Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/599

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A. D. 1429. Anno o&avo Henrici VI. C« *5> l6 - 553 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. tenfraunchife la ou y ad Chaunceller Si feal qe adonqes le dit Chaunceller de tiel countee ou lieu enfraunchife pur le temps efteant apres compleint a luy duement fait & tefmoigne par juftice ou lieutenant de juftice & vifcount de tiel countee palatyn ou lieu enfraunchife pur le temps efteant en la forme fuifdit eit femblable poair de agarder Capias & briefs de proclamation avauntditz come le dit Chaunceller dEngleterre pur le temps efteant ad. ' where in a Place enfranchifed, where there is a Chancellor and a Seal, that then the faid Chancellor a p)aC( faid Offences be committed in of fuch County or Place enfranchifed, for the time c hifed. being, after Complaint to him duly made and tefti- ried by a Juftice, or the Lieutenant of a Juftice, and Sheriff" of fuch County Palatine or Place en- franchifed, for the time being, in the Form afore- faid, fhall have like Power to award a Capias and a Writ of Proclamation aforefaid, as the faid Chan- cellor of England * hath.' . * f° r lhc T «*

  • > being

CAP. XV. The Juftices may in certain Cafes amend Defaults in Records. ITEM ordeigne eft & eftablie qe les Juftices du Roy devaunt queux afcune mefprifion ou defaute foit ou ferra trove foit il en afcun re- cordes & procefles qore fount ou ferrount pen- dantz devaunt eux fibien par voie derrour come autremeut ou en lez retournez dicelles faitz ou affairez par vifcountz coroners baillifs des fraun- chifes ou autres qeconqes par mefprifion des clerks dafcuns des ditz Courtz du Roi ou par mefpri- fion dez vifcountz foutzvifcountz coroners lour clercs ou autres officers clercs ou miniftres qe- conqes en efcrivant un lettre ou un filable trop ou trop poie aient poiar damender tielx de- fautes & mefprifions folonc lour difcretion & par examination ent par les ditz Juftices apren- dre ou lour femblera bofoignable. Purveu qe ceft eftatut ne fe extende as recordes & pro- cefles es parties de Gales ne as recordes & pro- cefles dutlagaries des felonies & trefons Si les dependantz dicelles. 9 H. 5. ftat. 1. c. 4. 4 H. 6. c. 3. 8 H. 6. c, 12. See farther 10 H. be amended and <what not* ITEM, it is ordained and eftablifhed. That theSCo. 162. King's Juftices, before whom any Mifprifion or l Ro11 44 "?» Default is or fhall he found, be it in any Records and Procefles which now be, or fhall be, depending be- fore them, as well by Way of Error as otherwiie, of in the Returns of the fame, made or to be made by Sheriffs, Coroners, Bailiffs of Franchifes, or any other, by Mifprifion of the Clerks of any of the faid Courts of the King, or by Mifprifion of the Sheriffs, Under-iherifts, Coroners, their Clerks, or other Of- ficers, Clerks, or other Minifters whatsoever, in wri- ting one Letter or one Syllable too much or too lit- tle, fhall have Power to amend fuch Defaults and Mifprifions according to theirDifcretion, and by Ex- amination thereof by the faid Juftices to be taken D _ . where they fhall think needful. (2) Provided that ^&f ' n * this Statute do not extend to Records and Procefles Outlawries. in the Parts of Wales, (3) nor to the Procefles and 14 Ed. 3. ftat. »■ Records of Outlawries of Felonies, and Treafons, c - 6 - and the Dependences thereof.' c. 4. 18 H. 6. c. 9. 5 EHx, c, 23. 27 El'.x, c. 5. and 4 Ann. c. 16. S R: 2. c. 4. I H. 5. c. 5. lahat Defecii may CAP. XVI. By what Perfons Efcheators fhall find an Office, and in what Time he fhall Certify it. Patent made of Lands feifed upon an Inqueft. A TEM pur efchuer lez dolours grevancez & dif- heretifons qi de jour en autre aveignent as plu- lburs lieges noftre Seignur le Roy par les efchetours de ceo qils preignent enqueftes denquerer devaunt eux fibien par vertue des briefs noftre Seignur le Roy come de lour office favourablement & noun duement par gentz nient empanellez ne retournez a eux par les vifcountz des countes & pluiftoft pur lour propre gayne & pur difheretifon des lieges no- ftre Seignur le Roy qe pur profit mefme noftre Seignur le Roy Et auxi de ceo qe les terres & tene- mentz des plufours lieges noftre Seignur le Roy fount feifezes mains noftre Seignur leRoy fur tielx enqueftes & autres & leffez par le Chaunceller ou Treforer a ferme devaunt ceoqe mefmes les enque- ftes foient retournez en la Chancellarie noftre Seignur le Roy eft ordine par auftorite de ceft pre- fent parlement qe nul efchetour ne commiffioner preigne afcunement afcun enqueft denquerrer finon des gentz retournez & empanellez par le vifcount en le counte deins quell il eft efchetour ou commif- iioner. Et ft afcun efchetour ou commimoner -preigne enquefte des "gentz qi ne fount mye enpa- cielleZ ne retournez par le vifcount come defuis eft <lit & ent par examination ou autrement al fuite de Vox L TEM, To efchew the Dolours, Grievances, and An Efcheatt* Difherifons, which dailv do happen to many of'. fha11 "? ke , n ° T~ t?" > 1* Tl it ^1 T^ r 1 . r 1 inqueft, but ba- the King s liege reople by the tlcbeators, for tnat f uc p cr r ons as they take Inquefts, to inquire before them, as welliie returned by - by Virtue of the King's Writs, as of their Offices, the sheriff. favourably and not duly, by People not impanelled Raft- f*' - 3'5' nor returned to them by the Sheriffs of the Counties, and more often for their private Gain, and for tlv? Difherifon of the King's liege People, than for the Profit of the fame our Lord the King, (2) and alfo for that the Lands and Tenements of many of the King's liege People be feifed into the King's Hands upon fuch Inquefts, or let to ferm by the Chancellor or Treafurer, before fuch Inquefts be returned in the Chancery;" ' (3) our Lord the King hath ordained, by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, that no Efcheator or Commiffioner take in any wife any In- queft to inquire, but of People returned ahd imp.i-' nelled by the Sheriffs in the County within which he is Efcheator or CommiiT.ener. (4) And : if anyW™ :Li ™ Efcheator or Commiffioner take Inquefts of People , ';'. d , ,n ^ rh . e which be not impanelled nor returned by the Sheriff", , '"^ n i„" *£ as is afore faid, ' and thereof by 'Exam':nation, or or - offce, (hail otherwife, at the Suit of the Party, which for him- be let to term, ■felf or for the King, or any other Perfon that will V 3 H * 6 - *■ *• -fue-