for himfelf, where they be not fufficient.' fi Enforced By 43 Ed. 3. c. 3." sJmendcd by 6 Geo, I. c. 12. C A P. XXII. He that purchafeth a Provifion in Rome for an Abbey, fhall be out of the King's Protection, and any Man may do. with him as with the King's Enemy. AUxint pur ce qe afcuns purchacent a la Court de Rome provifions davoir abbeies & priories en Engle- Confirmed by terre en definition du Roialme & de feinte religion acorde eft & afientue qe chefcun qe purchafe tieles 33 Ed. ^.fiat. 2. provifions dabbeie ou de^ priorie qe lui et fes executours et procuratours qe fuent et fount execution de tieles • '•. provifions foient hors de la protection noftre Seignur le Roi et qe homme puffe faire de lui. come de enemy p r " ■? , du Roi et du Roialme et qe celui qe face contre tiels provifours en corps ou biens ou en autres pofTefiions Iji] 1 c,^' foit excufe devers touz gentz et par tant ne foit james greve nempefchee au feute de nully. CAP. XXIII. The Debt of a Lombard unpaid fhall be fatisfied by his Company. AUxint pur ce qe plufurs gentz du Roialme qont fait contractes ove Lumbardz qe font nomez des com- B. paignies demorantz en meifme le Roialme queux Lombardz apres qils ount fait lours obligations a lours creanfours fe font fodeinement efchapez hors du Roialme faunz gre faire a les ditz creanfours en deceit et grant damage du poeple acorde eft et affentuz qe fi nul marchant de compaignie conue fe oblige par la manere qe la compaignie refpoigne de la dette iffint qe autre marchant qi neft mie de la compaignie ne foit par tant grevez nempefchez. 16 R. a. c. 5. and altcu' ;1 gg 5 Eliz, c. I, • R De proclamations Statuti, EX yicecomiti Kantii falutem. Quedam ftatuta in parliamento noftro apud Weftm' in fefto faneYi Hil- larii proximo pretcrito convocato per nos prelatos duces comites barones et alios de communicate regni M m a noitri