Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/622

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$j6 C. 12—15. Anno undecimo H e n r i c i VI. 5H..4. •J Piinti, Bench within a Quarter of a Year after the Procla- mation made, if it be in the Time of the Term, or otherwife at the next Day in the Time of the Term following the faid Qiiarter ; (2) and if he do not, that he be attainted of the faid Deed, and pay to the Party grieved his double Damages, to be taxed by the Eifcretion of the Juftices of the fame Bench for the Time being, or by Inqueft, if it be needful, and make Fine and Ranfom at the King's Will ; (3) and if he come, and be found guilty by Inqueft, by Examination, or otherwife, of fuch Affray or Affaul't, then he fliall pay to the Party fo grieved his double Damages found by the Inqueft, or to be taxed by the Difcretion of the faid Juftices, and make Fine and Ranfom at the King's Will, as above is faid.' A. D. 1433, Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. dune an apres la proclamation fait fil foiet el temps da terme ou autrement al profchein jour en le temps du terme enfuant le dit quarter et fil ne face qil foit atteint de le fait fuifdit & paie al parte greve fez damages a double a taxer par la difcretion dez Juftices du dit Bank pur le temps efteant ou par enqueft fil bofoigne & face fyn be raunceon a la volunte de Roi. Et fil veigne & trove foit coupable par enqueft par examination ou en autre maner de tiel affraie ou affaute paie il adonqes a parte enfi greve fez damages a double trovez par enqueft ou a taxer par la difcretion dez ditz Juftices & face fyn & raunceon a la volunte du Roi come defuis eft dit. C A P. XII. What Wax-Chandlers fhall take for their Work of Yv'ax. See Appendix. CAP. XIII. A Confirmation for three Years of the Stat, of 8 Hen. 6. Calais fhall be fold for ready Money. ■c. 18. That Wooll, &c. brought ta See Appendix. CAP. XIV. It fhall be Felony to fhip or carry any Merchandifes of the Staple in Creeks, during three Years. See Appendix. C A P. XV, A Cuftomer fhall difcharge the Merchant that hath paid his Cuftom. ITEM, For that our Lord the King, by aPeti-1 tion to him delivered in the fame Parliament, by the Commons of the fame, for the Merchants of the Realm, hath perceived, That feeing the Cuftomers and Controulers in the King's Ports do not write any Warrants in Difcharge of the faid Merchants of their Merchandifes by them fhewed and duly cuftomed, fome as well coming into the Realm, as paffing out of the fame, the fame Cuftomers and Controulers do imbezil the King's Cuftoms, and the Merchants be greatly hindred, becaufe that the Warrants might plainly fhew and declare their due Cuftom, when they be unduly impeached in the King's Exche- quer:" ' (2) The fame our Lord the King confi- dering the faid Deceits, by the Advice, Affent, and Authority abovefaid, -hath ordained., That the faid Cuftomers and Controulers fhall write, and deliver fuflicient Warrants, fealed with the Seal of their Office to that ordained, to the faid Merchants, and to every of them, for all and every of their Merchandifes every Time by them to the Cuftomers and Controulers duly fhewed ; (3) and that the faid Merchants, nor any of them, fhall any Thing pay for the faid Warrants, but only their due Cuftom. (4) And in cafe that any Cuftomer or Controuler, in any of the faid Ports, f do the con- trary, that then every Merchant fo grieved may have an Action, by Virtue of this Ordinance, to puirfue againft every Cuftomer or Controuler that doth the contrary, in every Court of Record; (5) and then every Cuftomer or Controuler fo attainted fhall for- feit to the King for every Default Ten Pounds, and to the Merchant thereby grieved, that will fue, a Hundred Shillings.' T E M pur ceo qe noftre Seignur le Roi par une petition a luy bailie en mefme le parlement par lez Communes dicell pur le merchauntz du Roialme ad entendu qe pur tant qe lez cuftomers & counirollours en lez portes du Roi nefcrivent af- cuns garraunts en difcharges des ditz marchauntz de lour merchandifes par eux monftrez & duement cuftomez afcuns fibien veignauntz en le Roialme come paffantz hors dicelle mefmes lez cuftomers & countroullours embefilent lez cuftomes du Roi & lez ditz merchauntz fount graundement anientifez a caufe qe lez ditz garrauntz purroient overtement declarer & monftrer lour due .cuftome quant ils fount fovent nonduement enpechez- en lefchekker du Roi. Mefme noftre Seignur le Roi confiderant lez ditz diffeites de lavis aflent & au&orite fuifditz ad ordeine qe lez ditz cuftomers & controllours ff- crivent & deliverent fufficiantz garrantz enfelez ovefqe le feal de lour office a ceo ordeinez as ditz merchauntz & a chefcun de eux pur tous & chef- cune de lour merchandifes chefcun foitz par eux as ditz cuftomers & controllours duement mon- ftrere mefmes lez merchantz ne null de eux rien paiant pur lez ditz garrantz mes folement lour due cuftome. "Et en cas qe chefcun cuftomer ou coun- trollour en afcune dez ditz pointes face le contrarie qadonqes chefcun merchant enfi greve poet avoir action par vertue de cefte ordenance a purfuer en- vers chefcun cuftomer ou countrollour qui face le contrarie en chefcune court de recorde et adonqes chefcun cuftomer & countrollour iffint atteint puife forfaire au Roi pur chefcun defaute x. li. & a le merchant enfi greve qui voill fuer C. s. CAP.