Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/316

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270 Stat. 6. Anno vicefimo quinto Edwardi III. A. D. 1350. Elections of the Dignities of the Church lhall be free, as they were fuMiled. Citrons and Founders of the Dignities of the Church, and their Heirs, lhall have the Collation or Pre- fentation to them beingvoid. 9 H. 3. flat. 1. c 33- 31H.4. f.37, 59' 7 6> Where the Pope maketh Provi- sion to a Dignity of the Church, the King ihall prefent. 44Ed.3-f.3fr The Penalties of ihofe ■■■;. ch ty Prorifio' - from Rome do daily do happen to the Church of England by the faidCaufe;" * (3) by the Affent of all the Great Men and the Commonalty of the faid Realm, to the Honour of God, and Profit of the faid Church of England, and of all his Realm, hath ordered and itablifhed, That the free Elections of Archbifhops, Bifhops, and all other Dignities and Benefices elec- tive in England, {hall hold from henceforth in the Manner as they were granted by the King's Progeni- tors, and the Anceftors of other Lords, Founders of the faid Dignities and other Benefices. (4) And that all Prelates and other People of holy Church, which have Advowfons of any Benefices of the King's Gift, or of any of his Progenitors, or of other Lords and Donors, to do Divine Services, and other Char- ges thereof ordained, fhall have their Collations and Prefentments freely to the fame, in the Manner as they were enfeoffed by their Donors. (5) And in cafe that Refervation, Collation, or Provifion be made by the Court of Rome, of any Archbifhoprick, Bifhoprick, Dignity, or other Benefice, in Difturb- ance of the free Elections, Collations, or Prefenta- tions aforenamed, that at the fame Time of the Voidance, that fuch Refervations, Collations, and Provifions ought to take Effect, our Lord the King and his Heirs lhall have and enjoy for the fame Time the Collations to the Archbiihopncks and other Dig- nities elective, which be of his Advowry, fuch as his Progenitors had before that free Election was granted, fince that the Election was firft granted by the King's Progenitors upon a certain Form and Condition, as to demand Licence of the King to chufe, and after the Election to have his Royal Af- fent, and not in other Manner; which Conditions not kept, the Thing ought by Reafon to refort to his firft Nature. ' IV. And if any fuch Refervation, Provifion, or Collation be made of any Houfe of Religion of the King's Advowry, in Difturbance of free Election, our Sovereign Lord the King, and his Heirs, fhall have for that Time the Collation to give this Dignity to a convenient Perfon. (2) And in cafe that Col- lation, Refervation, or Provifion be made by the Court of Rome of any Church, Prebend, or other Benefices, which be of the Advowry of People of holy Church, whereof the King is Advowee Para- mount immediate, that at the fame Time of the Voidance, at which Time the Collation, Referva- tion, or Provifion ought to take Effect: as afore is faid, the King and his Heirs thereof fhall have the Pre- fentment or Collation for that Time. (3 J And fo from time to time, whenfoever fuch People of holy Church fhall be difturbed of their Prefentments or ' Collations, by fuch Refervations, Collations, or Pro«- viiions, as afore is faid ; faving to them the Right of their Advowfons and their Prefentments, when no Collation or Provifion of the Court of Rome is thereof made, where that the faid People of holy Church fhall or will to the fame Benefices prefent or make Collation ; and that their Prefentees may enjoy the Effect of their Collations or Prefentments. (4) And in the fame Manner every other Lord, of what Con- dition that he be, fhall have the Collations or Pre- sentments to the Houfcs of Religion which be of his Advowry, and other Benefices of holy Church which be pertaining to the fame Houfcs. (5) And if fuch I, vov. • zs do not prefent to fuch Benefices within the half Year after fuch Voidances, nor the Bifhop of the Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. de fon dit roialme Al honur de Dieu et profit de la dite eglife dEngleterre et de tut fon roialme ad ordine et eftabli qe les franches elections des Erce- vefchees Evefchees et tutes autres dignites et bene- fices electifs en Engleterre fetiegnentdefore en ma- nere come eles feurent grantes par les progenitours noflre dit Seignur le Roi et par les aunceftres dau- tres Seignurs foundes. Et qe touz prelatz et autres gentz de feinte eglife qi ont avowefons de que- conqes benefices des douns noftre Seignur le Roi et de fes progenitours ou dautres Seignurs et do- nours pur faire divines fervices et autres charges ent ordines eient lour collations et prefentementz fran- chement en manere come ils eftoient feffes parlour donours. Et en cas qe dafcune Ercevefchee Evef- chee dignite ou autre quecunqe benefice foit refer- vation collation ou provifion faite par la court de Rome en deftourbance des elections collations oa prefentations fufnomes qe a meifme les temps des voidances qe tieles refervations collations et provi- fions deufent prendre effeit qe a meifme la void- ance noftre Seignur le Roi et fes heirs eient et en- joicent pur cele foitz les collations as Ercevefchees Evefchees et autres dignites electives qe font de fa- vowerie autieles come fes progenitours avoient avant qe franche election feuft graunte deficome les elec- tions feurent primes grantez par les progenitours le Roi fur certeines forme et condition come a deman- derduRoi conge de eflir et puis apres la election da- ver fon affent roial et nemye en autre manere les queles conditions nyent gardez la chofe doit par refon refortir a fa primere nature. Et qe ft dafcune mefon de religion del avowerie le Roi foit tiele refervation collation ou provifion faite en deftourbance de franche election eit noftre Seignur le Roi et fes heirs a cele foitz la collation a doner cele dignite a perfone covenable. Et en cas qe refervation collation ou provifion foit faite a la court de Rome de nule eglife provende ou autre benefice qe font del avowerie des genz de feinte efglife dont le Roi eft avowe paramount immediat qe a mefme le temps de voidance a quel temps la refervation collation ou provifion deufent prendre effeit come defus eft dit qe le Roi et fes heirs de ce eient le prefentement ou collation a cele foitz. Et iffint de temps en temps a totes les foitz qe tieles gentz de feinte eglife ferront deftourbez de lour prefentementz ou collations par tieles refervations collations ou provifions come defus eft dit Sauvee a eux le droit de lour avowefons & prefentementz Sant nul collation ou provifion de la court de .ome ent ne foit faite ou qe les dites gentz de feinte efglife ofent & vuillent a les bene- fices preienter ou collation faire & lour prefentees puiflent leffeit de lour collations & prefentementz enjoier. Et en meifme la manere eit chefcun autre Seignur de quel condition qil foit les prefentementz ou collations a les mefons de religion qe font de favowric & as benefices de feinte eglife qe font apurtenantz a vneifmes les mefons. Et fi tiJs a- vowes ne prefentent point a tieles benefices deinz le demy an apres tieles voidances ne levefqe de lieu ne la doune par laps de temps deinz un moi^ apres le demy an qe adonqes lc Roi eit ent les prefente- mentz