Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/421

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1357. Anno undecimo Richardi II. 375 cap. vn. All Merchants Aliens and Denizens may buy and fell within this Realm without Interruption. Ex Rot. in Turn Lond. ITEM come par eftatut fait a Everwyk Ian du regne le Roy Edward tierce laiel noftre Seig- nur le Roy qoreft noefifme ordeignez feuft & efta- bliz qe toutz merchantz aliens & denzeins h toutz autres & chefcun de eux de quel eftat ou condition qils foient qi achatre ou vendre veullent blees vins avoir de poiis chares peffon & toutz autre vivres & vitailles leins draps merces merchandifes & tout manere chofes vendables de quele part qils viegnent par foreins ou par denzeins a quel lieu qi ce foit foit il citee burgh ville port du meer feir marchee ou autre lieu deinz mefme le Roialme de- inz franchife ou dehors les puiffent franchement & fanz deflourber vendre a qi qe lour pleft auxibien as foreins come as deinzeins forfpris les enemys de noftre Seignur le Roi & de fon Roialme. Et fi par cas deftourbance foite fait a nul merchant alien ou deinzein ou autre fur la vente des tieles chofes en citee burgh ville port de meer o'u autre lieu qe fran- chife eit & les mair baillifs ou autres qont garde de ]a dite franchife requis par les ditz merchantz ou autre dent faire remede & il ne le face & de ce foit atteint foit la franchife pris en la mayne le Roy & nientmeyns foit tenuz lui & les autres qi averont fait celle deftourbance contre ceft eftatut de rendre & reftorer au dit merchant fes damages qil avera fuffert par celle enchaifone au double. Et ft tielle deftourbance foit faite as tielx merchantz ou as autres es villes ou lieux ou franchife neft & le Seignur fil foit prefent ou fon baillif coneftable ou autre gardein des ditz villes & lieux en abfence des Seignurs ent requis de faire droit ne le facent & de ce foient atteintz rendent les damages au pleintif au double auxi come defuis eft dit & les deftour- bers en lun cas & en lautre auxibien deinz fran- chifes come dehors fils foient atteintz eient la pri- fon dun an & jademeins foient reintz a la volente le Roi. Et qe null alien ne deinzein fur mefmes les peins foit deftourbe qil ne puiffe franchement a- chatre les chofes fufnomez es lieux fufditz & carier la ou luy plerra a fon oeps demefne ou al profit du Roi & des grantz & du poeple du dit roialme for- fpris qe les merchantz aliens ne amefnent vins hors de mefme le Roialme come eft contenu en lour chartre & qe les ditz chofes foient tenuz gardez & perfournez en chefcun citee burgh ville port du meer & autre lieu deinz le dit Roialme nient con- treefteant chartre de franchife a eux grantee a con - traire ne ufage ne cuftume ou juggementz renduz fur leur chartres ufages ne cuftumes qe eux purront alegger les queux chartres ufages & cuftumes ft nulles foient le dit Roi laiel Prelates Contes Barons & Grantz & Communaltees avantditz tiegnent de null force come chofes grantez ufez ou acuftumez au damage du Roy Prelatz Contes Barons & grantz de fon Roialme Sc oppreffign de fon poeple. " T TEM, Whereas by a Statute made at York, the 9 Ed. 3. flat, o " A. ninth Year of King Edw. 3. Grandfather of trie c - *■ " King that now is, it was ordained and eftablifhed, )^ff- l-f' a! - z ° " That all Merchants, Aliens and Denizens, and all " other and every of them, of what Eftate and Con- " dition they be, which will buy or fell Corn, Wine, " Avoir de pais, Flefh, Fifli, and all other Victuals, " Wooll, Cloths, Wares, Merchandifes, and all other " Things vendible, from whencefoever they come, by " Foreigners or by Denizens, to what Place that it be, " be it City, Borough, Town, Port of the Sea, Fair, " Market, or other Place within the fame Realm, " within Franchife or without, may freely, and with- " out Difturbance fell the fame to whom pleafe them, " as well to Foreigners as Denizens, except to the 9 H - 3- fl»t- 1» " Enemies of the King and of his Realm, (z) And c " 3°' " if percafe Difturbance be done to any Merchant, " Alien or Denizen, or other, upon the Sale of fuch. " Things in City, Borough, Town, Port of the Sea, " or other Place which hath a Franchife, and the " Mayor, Bailiffs, or other, that having the Keeping " of the faid Franchife be required, by the faid Mer- " chants or other, thereof to make Remedy, and do " not, and thereof be attainted, the Franchife fhall be " taken into the King's Hand ; (3) And neverthelefs, " he and other which have done this Difturbance a- " gainft this Statute, fhall be bound to yield and re- " ftore to the faid Merchant his double Damages, " which he hath fuftained by this Occafion. (4) And What Penalty " if fuch Difturbance be done to fuch Merchant, or ftaI1 be inflia « d " to other, in Towns and Places where no Franchife Xcb&Mii- " is, and the Lord, if he be prefent, or his Bailiff", flurb Merchants " Conftable, or other Warden of the faid Towns and to fell thc-ir " Places, in Abfence of the Lords thereof, required to Commodities. " do Right, do not, and thereof be attainted, they - " fhall yield to the Plaintiff his double Damages, as " afore is faid 5(5) and the Difturbers in the one Cafe " and the other, as well within Franchife as without, " if they be attainted, fhall have Imprifonment of one " Year, and neverthelefs be ranfomed at the King's " Will. (6) And that no Alien nor Denizen upon " the fame Pains be difturbed, but that he may freely " buy the Things above named in the Places aforefaid, " and carry the fame where pleafeth him to his own " Ufe, or to the Profit of the Pving, the great Men " and the People of the Realm, (7) except that the Merchants All- Merchants Aliens fhall carry no Wines out of the cns *?" carr y Realm, as is contained in their Charter and " that the faid Things be holden, kept, and perform- " ed in every City, Borough, Town, Port of the Sea, " and other Places within the faid Realm, notwithr " ftanding any Charters of Franchife to them granted " to the contrary, nor Ufage, Cuftom, nor Judge- " ments given upon their Charters, Ufages, nor Cuf- " toms which they can alledge ; (9) which Charters, " Ufages and Cuftoms (if any there were) the faid " King the Grandfather, the Prelates, Earls, Barons, " and Great Men and Commons aforefaid, do hold of " no Force, as Things granted, ufed, and accuftomed " to the Damage of the King, the Prelates, Earls, " Barons, and Great Men of his Realm, and Oppref- " fton of the Commons. " 'II, no Wine out of