Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/417

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A. D. 1384, Anno o&avo Richardi II. C 3~5< 37 1 CAP. III. None of the Juftices or Barons mall take any Fee or Reward but of the King, nor (ball give Counfd where the King is Party, or in any Suit depending before them. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM cum nuper in tempore incliti Regis Edwardi Avi domini Regis nunc ordinatum fuifTet quod Ju- Repealed by ftitiarii quamdiu in officio Juftic' forent non caperent feodum neque robam de aliquo preterquam de Regg 9 K - *■ «• »• et quod non caperent donum five rewardum per ipfos vel per alios clam vel palam de aliquo qui coram eis haberet aliquid faciendum quacumque via exceptis cibo et potu modici valoris et quod non darent confilium alicui magno vel parvo in rebus vel negotiis ubi rex eft pars vel que regem tangunt quoquo modo fub certa pena in ordinatione predi£ta contenta. Et eodem modo ordinatum fuiflet de Baronibus de Scaccario prout in ordinatione predicla plenius continetur et di£ba ordinatione in parliamento recitata concordatum eft et ftatutum quod nullus Juftitiarius de Banco Regis vel de communi Banco nee aliquis Baronum de Scac- cario quamdiu in officio Juftitiarii vel Baronis fuerit capiat decetero per ipfum vel per alium clam vel pa- lam robam feodum penfionem donum vel rewardum de aliquo preterquam de Rege nee exennium de aliquo preterquam exennium de cibo et potu quod non fit magni valoris. Et quod decetero non dent confilium alicui magno vel parvo in rebus vel negotiis in quibus rex eft pars vel que regem tangunt quoquo modo et quod non fint de confilio alicujus in aliqua caufa placito vel querela coram ipfis five in aliquibus aliis magnis Curiis vel placeis Regis pendente fub pena amittendi officium fuum et faciendi Regi firtem et re- demptionem. CAP. IV. The Penalty if a Judge or Clerk make a falfe Entry, rafe a Roll, or change a Verdict. ITEM ad querimoniam dicte communi tatisfac- tam domino Regi in parliamento de eo quod magna exheredatio retroactis temporibus pluribus de populo fafta extitit & fieri per falfam in- tratibnem placitorum rafuras rotulorum & mutatio- nem veredi&orum concordatum eft & ftatutum quod ft aliquis judex vel clericus de hujufmodi de- fecliu dummodo per defectum ilium exheredatio al- terius partium fubfequatur fufficienter convincatur coram Rege & confilio fuo per modum & formam q.uos idem dominus Rex & concilium fuum tunc viderint fore rationabiles infra duos annos poft de- fectum hujufmodi factum fi pars gravata fit plene etatis & fi infra etatem fuerit tunc infra duos annos poftquam ad plenam etatem pervenerit puniatur per nnem & redemptionem ad voluntatem Regis & fatisfaciat parti. Et quoad reftitutionem heredita- tis per di£ communitatem petitam fequatur pars gravata per breve de errore vel alias juxta legem fi libi viderit expedire. c * 4. 4 H, 6. c . 3. 8 H, 6. c. 12 TEM, At the Complaint of the faid Commo-,.^, n ]fil( nalty made to our Lord the King in the Parlia- <■. 6. " ment, for that great Diflierifon in Times paft was " done of the People, and may be done by the falfe " entering of Pleas, rafing of Rolls, and changing of " Verdicts;" ' (2) it is accorded and affented, That ' if any Judge or Clerk be of fuch Default (lb that by ' the fame Default there enfueth Diflierifon of any of" ' the Parties) fufficiently convi£f. before the King and ' his Council, by the Manner and Form which to the ' fame our Lord the King and his Council ftiall feem ' reafonable, and within two Years after fuch Default ' made, if the Party grieved be of full Age, and if he. ' be within Age, then within two Years after that he. ' fliall come to his full Age, he (hall be punifhed by,. ' Fine and Ranfom at the King's Will, and fatisfy thei ' Party. (3) And as to the Reftitution of the InheH Whit ZXfau&t- ' ri-tance defired by the faid Commons, the Party gviev^'nay h amended,,^ ' ed fliall fue by Writ of Error, or otherwife, accord- "J" 1 wkat "<"> ' ing to the Law, if he fee it expedient for him.' ->"A H ' 1 c ' 5 * ©■15. 10H.6.C.4. 1SH.6.C.9. $EHz. c. 23,3. zj.Elixs, f.j;.- and %sflnn. c. 16*. - CAP. V. What Suit fhall be difculTed before the Conilable and Marmal of: England' 1 '. . ITEM pro eo quod diverfa placita communem legem tangentia & que per communem legem de- duci &; difcuti deberent trahuntur jam de novo co- ram Conftabulario & Marefcallo Anglie ad grave dampnum & inquietationem populi concordatum eft & ftatutum quod omnia placita & querele commu- nem legem terre tangentia & que per communem legem deduci et difcuti debeant non trahantur nee teneantur decetero coram prefatis Conftabulario et Marefcallo quoquo modo fet quod curia ipforum Conftabularii et Marefcalli habeat id quod ad dic- tam Curiam pertinet et quod lex communis habeat id quod ad ipfam pertinet ac fiat et ufitetur prout temporibus progenitorum domini Regis fieri et ufi- tari confuevit. ND becaufe divers Pleas concerning the Com- mon Law, and which by the Common Law " ought to be examined and difcufTed, are of late drawn " before the Conftable and Marflial of England, to the " great Damage and Difquietnefs of the People;" ' (z) 1 it is agreed and ordained, That aiP Pleas and Suits ' touching the Common Law, and which. ought to be ' examined and difcufTed at the Common Law,, flialf ' not hereafter be drawn or hidden by any Means be- fore the forefaid Conftable and Marfhal, but that the ' Court of the fame Conftable and Marfhal fhall have ' that which belongeth to the fame Court, and' that the ' Common Law fliall be executed and ufed, and have ' that which to it belongeth, and the fame fliall be ' executed and ufed as it was accuftorned to be ufed in ' the Time of King Edward." 2SA?. i.flaH-s* 0. 3. i% Ei. 3, fiat. 2. c. 7..' 1 This Chapter was firft publiJhed by JPulton, Explained and amended by 13 R„ 2. flat. 1. c. 2. 15I/.6.C.1. 33 H-3. t. 12.- B b b 3. Ex