Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/438

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39 Q2 Stat, i< Anno decimo tertio Richard i II. A. D. 1389. CAP. XIX. A Confirmation of 13 Edw; 1. Stat. i. cap. 47. touching taking of Salmons. 4 W*. 1 There fliall be no Devices prac- tifed whereby the Fry of Fifh fliall be destroy- ed. Weftminfter the feccnd, that young Salmons fhall not be taken nor deftroyed by Nets, nor by other " Engines, at Mill-dams, from the midft of April till " the Nativity of St. John Bapti/l, upon a certain Pain " limited in the fame Statute;" ' it is accorded and ' affented, That the faid Statute be firmly holden and ' kept, (z) joyning to the fame, That young Salmons ' fhall not be taken, during the faid Time, at Mill- ' dams, nor in other Places, upon the fame Pain. (3) ' And that no Fifher, or Garth-man, nor any other, ' of what Eftate or Condition that he be, fliall from ' henceforth put in the Waters of Thamije, Number, ' Oufe, Trent, nor any other Waters of the Realm by ' the faid Time, nor in other Time of the Year, any ' Nets called Stalkers, nor other Nets nor Engines ' whatfoever they be, by the which the Fry or the ' Breed of the Salmons, Lampreys or any other Fifh, 4 may in any wife be taken or deftroyed, upon the Pain ' aforefaid.' " (4) And alfo where it is contained in " the fame Statute, that all the Waters in the which " Salmons be taken within the Realm, fliall be put in " Defence as to the taking of Salmons, from the Day " of the Nativity of our Lady, until St. Martins " Day;" ' (9) it is ordained and affented, That the ' Waters of Lou, Wyre, Merfee, Rybbyl, and all other ' Waters in the County of Lancajler, be put in De- . ' fence, as to the taking of Salmons, from Michaelmas Defence 3 * '" ' Day to the Purification of our Lady, and in no other ' Time of the Year, becaufe that Salmons be not fea- c fonable in the faid Waters in the Time aforefaid. And in the Parts where fuch Rivers be, there fliall be affigned and fworn good and fufficient Conferva- tors of this Statute, as it is ordained in the faid Sta- tute of TVeftminJler, and that they fhall punifli the Offenders after the Pain contained in the fame Sta- tute, without any Favour thereof to be fliewed.' See 1% Ed. 4. c. 2. for packing of Salmons ; 23 H. 8. c. 18. for pulling doivn Piles in the Riz of the Spawn. See farther 3'Jac. 1. c. 12. ^oCar. z.Jiat. 1. e.g. $& 5 W. & M. c. 1. c, 18. and 23 Geo, Z..C. 26. containing farther Provifions for the Prefervation and Improver, What Time of the Year the Rivers in the County of Lan Confervators of this ftatute, and their Au- thority, Enforced By jy K.2. c. 9 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. |TEM come contenuz foit en leftatut de Weflm' JL fecond qe falmonceux ne foient prifes ne de- ftruitz par rees ne par autres engines a leftankes de molyns de mye April tanqal Nativite de Seint Johan le Baptiftre fur certeine peine limite en mef- ine leftatut accordez eft et affentuz qe le dit eftatut foit fermement tenuz et gardez adjoufte a ycell qe falmonceux ne foient prifes par le dit temps a le- ftankes des molyns ne aillours fur mefme la peine et qe null pefchour ne gafthman ne null autre de quell eftat ou condition qils foit ne mette defore enavant en les ewes de Thamife Humbre Oufe Trente ne null autre ewe du Roialme par le dit temps ne par null autre temps del an afcuns rees appellez ftalkers nautres rees nengines queconqes par les quelles le frie ou brood des falmons laum- preis ou dautre peffon queconqe purra en afcun ma- nere eftre pris ou deftruit fur la peine fuifdite. Et auxin t come contenuz foit en mefme leftatut qe toutz les ewes es queux falmons font prifes en le Roialme foient mifes en defens .qant al prife des falmons del jour de la nativite denoftre Dame tan- qal jour de Seint Martyn ordeignez eft et affentuz qe les ewes de Lone Wyre Merfee Ribbill et toutz autres ewes el countee de Lancaftre foient mifes en defenfe qant al prife des falmons del jour de Seint -Michel tanqe al jour de la Purification de noftre Dame et en null autre temps del an a caufe qe le falmons ne font pas feifonables en les ditz ewes par le temps fuifdite. Et es parties ou tielx rivers font foient affignez et jurrez bones et fufficeantz con- fervatours de ceft eftatut come eft ordeignez en le dit eftatut de Weftm' & qils puniffent les trefpaf- fours folonc la peine contenuz en mefme leftatut fanz afcun favour ent faire.

Oufe and Humbcr ; 25 H. 8. c, 7,

3. ^Ann.c. 21.. 'tent of the F'fherj. 9 Ann, c. 26. I El. c. 17. for the Prefervatia I Geo. I.Jiat. 2. c. 18. 5 Geo, CAP. XX. Rep. ai Jac. T. c.i8. 9 Ed, ^.fiat, 2. What Sort of Perfons only may pafs forth of the Realm without the King's Licence, and at what Ports* IT E M pur certeines caufes monftrez en cell parlement le Roi voet & comande par aflent des Seignurs en parlement qe toutz pelryns & toutes autres gentz forfpris merchantz notoirs & conuz & auxint fol- deours & gentz darmes qe voillent paffer par meer hors du Roialme fi paffent a les portz de Dovorr ou de Plymmuth & null part aillours fanz efpeciale congie du Roi mefmes mes qe ceux qi voillent paffer vers Ir- land paffent a Liverpull Ceftre Briftuit ou aillours ou lour pleft. RE X vicecomiti Kane' falutem. Quedam ftatuta per nos de affenfu Magnatum & Communitatum regni noftri Anglie in parliamento noftro apud Weftm' die Lune proximo poft feftum fandti Hilarii ultimo pre- teriturn tento faiSa que tibi mittimus fub magno figillo noftro in forma patenti tibi precipimus quod infra co- mitatum predictum in locis ubi magis expediens fuerit fine dilatione legi & publice ex parte noftra proclamari ac firmiter teneri & obfervari facias juxta formam ftatutorum prediiStorum, Et hoc fub incumbenti periculo nullatenus omittas. T. R. apud Weftm' xvi. die Maii Confimilia brevia diriguntur Jingtdis vicecomitibus per Angliam ac Jobmni Duci Aquitanie & Lancajlrie veleji Cancdlario in cliclo ducatv. Lancajlrie, "