Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/533

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A. D. 1414 Anno fecundo Henrici V. Stat. 1. 4S7 Ex Hot. in Turr. Lond. bien deinz la Citee de Loundres come en autres citees & burghs deinz le Roialme dEngleterre & par vertue de tielx condempnations ont cftez corn- mis a la prifone noftre Seignur le Roy pur y de- morer tanque ils ont fait gree as pleintifs vers queux ils furent comdempnez & apres par lour fuggeftions faitz en la Chauncellarie noftre Seig- nur le Roy ont euz diverfes briefs appellez certio- rari corpus cum caufa hois de la Chauncellarie noftre Seignur le Roy direclz as vifcountz ou gar- deins dez prifones ou tielx gentz condempnez font detenuz pur avoir lour corps ove la caufe denprifonment de les condempnez fuifditz en la Chancellarie as jours contenuz en les ditz briefs apres queux briefs enfemblement ovefqe le corps & la caufe de condempnation retournez en la Chauncellarie fuifdite les ditz gentz iffint con- dempnez ont eftez deliverez en la Chauncellarie avauntdit par bailie ou par mainprife ou a large fanz bailie ou mainprife encontre laflent & volume des ditz pleintifs & fanz afcun gree faire as ditz pleintifs de les fommes en queux ils font condemp- nez encontre la leie de la terre & iffint demurgent les ditz pleintifs fanz remedie en anientifement de leftat de tielx pleintifs & en defefaunce des jug- fementz rend z en les courtz avauntditz noftre it Seignur le Roy voillant ent faire remedie del advys & affent avauntditz & a la requefte des Communes fuifdites ad ordeigne & eftablie qe ft af- cun tiel brief de certiorari corpus cum caufa foit graunte ou ferra graunte en temps avenir & fur le Sit brief foit retourne qe le prifoner qeft iftint de- tenu en prifone foit condempne par juggement qe maintenant foit remande ou demurge conti- nuelment en prifone folonc la ley de la terre fanz eftre leflez aler par bailie ou par mainprife encon- tre la volunte des pleintifs fuifditz tanqe lour foit fait gree de les fommes iffint adjuggez. I c City of London, as in other Cities and Boroughs £ within the Realm of England, and by the virtue of

fuch Condemnations have been committed to the
Prifon of our Lord the King, there to remain until
they have made Agreement to the Plaintiffs to whom
they were condemned; (2) after by their Suggef-

' tionmade in the Chancery of our Lord the King, they ' have had diversWrits called Certiorari, and Corpus cum ' Caufa, out of the Chancery of our faid Lord the King, ' directed to the Sheriff", or Keepers of the Prifons where . ! fuch Perfons condemned be holden, to have their ' Bodies, with the Caufe of Imprifonment of the con- ' demned aforefaid, in the Chancery, at the Days con- ' tained in the faid Writs ; (3) after which Writs, to- ' gether with the Body, and the Caufe of the Condem- ' nation, returned in the Chancery aforefaid, the faid ' Perfons fo condemned have been delivered in the ' Chancery aforefaid by Bail or by Mainprife, or en- ' larged without Bail or Mainprife, againft the Aflent ' and Will of the faid Plaintiffs, and without any ' Agreement made to the faid Plaintiffs of the Sums in ' the which they be condemned, againft the Law of ' the Land; and fo remain the faid Plaintiffs without ' Remedy, in Hinderance of the State of fuch Plain- ' tiffs, and in defeating of the Judgements given in

the Courts aforefaid :" ' (4) Our Lord the King, 4 H. 6. f. 8,

willing herein to provide Remedy, by the Advice 2 ° ?*■ *• £*3- and Affent aforefaid, and at the Requeft of the fore-^ Ed ' ' f'g 12 ' faid Commons, hath ordained and eftablifhed, That 24 Ed. 3. V. 17. if any fuch Writ of Certiorari, or Corpus cum caufa, be granted, or fhall be granted at any Time hereafter, and upon the faid Writ if it be returned, that the Prifoner which is fo holden in Prifon is condemned by Judgement given againft him, that prefently he fnall be remanded, where he fhall remain continually in Prifon according to the Law and Cuftom of the Land, without being let to go by Bail or by Main- prife againft the Will of the faid Plaintiffs, until Agreement be made to them of the Sums fo ad- judged.' Eitz. N", B. 242, CAP. III. A Copy of the Libel in the Spiritual Court fhall be delivered. ITEM pur ceo qe diverfes lieges noftre Seignur le Roy font citez de jour en autre dapparoir en courte Chriftiene devaunt juges efpirituelx a y refpondre as diverfes perfones ftbien des chofes qe touchent frank tenement dette trefpaffez covenantz & autres des queux la conifance appertient al courte noftre Seignur le Roy come de matrimonie & teftament & qant tielx perfones iffint citeez ap- piergent & demandent un libell de ceo qe lour eft furmys pur eftre enformez a doner lour refpons illoeqes ou autrement a purchacer brief noftre Seignur le Roy de prohibition felonc lour cas quell libell lour eft denie par les ditz juges efpi- rituelx al entent qe tielx perfones ne ferront mye par nul tiel brief aidez encontre ley & as graundes damages de tielx perfones iffint empledez Noftre dit Seignur le Roy del advis & aflent fuifditz Sc a la prier des ditz Communes ad ordeigne & eftablie qe a quelle heure la copie de la libell eft graUntable par la ley qil foit graunte & livere a la partie fanz difficult^. T E M, Forafmuch as divers of the King's liege" Co - 6l< People be daily cited to appear in the Spiritual 'I Co ' **" Court before Spiritual Judges, there to anfwer to di- vers Perfons, as well of Things which touch Free- hold, Debt, Trefpaffes, Covenants, and other Things whereof the Cognifance pertaineth to the Court of our Lord the King, as of Matrimony and Tefta- ment ; (2) and when fuch Perfons fo cited appear and demand a Libel of that which againft them is furmifed, to be informed to give their Anfwer there- unto, or otherwife to purchafe a Writ of our Lord the King, of Prohibition, according to their Cafe, 1 Lutw - 134. which Libel to them is denied by the faid Spiritual 4 , Ed - 4 - f - 37»- Judges, to the Intent that fuch Perfons fhould not^ ■ BuiftT **~ be aided by any fuch Writ, againft the Law, and to 120. ' " ' the great Damage of fuch Perfons fo impleaded :" (3) Our faid Lord the King, by the Advice and Af- fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Requeft and Inftance of the faid Commons, hath or- dained and eftablifhed, That at what Time the Libel is grantable by the Law, that it may be granted and" delivered to the Party without any Difficulty.' Ra(t ■&& CAP.