Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/352

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,o6 Anno tricdimo quinto Edwardi III. A. D. 1360.

  • Price.
  • Ad! ivbo.

•f Nit in 0: ig. | Tides. || Tides. - All Perfons may buy Herring in the Fair. time at Great Yar- mouth^ openly, and not privily. No Man mall enter into a Bar- gain of Herring until the firft Chapman h:*th done with it. AFifnermay Tell his Herring at any Time when he cometh with ' it. ^ Tide. For farther T.e- gulat'.oni concern- ing Herrings, &C. fltC 22 Ed. 4- 16,17, & I?. and 31 Gen, a. c " have for his Part upon the * taking, after the Rate " of the fame Merchandifes fo fold; (5) and the faid " Sale fhall be made from the Sun-rifing till the Sun " going down, and not before nor after; (6) and that " no Hoftelers, nor other, buy Herring to hang in his " Houfe by Covin, nor in other Manner, at an higher " Price the Laft than forty Shillings : (7) Nevertheless, " becaufe it is fhewed to us and to our Council by " Petition in this prefent Parliament, that the Sale of " Herring is much decayed, and the People greatly " endamaged by the Points aforefaid, that is to fay, " that many Merchants coming to the Fair, as well " Labourers and Servants, as other, do bargain for " Herring, and every of them by Malice and Envy " increafe upon other, and if one proffer forty Shil-

  • ' ling, another will proffer ten Shillings more, and

" the third fixty Shillings, and fo every one furmount- " eth other in the Bargain, and fuch Proffers extend " to more than the Price of the Herring upon which " the Fifhers profered it to fell at the Beginning : (8) " And when every Man * claimeth his Part of the " Herring for the Price accorded, be f fhall have his " Part ? and the Herring fhall be fo divided amongft " them, that theFifher is fo much grieved and delayed " in the gathering of his Money, that he fhould de- " mand of fo many Perfons, that he leefeth his J Mart " and the Advantage of his Fifhing; (9) and alfo

  • ,' herein, that no frefh Herring is put to Sale but from

" the Sun-rifing till the Sun going down, and not be- " fore nor after, which is to the great Lofs of Fifhers, " and appairing of the Herring, and Damage of the " People that fhall buy the fame; for the i ifhing is " more by Night than by Day, and often it chanceth, " that the Fifhers be fo long and fo charged, that they " come to the Town after Sun going down, or little " before, fo that they cannot fell their Herring in the " Time for the Sale limited, fo that they muff, abide " all the Night and the Day after upon the Sale of " their Herring, and lofe many || Marts and Profits of " their Fifhing:" ' (10) We perceiving the Mifchiefs ' and Grievances aforefaid, by the Advice and A/lent ' of our Parliament^ will and grant, that it fhall be ' lawful to every Man, of what Condition that he be, ' Merchant or other, to buy Herring openly, and not ' privily, at fuch Price as may be agreed betwixt him ' and the Seller of the fame Herring; (1 1) and that no ' Man enter in Bargain upon the buying of the fame, ' till he that firft cometh to bargain fhall have an End 1 of his Bargain- agreeable to the Seller, and that none ' increafe upon other during the firft Bargain, upon ' Pain of Forfeiture to us the double of his Proffer, 4 but every Man fhall have the Herring fo bought ac- ' cording to the Bargain thereof made. (12) And that 4 every Fifher may deliver and fell his Herring and ' Fifh at every fl Mart, when he cometh to the faid ' Town of Great Yarmouth, without any Difturbance ' or Impeachment, notwithftanding any Ordinance ' made to the conti ary before this Time. In Witnefs ' whereof we have caufed thefe our Letters Patents to ' be made. Given at We/lminjier the twentieth Day of February, in the five and thirtieth Year of our Reign of England.' c.i. 11 S. 7. *. 2 3. 5 El. c. $.fec. 6 & 7. 13 Fl. c. 11. fee. 5. jeCar.i c,Ann.c.%. arl.%, e^Geo. I, c. 18. % Geo. I. c, 4 £f 16. 3 Gr«. %„(, to.jec, 30. Cotton MS. lafferant de mefmes les marchandifes iffint vendues & ferroit la dite vente.faite de folail levant tanqe a folail refcours & nemie devant napres Si qe nul hofte nautre nachatereit harang pur pendre en me- lon par covine nen autre manere plus haut le laft de qarant foldz et nientmeinz pur ceo qe monftre eft a nous & a noftre confeil par petition en ceft prefent parlement qe la vente de harang eft mout encherri & le poeple grantement endamage per les pointz fufditz ceft affavoir qe plufurs marchantz venantz a la feire fibien laborers Si fervantz come autres bargainent le harang & chefcun de eux par malice Si par envie encreft fur autre & fl un profre qarant foldz un autre profre dys foldz plus & le tiertz feifant foldz & iffint chefcun furmount autre en le bargaine tiels profres fe extendent a plus qe* le pris del harang pur quel le pefcheour lentendift a vendre a comencement Si quaunt chefcun qe cla- mera part del harang pur le pris acorde avera fa part & le harang ferra iffint departi entre eux le pefcheour eft tanie greve & tarie pur la coillet de fon argent quel il demanderoit des tantes perfones qil perde fes marrez & lavantage de fa pefcherie & auffint en ceo qe nul harang frefch ne foit mis a vent fors de folail levant tanqe a folail refcours Si noun pas devant napres ceo eft a grante perte des pefcheurs & apeirement del harang & damage dir poeple qe lachata qar le pefcherie eft plus par nuyt qe par jour & fovent avient qe les pefcheours font ft loins Si fi chargez qil viegnent a la ville apres le folail refcours ou poi devant iffint qils ne purront lour harang vendre au temps fur ceo limite fi qe ir lour couviendra demorer tout la nuyt & le jour apres fur la vente de lour harang & perderont plu- feurs marrez Si le profit de lour pefcherie nous at- tendantz les grevances Si mefchiefs avantditz par avis Si affent de noftre dit parlement volons & grantons qe bien life a chefcun homme de quel condition qil foit marchant ou autre dachatre ha- rang en apert et non pas privement a tiel pris come purra eftre acorde entre lui & le vendour de mefme le harang & qe nul entre en bargain fur lachate de harang tant come celui qe vient primer pur bar- gainer avera fini fon bargain greable a vendour Sz qe nulli profre encrees fur autre durant le primer bargain fur peine de forfaire devers nous le double de fon profre mes eit chefcun le harang iffint achate folom fon bargain ent faite. Et qe chefcun pef- cheour peuffe vendre & deliverer fon harang Si peffon a chefcun marre quant il viendra a la dite ville de Grande Jernemuth fanz afcun deftourbance ou empefchement nient contrefteant nulle orde- nance avant ces houres faite au contraire. En tef- moignance de quelle chofe nous avons fait faire ceftes noz lettres patentes. Don' a Weftm' le vin- tifme jour de Feverer Ian de noftre regne trente quint. Per ipfum E.egem Si Concilium in parliamento. H 16. 5 TV. & M. c. 7 26 Geo. a. c. 5 ST 9, fee. to. 9 & 10 W. 3. c. 44./«r«  28 Geo. z. c 14. 29 Geo. 2. c,z%t Statutes