Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/385

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A. D. 1377. Anno primo Richardi It. C. 15, 339 Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. areftuz purveue toutfoitz qe les dites gentz de feint eglife ne fe tiegnent deinz les eglifes ou fandtuaries par fraude ou collufion en afcun manere. Et pur ce vous mandons qe toutes les dites eftatutz facez crier et publier et fermement tener parmy voftre bailly felonc la forme et tenure dicelles et ce ne lef- fez en afcun manere. Don' par tefmoignance de noftre grande feal a Weftm' le primer jour de Fe- verer Ian de noftre regne primer. ' be ranfomed at the King's Will, and make Gree to ' the Parties fo arrefted ; *?3) provided always, That Brown!, 301, ' the faid People of holy Church fhall not hold them ' within the Churches or Sanctuaries by Fraud or Col- ' lufion in any Manner. (4) And therefore we com- ' mand, That thou caufe all the faid Statutes to be ' cried and publifhed, and firmly kept through thy ' Bailiwick, according to the Form and Tenour there- ' of, and that do not omit in any wife. Given under ' the Witnefs of our Great Seal the firft Dayof.Fo ' bruary, in the firft Year of our Reign.' Conjimiles litera diriguntur Jingulis vicecomitibus per Angliam fub eadem data. Statutes mads at Gloucefter, Anno 2 Rich. II. Stat. 1. and Anno Dom. 1378. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 24. LE Roi a vifcont de Kent faluz. Savoir vous faceons qe a noftre parlement tenuz a Glou- ceftre le Mefkerdy profchein apres le feft de feint Luk darrein paffe entre autres chofes illoeqes affentuz et accordez eftoient faitz certeins eftatutz et ordinances fibien pur commune profit come par maintenance de la paix deins noftre dit Roialme en Ja forme qenfuyt. S UR Lord the King, at his Parliament holden at Gloucefter the IVednefday next after the Feaft of St. Luke, the fecond Year of his Reign, amongft other Things there afTented and ac- corded, hath made certain Statutes and Ordinances-, as well for the common Profit of the Realm, as for the Maintenance of the Peace of his faid Realm, in the Form following." CAP. I. All Merchants may buy and fell within the Realm without Difturbance. h eignur le " $? of the noble King Edward, ( hi PRimerement pur ce qe avant ces heures en temps le noble Roy E. aiel noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft en fes parlementz tenuz a Everwyk et Weftm' et auxint a noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft en ceft prefent parliament grante pleinte ad efte faite de ceo qe en plufours citees burghs portz de meer et autres lieux deinz le Roialme dEngleterre grauntes damages et outrageoufes dureces eftoient et unqore font faitz au P>.oi et a tout fon Roialme paries citeins burgeys et autres gentz, des citees burghs et dautres villes et lieux defl'ufdites qi na- "Voient foeffert ne unqore foeffrent marchantz eft-ran- ges nautres qi amefnent carient ou portent par meer et par terre vyns avoir de pois vivres vitailles et au- tres chofes vendablcs necefiiirs et profitables fibien pur le Roi les Prelatz et Seignurs come pur tout la commune de la terre vendreou bailler les ditz vyns vivres vitailles ne les autres chofes venaables as au- tres qe a eux mefmes des citees burghs portz de meer & les autres lieux as queux yceux vines vi- tailles ou autres chofes, vendabl n s furent & font amefnezcariez ou portezl& par tant fi eient efte & unqore font mefmes les chofes mifes Sc venduz au Roi as Seignurs & a fon dit poeple en & par les mains des citeins burgeis & autres gentz deinzeins a trop grant & exceffive chierte outre ce qils euf- fent efte fi les marchantz eftranges & autres qe fount venir tiels chofes deins le Roialme les pur- roient franchement avoir venduz aqi qils voufifient nauxint ont volue foeffrer ne unqore foeffrent les marchantz eftranges queux viegnent & vorroient venir deinz le Roialme pur achater des leyns & dau- tres marchandifes creflant^ deinz mefme le Roialme ater converfer merchander ou demorer franchement " T? IRS T, Decaufe that before this Time in Time 9 g. 3. pat. 1. " $l of the noble King Edward, Grandfather to *. 30. z Ed. 3. " our Lord the King that now is, in his Parliaments c - 9- 9 El3> 3- " holden at York and JVeJiminJier, and alfo in this pre- t ^' £ l J ' *a' atiZt " fent Parliament, great Complaint hath been made to c .^. WEd.j. ' " our faid Lord, for that in many Cities, Boroughs, flat. '4, c. 2. " Ports of the Sea> and other Places within the Realm " of England, great Damages and outragious Grie- " 'vances have been, and yet be done to the King, and " to all his Realm, by the Citizens, Burgeffes, and other People of Cities, Boroughs, and other Towns and Places aforefaid, which have not fuffered, nor yet will fuffer, Merchants Strangers, nor other that do bring, carry, or convey by Sea or by Land Wines, Avoir de pois, Suftenance, Victuals', or other Things vendible, profitable, and neceffary, as we'll for the: King, the Prelates, and Lords, as for all the Com- munalty of his Land, to fell or deliver the faid Wines, Sirftenance, Victuals, nor other Things vendible, to any other than to them of the fame Cities, Bo- roughs, Ports of the Sea, and other Places, to which fuch Wines, Suftenance, Victuals, or other Things vendible were and be brought, carried, and con- veyed ; (z) and by fo much thofe Things have been, The Income - and yet be fold and fet to the King, to his Lords, niencies enfoing and to all his People, by the Hands of the Citizens, "fining t> rr 1 1 n ' i T Merchants from xjurgeiles, and other reople JJemzens, to a great and exceffive Dearth, over that they fnould have tuals where ' been, if the Merchants Strangers, and other which will. bring fuch Things into the Realm, might freely have fold them to whom they would ; (3) nor alfo would ' not, nor yet will fuffer the Merchants Strangers that

do come, or would come within the Realm, to buy
Woolls and other Merchandifes growing within the

X x 2 ' Realm, fell:ngot Vk- hey