Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/456

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4-io C. .1—6. Anno decimo feptimo Richardi II. A. D. 1393, S.f farther eon- cernblg JVorfeds. 7 Ed. 4. c, I. CAP. III. What Sort of Worfteds may be carried forth of the Realm, and what not. Ex Rot. InTurr. Lond. ITEM qe les marchants & overours de draps appellez fengleworftede purront amefner boltes de fengle- worftede as queux parties qe lour plerra forfpris as enemys du Roi paiantz les cuftumes & fubfides ent duez fanz paier les devoirs de Caleys nientcontrefteant afcun eftatut ordenaunce proclamation inhibition lettres maundementz ou chartres libertes ufages ou privileges grantez ou a grantiers a les burgeis de Caleys ou a les merchantz de leftaple de Caleys ou afcuns autres faitz ou affairs a contraire & qe les obligations & feurtes prifez devaunt ces heures pur les devoirs de Caleys foient reftitutz & deliverez. Purveuz touz foitz qe defoutz colour des ditz boltes de fengleworftede ils namefnent afcuns doubles worftedes ne dimy doubles ne worftedes raiez ne motlez fur peine de forfaiture dicelles. I2#.7.<M. 5#.8.c.4. 25 H. 8. c. 5. 33H. g. c. 16. and 13 Sf 140.2. c.5. CAP. IV. Malt fold to London mail be cleanfed from the Daft. Add Hertford. Enforced, ly- 7,&i Ed. 6. c. 10. See 1 3 W. 3 , a Geo. 1, c. 1 Dyer 303.

  • Trononr.

ITEM, That the Malt which fhall be made in the Counties of Huntingdon, Gantabridge, * Northamp- ton, and Bedford, that fhall be fold and brought to the City of London, to victual the King's Houihold, and other Lords Houfholds, and Gentlemens there dwelling and repairing, and alfo for Suftenance of all the People of the faid City? fl>all be well and fuffi- ciently fifted, cleanfed, and purified, before the Sale of the fame, from Duft and all other Filth, fo that the Buyers may have eight Bufhels of clean Malt for the Quarter. And that the Mayors, Bailiffs, and Wardens of Towns and Places where fuch Malt fhall be fold, fhall have Power at every Man's Suit that will complain, to fee and fearcri the faid Malt, and if Default be found thereof, to make due Re- drefs.' ITEM qe les brees qe ferra fait en les counteey de Huntyngdon Cantebr' Hertf' North' & Bed' qe ferra venduz & amefnez a la Citee de Londres 1 pur vitailler loftiel du Roi & les hoftielx dautres Seignurs & gentils illoeqes demorantz Screpeirantz; & auxint pur fuftenance de tout le poeple de dite Citee foit bien et covenablement nettez moundez & purifiez devaunt le vent dicell de poudre et de tout autre ordure iflint qe les achatours purront a- voir oept buffelx de pure brees pur le quarter. Et qe les m-airs baillifs et gardeins des villes et lieux ou tiel brees ferra venduz eient poair a chefcuny feute qe pleindre fe voudra de veer et fercher le dit brees et u defaute foit trove dent faire due redrefle. y .5. -which imfofes the Malt Tax ; and farther 12 Ann. flat.. I. c. 2. xGeo. x.Jlat. 2. c. 2. 6 Geo. I. c. 21. 9GV0. I. f. 3. liGeo, 1. c.fa %GeQ,z. c. 7. 3.0 Geo, 2. c. 4. aml^Geo, 2. f. 3. £? 7. See Hkeioije the annual Malt Alh% CAP. V. A Searcher, Gauger, Aulneger, Cuftomer, fhall have no allured Effate in his Office. 14R. 2. e. 10. See 1H.4. c. 13. 4 H. 4. c. ao G?24. 13//. 4 31 H. 6 c- 5 eii-ay Aulr.a^e Duties ITEM, It is ordained and eftablifhed, That no Searcher, Gauger of Wines, Aulneger, Finder*, nor Weigher of Woolls, or any other Merchandifes, Collector of Cuftoms and Subfidies whatfoever, or Comptroller, fhall have Eftate in his Office for Term of Life, or of Years ; but that the faid Offices fhall remain in the King's Hands under the Governance of the Treafurer for the Time being, with the Affent of the Council, when Need is ; and if any Charters or Letters Patents be made to the contrary, they fhall be clearly adnulled, void, and of none Effeft.' I Eliz. t. 11./. 8. J 3 El. c. tj.fetl. 5. -which put Cujlomen, &e. under feveral Reftri&ions. ITEM ordeignez eft et eftabli qe null fercheour gaugeour des vins auneour tronour qu peifour de leynes ou afcuns autres marchandifes colleftours de cuftumes et fubfides quecunqes ou controllour eit eftat en fon office a terme de vie ou des ans eins qe les ditz offices demurgent es mains du Roi fouz go- vernance del Treforer pur le temps efteant ovefqe lafient du confeil quant y bofoigne et fi afcuns char- tres ou lettres patentes foient faitz au contraire foi- ent outrement voides et de nul effecl:. See likewife II & 12 W. 3, c, 20. -which taiet C A P. VL Upon an untrue Suggeftion in the Chancery, Damages may be awarded. " TTE M, Forafmuch as People be compelled to " 1 come before the King's Council, or in the Chan- " eery by Writs grounded upon untrue Suggeftions ;"

  • that the Chancellor for the Time being, prefently af-

' ter that fuch Suggeftions be duly found and proved ' untrue, fhall have Power to ordain and award Da-

  • 'Auhta-a r'f' ' rr,a 2 es according to his Difcretion, to him which is fo

Zg"liud"tM ' troubled unduly, as afore is faid.' Surety found tojatUfy Defendant hit Damagci, if Bill not verified. 4 Inft, 82. ITEM qe qantgentz font faitz venir devaunt It: counfeil du Roi ou en la Chancellarie par brief* founduz fur fuggeftions nient vrais qe le Chanceller pur le temps efteant maintenant apres qe tielx fug- geftions font duement trovezetprovez nient verita- bles eit poair dordeigner et agarder damages folonc fa difcretion a celuy qeft iflint travaillez noun due- ment come defuis. CAP.