Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/581

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A. D. 1425. Anno quarto Henrici VI, C. 4> 5- S35 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. an ix* qe les Juftices devaunt queux tiel plee ou recorde eft fait ou ferra pendant fibien par ajourne- ment come par voie derrour ou autrement eient poair & auitorite damender tielx recorde & pro- ceffe come devaunt eft dit folonc la fourme de mefme leftatuit fibien apres juggement en tiel plee recorde ou pioceffee renduz come devaunt le juggement renduz en tielx plee recorde ou procefle tant come les ditz recorde & proceffe foient devaunt eux en mefme la manere come Juftices avoient poair demender tielx recorde & proceffe devaunt juggement renduz par force du dit eftatuit en temps le dit Roi E. fait come defuis la quele ordi- nance endureroit tanqe al profchein parlement qi ferroit primerment tenuz apres le revenue du dit Roi Henri le pier en Engleterre de pardela et la quele ore eft determine par le mort du dit nadgairs Roi Henri le pier le Roi noftre fove- rein Seignur par advis & affent fuifditz ad ordine & eftablie qe le dit eftatuit & effect dicell fait le dit an ix = teigne force vigour &c effect en chefcun recorde & proceffe fibien apres juggement renduz fur verdit paffe come fur matiere en leie plede come eftatut vaillable & effectuell en ley a toutz jours adurer. Purveu toutz foitz qe celt eftatut ne fe extende as recordes & proceffes es parties de Gales ne as recordes & proceffes par queux afcune perfone eft ou ferra utlage al fuyt daf- cuny. C A

of the faid Parliament holden the faid Ninth Year,
That the Juftices before whom fuch Plea or Re-
cord is made, or ftiall be depending, as well by Ad-
journment, as by Way of £rror or otherwife, fhall
have Power and Authority to amend fuch Record and
Procefs, as well after Judgement given as before, by
Force of the faid Statute made in the Time of the
faid King Edward, which Ordinance fhould en-
dure till the next Parliament, which fhould be firft

'• holden after the Return of the faid King Henry the

Father into England from beyond the Sea, and which
now is determined by the Death of the faid late
King Henry the Father :" ' (4) Our Sovereign

Lord, by the Advice and Affent aforefaid, hath or- dained and eftablifhed, That the faid Statute, and the Effect of the fame, made the faid Ninth Year, fhall hold Strength, Force, and Effect, in every Record and Procefs of the fame, as well after Judge- ment given upon a Verdict paffed, as upon a Matter in Law pleaded, as a Statute available and effectual in Law to endure for ever. (5) Provided always, That this Statute do not extend to Records and Pro- ceffes in the Parts of Wales, nor to Records and Pro- ceffes whereby any Perfon is or fhall be outlawed at any Man's Suit.' A Confirmation of the Statute of 14 Ed. 3. ftat. I. c. 6. & 9 H. 5. c. 4. autho- rifing Juftices to amend Records. See farther S H. 6. c, 12 &? 15. 10 H. 6. c. 4. 18 H. 6. c. 9. 5 El. c. 23. 27 El, c. 5. and 4 Ann. c.16. what Defects may be amended and what net* P. IV. The Writs, Suits, and Proceffes now depending of certain that were late made Knights, fhall not abate for that Caufe. ITEM noftre dit Seignur le Roy de ladvis & affent fuifditz ad ordine & eftablie qe toutz les briefs fuites E X P. & proceffes qe toutz les chivalers qi furent faitz chivalers par le Roi en temps de ceft parlement tenuz ou pendantz & qe chefcun de eux ad pendantz nient determinez foient bones & effectuelx nient abatablez par la ley par caufe quils font faitz chivalers ou par caufe qe afcune de eux eft fait chivaler. C A P. V. Licence given to all the King's Subjects to tranfport Corn. ITEM come le no'rle Roy Richard feconde puis le conqueft qe Dieu affoille a fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' al quinfzeine de Seint Hillar Ian de fon regne xvij. a la efpeciale requeft des Communes de mefme le parlement graunta licence a toutz fes lieges de fon Roialme dEngleterre defkipper & amefher blees hors du dit Roialme as queux parties qe lour plerra horfpris as enemys paiantz les fubfidees & devoirs ent duez nient contrefteant afcun ordinance proclamation ou defenfe fait devaunt a contrarie Nientmiens mefme le nadgairs Roi vouloit qe fon counfeil purroit reftreindre le dit paffage qant lour fembleroit bofoignable pur profit du Roialme [Noftre Seignur 1; Roy a la efpeciale requeft des communes en ceft prefent parlement & de ladvis & affent fuifditz voet & graunte qe le dit eftatuu foit tenuz & gardez en toutz points ilfint qe fon counfeiil puiffe reftreindre le dit paffage qant lour femblera pur profit du Roialme.] Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 6 Hen. VI. and Anno Dom. 1427. A Confirmation of the Statute of 17 R. 2. c. 7. giving Licence to all the King's Subjefts to carry Corn out of the Realm. The Stat. 17 R. z. c. 7. is re- pealed by 21 Jac, j.c.28. i&z Ph. &M. c. s . I Jac. 1. c. 25. 3 Jac. 1. c. 11. 21 Jac. 1, c.28 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 7. N'OSTRE Seignur le Roy a fon parlement tenuz a Weltm' a la Quinfzifme de Seint Michell Ian de fon regne vj me par advys & affent des Seignurs efbirituelx & temporelx & al efpeciale requeft des Communes de fon Roialme 5 k UR Lord" the King, at his Parliament hold- en ntJFeJlminJler, theFifteenth oi&t.M'uhae!^ the Sixth Year of his Reign, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the fpecial Inftance and Requeft of the Com- mons