Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/495

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A. D. 1402. Anno quarto Henrici IV. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. Tuftices pur chefcun jour qil travaillera pur ex- ercer la dite commiflion iiii s. & qe les ditz vif- countz ent aient due allouance de temps en temps en lefcheqer. Cap. 12, 13. 449 to every of the faid Juftices, for every Day that he fhall travel to execute the faid Commiffion, four Shillings, and that the faid Sheriffs have thereof due Allowance from time to time in the Exchequer.' I C A In Appropriations of Benefices Provifio TEM ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe leftatut de laopropriation des efglifes & de lendowement des vicairs en ycelles fait Ian quinzifme le Roy Richard fecond foit fermement tenuz & gardez & mys en due execution Et fi afcune efglife foit approprie par licence du dit Roy Richard ou de Roy noftre Se : gnur qoreft puis le die an xv me contre le forme du dit eftatut qe ce foit duement refour- mez felonc IeffecT: de mefme leftatut parentre cy & la feft de Pafqe profchein advenir. Et fi tiele re- formation ne ce face deins le temps fuifdit qe les appropriation & licence ent faitz foient voidez & de tout repe lez & adnullez pur toutz jours forfpris lefglife de Hadenham en le diocis d£ly la quele pur efchuire plufours damages difcordes & debates qont efte devant ces he. res parent e levefqe d£ly et lercedeaken dEly fur lexercife de lour jurif- dirftion come y feuft overtement declarez par mefme levefqe en prefence de Roy & de Seignurs en parlement nadgairs p:.r licence du Roy noftre Seignur feuft appropriez a lercedeaken dEly & fes fucceffours pur y faire divines fervices hofpi- talite tenir & autres charges fupporter come affert. Et o'.'.tre ceo ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe toutes les vicaries uniz annexez oj appropriez & les licences ent eues puis Ian primer le dit Roy Richard combien qe ceux qont uniz annexez ou appropriez tieux vicaries foient en poffeiiion de meimes les vicaries ou par vertue des.dites licences purront afcunement eftre en poffeffion dicelles en afcun temps advenir foient auxint detotit voidez revokez repeilss adnullez & difappropriez pur. toutz jours et qe defore enavaunt en chefcune efglife enii ap- propriee ou appropriere une feculere pcrfonc foit or- deige vikair perpetuel inftitut & induct caronik:- ment en ycelle & covenablement endowez par la difcretion del ordinair pur faire divine fervice & en- fourmer le poeple & hofpitalitee tenir iiloeqes for- fpris lefglife de Hadenha/n fuifdite. . Et qe nul re- ligious afcunement foit fait vicair en afcune efglife enfi appropriee ou appropriere par nulle voie en temps advenir. p. xir. n fhall be made for the Poor and the Vicar. ITEM, it is ordained, That the Statute of Ap- f/ t ^™^ on propriation of Churches, and of the Endowment "A^.'Vfi. ' of Vicars in the fame, made the fifteenth Year of touchingtbeAp- ' Ki;ig Richard the Second, be firmly holden and propriation of . . Churches. Cro. kept, and put in due Execution; and if any ( ' Church be appropriated by Licence of the faid King -I ac ,". s 2 T> r T '1 1 v 1 . ° Roll QO, 100. ' Richard, or ot our Lord the King that now is, J ' fithence the faid fifteenth Year, againft the Form of

the faid Statute, the fame fhall be duly reformed ac-

'" cording to the EftecT: of the fame Statute, betwixt

this and the Feaft of Eajier next coming. (2) And

' if fuch Reformation be not made within the Time 1 aforefaid, that the Appropriation and Licence there- ' of be made void, and utterly repealed and adnulled

for ever; (3) except the Church of Hadenham in The Church of

' th' Diocefe of Ely, which, for to efchew divers Hadenham, in ' Damages, Difcords, and Debates, that have been the Diocele of ' before this Time betwixt the Bifhop of Ely and the fVfT ... r t^i 1 t^ • - r i J ' t -r to the Arch- Arcnaeacon or h/y, upon the Jbxerciie 01 tneir juril- deacon of Ely. ' di£lion (as it was openly declared by the fame Bifhop ' in Prefence of the King, and of the Lords in Par- ' liament) was of late appropried, by the Licence of ' the King our Lord, to the Archdeacon and his Suc- ' ceffors, to do divine Service, keep Hofpitality, and ' to fupport other Charges as pertaineth. (4) More- ' over it is ordained and ftablii'hed, That all the Vi- All Appropri- ' carages united, annexed, or appropried, and the ations of Vic*. ' Licences thereof had after the ftrft Year of the faid ra £ es made fln(:e ' King Richard, how well foever that they which ' he fir ' 1 Y,T of t 1 ■ - ° • j ' 1 . , c , ■..! R. 2. fnall be have united, annexed, or appropried lucn v icarages, voirf- pi ow , f. ' be in Polfeflion of the fame Vicarages, or by the Vir-495.' ' tue of fuch Licences may in any wife be in roiieilion ' of the fame in any Time to come, they fhall be alfo ' utterly void, revoked, repealed, adnulled, and dif- ' appropried for ever; (5) and that from henceforth a Vicar endow- ' in every Church fo appropried, or to be appropried, d (lull be a Sc- ' a Secular Perfon be ordjined Vicar perpetual, ca- cularMa , n ' : ' ni ' nonically inftitute and indu£l in the fame, and co- n< « a R e! 1 g ,ous . ' venably endowed by the Difcretion of the Ordinary, 3 ' ° - ' 23 " ' to do Divine Service, and to inform the People, and ' to keep Hofpitality there, except the Church of ' Hadenham aforefaid; (6) and that no Religious be ' in any wife made Vicar in any Church fo appropried, ' or to be apprcpried by any Means in Time to ' come.' C A P. A Confirmation of the Statutes of 1 Edw. 3. Sta. Slat. 5. c. 8. touching Service in War XIII. 2. c. 5. 18 Edw. 3. c. 7. and 25 Edw. 3. * Mi—stat. 1. ITEM ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe leftatut fait Ian primere le Ro}*- Edward Aiel noftre Seig- nur le Roy qoreft contenant qe nuls foient dif- treintz daier hors de leur countees finoun pur caufe de neceffitee de fodeigne venue deftranges efnemys en Rohlme et leftatut fait Ian difoetifme du Vol. I. TEM, it is ordained and ftablilhed, That the Statute made the firft Year of King Edward, Grandfather to our Lord the King that now is, con- taining, That none fhall be conftrained to. go out of their Counties, but. only for Caufe of Neceflity of fudden coming of ftrangc Enemies into the Realm; M m m' (2) and