Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/346

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3oo J — 3- Affliu tricefimo quarto Edwardi III. A. D. 1360.' ed within any Seigniories, for the Mifchiefs and Op- preffions which have been done to the People by fuch Inquiries, fhall ceafe utterly and be repealed; (10) and that Fines, which are to be made before Juftices for a Trefpafs done by any Perfon, be reafonable and juft, having Regard to the Quantity of the Trefpafs, and the Caufes for which they be made.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. conqes pur les mefchiefs & oppreflions qe ont efle faites au poeple par tieles enquerres ceffent outre- ment & foient repellez et qe fins qe font affaire de- vant Juftices pur trefpas fait par afcune perfone foient refonables & juftes eant regard au quantite du trefpas & les caufes pur queles eles font faites. Fines for Tref- paffes fliall be reafonable. 9 //. .fts>t, 1. V. 14. 3 Ed. 1. c. 6. AMfie 1 W. & M. fcjp. 2. c.z. declaring excejfivc Fines and cruel Punifhments to be illegal; and liiewife Grants of Fines before ConvitTton. See farther for the Qualification and Duty 'of Juftices of the Peace, iiR. z. r. 10, 2 H. 5-fiat. 1. c. 4. 1ZH.6.C.11. lEd.^.c.z. 1 Ji. 3. (, 3, 3 H. 7. c. i. 4^7. r.Ia. iM.Jlat.z. c.S. 1 &2 P. & M. c. 13. 2 & 3 P. & M. c. 10. 7 Jac. 1. c. 5. 21 J/tc. 1. c. 12. 6Gej. 1. c.ii.fefl. 10. gGeo.i.c.y. s Geo'.i. c 1% ^ tcj. 15 Geo. 2. c. 24. iSGeo.z. c.ii. 18 Geo.z. c. 20. 23 Geo. 2. c, 26. z^Geo. 2. c. m& 55. 26 Gcs, 2, c. 146? 27. 27 Geo. 2. c. 16 fifio, awi 30 Geo. z, c, 24. CAP. II. No Purveyance fliall be made but for the King, the Queen, and the King's eldeft Son, Enforced by 36 Ed. 3. c. 2. Olf. by 12 Car. 2. c. 24. ITEM it is accorded, That Taking fliall not be from henceforth made by other than the Purvey- ors of the King, of the Queen, and of the Prince their eldeft Son; and that if any other Man's Pur- veyors make fuch Takings, it fhall be done of them as of People which do without Warrant, and their Deed judged as a Thing done againft the Peace and the Law of the Land ; and fuch as do make them- felves Purveyors in fuch Manner fhall be duly pu- nifhed.' ITEM acorde eft qe prifes defore ne foient faites i. par autres qe par les purveours le Roi ma Dame la Roine & le Prince lour eifne filtz & qe fi purveours des autres facent tieu prifes foit fait de eux come des gentz qi fount fanz garaunt & lour fait jugge come chofe faite contre la pees & la ley de la terre & foient tieux qi fe fount purveours en la manere fuifdit duement puniz. CAP. III. When Things purveyed for the Queen and Prince fhall be paid for. 'TEM des purveances faites al oeps la Royne & du Prince du polaill & dautres meinz chofes foit paie- L ment fait en poigne fur la prife & des autres groffes purveances deinz le mois ou fis fimaignes es countees ou ils ferront prifes & qe le nombre de tieux purveours foit abregge en tant come bonement purra pur eide & See tbefongoing quiete du commune poeple. Chapter, CAP. IV. What Sort of People fhall be returned upon every Jury. I J^Ed, i.fat.i. c. 38. 21 Ed. I. flat. 1. 28 Ed. 1. flat. 3. c. 9. 20 Ed. 3. c. 6. See 42 Ed. 3.

1 TEM, Becaufe that the Sheriffs and other Mini-
I fters often do array their Panels in all Manner of
Inquefts of People procured, and moft far off from
the Counties, which have no Knowledge of the Deed

' whereof the Inqueft fhall be taken;" ' (2) it is ac- corded, That fuch Panels fhall be made of the next People, which fhall not be fufpeft nor procured; (3) and that the Sheriffs, Coroners, and other Mi- nifters which do againft the fame fhall be punifhed before the Juftices that take the faid Inqueft, accord- ing to the Quantity of their Trefpafs, as well againft the King as againft the Party, for the Quantity of the Damage which he hath fuffered in fuch Man- ITEM por ce qe vifcontes & autres miniffres fo- vent arraient lour panels en tote manere den- queftes des gentz procurez & pluis lointifs du countee qi nont coniffance du fet dount lenquefte ferra prife, Acorde eft qe tieu paneles foient faites des plus profcheins gentz qi ne font pas fufpeftes ne procurez & qe les vifcontes coroners & autres miniftres qi font a lencontrer foient puniz devant les Juftices qi la dite enquefte prendra felonc la quantite de leur trefpas fibien devers le Roi come devers la partie pur la quantite du damage qil ad fuffert en tieu manere. iR. 3. 3 Geo. 2 f.4. .*5<

  • ner.

II H. 7. C.2I. 4 Geo. 2. c. 7. 4H. %.c. 3. 5& 8.r. 5. 6 Geo. 2. c. 37. 24 Geo. 2. 23 H. 8. c. 13. 35 H. 2.c.6. 27 Elis.c. 6. 4 £f 5 W. & M. c. 24. 7 & 8 W. 3. c. %i, . 18. and 29 Geo. 2. c. 19. providing farther for the Qualification of Jurors. Regift, 117, 178. CAP. V. Auncel Weight fliall be put out. Buying and felling fhall be by equal Balance. a^Ed. 3. flat. 5.' c 9 . [uftices of the c Peace fliall in- ( quire of Weights _nnd Meafures. ITEM it is accorded, That they which fhall be afligned to keep the Peace fhall have Power to in- quire of Meafures, and alfo of Weights, according to the Statute thereof made the five and twentieth Year of the Reign of our Lord the King, (2) where- in is contained the Form that followeth :' " Where- as very great Damage, &c. as in 25 Edvj. 3. flat. 5. c. 9. viae fol. 264." 4 ITEM eft acorde qe ceux qi ferront aflignez de garder la pees eient poair denquere des mefures & auxint des pois felonc leftatut ent fait Ian du regne noftre Seignur le Roi vint & quint en quel eft contenu la forme qe fenfuit ' Porce qe Sec. prout in flat. 25 Edw. 3. flat. 5. c. 9. vide fol. 264. CAP.