Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/562

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516 Stat. i. Anno nono Henrici V. A. D. 142*. . .... Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. fuifdite pur le temps eftearit de mefme lutlagarie et qe mefme le Chaunceller fur cell certification eu face "banner maintenant & fanz difficulte tieux utlages hors de mefme luniverfite fur peine qe appent. Et qe ceft ordinance durera tanqe a profchein parlement a tenir puis le revenue de noftre dit Seignur le Roy en Engleterre de pardela. CAP. IX. No Abbot or Prior (hall be appointed by any Bifhop to collect Difmes or Subfidies out of tho County where he dwelleth. XX P. & OB. TTEM pur taunt qe les Abbees & Priours dEngleterre ont eu & fuftenu graundez damages perdes co- X ftages et difaifes avaunt ces heurs parmy ceo qils ount eftee par Lerchevefqes et Evefqes de mefme le 'Roialme affignes de coiller les difmes grauntez as Roys dEngleterre par les Clergies trop longement de lour maifons & auxi en diverfes diocefes &c countes come ils ont monftrez auRoy par lour petition baillez en ceft parlement le Roi eiarrt a ceo confederation ad ordeine & eftable qe null Abbe ne Priour dedeinz le dit Roialme foit par afcun Ercevefqe ou Evefqe defore enavant ordeine deftre coillour dafcuns difmes ou fubfides hors de cell countee ou il eft demurrant ou converfant. Et eftoife ceft ordinance en fa force tanqe a parlement qi ferra primerement tenuz apres la revenue de noftre foveraign Seignur en Engleterre de pardela. C A P. X. Keels that carry Sea-Coals to Newcaftle fhall be meafured and marked. Explained fey 3oCar.2. ftat.i." 1. 8. and farther it provided for by ts 6 & 7 W. 3. c. . 10. and 1 1 Geo. 4. C, I J. " IT E M, Whereas of every Chaldron of Sea-Coals, ' which be or fhall be fold to People not franchifed in the Port of the Town of Newcaftle upon Tyne, ' Two Pence be due to the King of Cuftom, (2) and in the fame Port be certain Veffels called Keels, by which fuch Coals be carried from the Land to the Ships in the faid Port ; and every of the faid Keels ought to be of the Portage of Twenty Chaldrons, and according to the fame Portage, the Cuftom is thereof taken to the King's Ufe ; (3) there be now certain People, that of late have made fuch Keels of the Portage of twenty two or twenty three Chal- drons, whereof the Cuftom hath been taken accord- ing to the Portage of twenty Chaldrons only, in De- ceit of our Lord the King, as he hath perceived by Complaint in this Parliament ;" ' (4) it is therefore ordained and ftablifhed againft fuch Deceits, that all the Keels which now be, and hereafter fhall be in the faid Port, fhall be meafured by certain Commif- fioners thereto affigncd by the King,, and marked of what Portage they be, before that any Carriage be made by the fame, upon Pain of Forfeiture to the King all the Veffels called Keels, by which any fuch Coals fhall be carried, before that they be marked in the Manner aforefaid.' ITEM par la ou de chefcun chaldre de char- bons maritifmes qe font & ferront vendus as gents nient y franchifes en le port del ville del Novell Chaftell fur Tyne font dues au Roy deux deniers de cuftume & en mefme le porte font cer- teinz veflelx appellez Keles par les queux tielx charbons font caries de la terre jefqes a les naefs en le dit port & doit chefcun des ditz keles eftre del portage de vint chaldres & folonc mefme le portage la dite cuftume ent eft pris al oeps du Roy font ore certeinz gentz qont fait jatard tieles keles del portage de xxij. ou xxiij. chaldres dont la cuftume ad eftee pris folonc le portage de xx. chaldrez tantfoulement en deceite du Roy ficome le Roy lad entendu par compleint en ceft parle- ment Si ad il ordeine & eftabliz encountre tiele deceite qe toutz les keles qore font & ferront en temps avenir en le dit port foient mefures par certeinz commifiioners a ceo aflignerz par le Roy & merches de quell portage y foient devaunt ceo qe afcun cariage foil fait par icelles fur peine de forfaire au Roy toutz les veffelx appellez Keles par les queux afcuns tieux charbons ferront ca- ries devaunt ceo qe ils foient merchez en le ma- nere avauntdit. CAP. XI. No Englijh Gold fhall be received in Payment but by the King's Weight. ITEM, to avoid the Deceits and Perils which long have continued within the Realm by Wafh- ers, Clippers, and Counterfeiters of the Money of the Realm of England, to the great Lofs and Damage of all the People of the fame Realm;" ' (2) the King, by the Advice and Aflent of all the Lords and Commons aflembled in this Parliament, hath ordain- ed and ftablifhed, That from Chrijlmas Even next coming, none of the King's liege People (hall receive any Money of Engl/Jh Gold in Payment, but by the King's Weight thereupon ordained.' ty ,(3) And be- csufe a great Part of the Gold novo current in Pay- 8 ITEM pur oufter periles & deceites queux longement ont contenus dedeinz le Roialme parmy les lavours tonfours & co'ntrofaitours de la moneie dEngleterre a trefgrairndes mefchtefs & damages a toutz gents de mefme le Roialme le Roy par advis & aflent de toutz les Seignurs & communes aflembles en ceft parlement ad ordeinez & eftables qe de la veille del fefte de Novel pro- chein avenir enavaunt null liege du Roy receivera afcune moneie dor Engleis en paiment finon par le pois du Roy fur ceo ordeines. Et pur tant qe graunde partie del ox de prefent currant en paiement,