Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/623

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A. D. 1435- Anno decimo quarto Henrici VI. c - *— 3- 577 CAP. XVI. The Penalty for fealing of a blank Cocket to deceive the King of his Cuftoms. Ex Rot. in Turr, Lond. ITEM pur tant qe le Roi noftre Seignur eft graundement difTeive dez fez cuftumes & fubfides de ceo qe lez cuftumers dez ditz portes deins le Roialme enfealent blankes efcrowes en parchemyn appellez blankes Cokkettez ove lour feals deputez a lour office & eux iffint enfeallez deliverent as merchantz pur entrere & efcrivere en icelles lour biens & merchandifes iflantz hors du Roialme as parties de pardela le Roi dez fez cuftumes & fubfides dez tiels biens & merchandifes nient refponduz ne paiez ordene eft par advis & auclo- rite fuifditz qe fi afcune cuftumere enfeale afcune tiel blank efcrowe ove le feal depute a fon office ou ft af- cune. merchant entre ou efcrive ou face entrer ou efcriver en tiel blank efcrowe ou chartre iffint enfeale fez biens ou merchandifes parront defrauder noftre Seignur le Roi dez fez cuftumes & fubfides foit adonqes fibien mefme le cuftumer come le marchant adjuggez de forfaire touz fez biens & chateux com ils forferoient en cas de felonie & qe ils & chefcune de eux aient lemprifonment dez trois ans. Et durra cell: ordinaunce par trois ans profchenement enfuantz apres le feft de feint Hillar' profchein aveignere. EXP. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 14 Hen. VI. and Anno Dom. 1 4.35. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond, ■yOSTRE Seignur le Roi Henri le fifme apres le conqueft a fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' le x e jour dOiSlobre Ian de fon regne qatorfzifme de ladvis & affent des Seignurs efpirituelx & temporelx & a la ef- peciale requeft des Communes du Roialme en mefme le parlement efteantz ad fait faire di- verfes eftatutes & ordinances a lonour de Dieu & le bien de luy & fon dit Roialme en la forme enfuant. " /AUR Lord the King Henry the Sixth after " f J the Conqueft, at his Parliament holden at " V_-^ IVeJiminJier the Tenth Day of October, the " Fourteenth Year of his Reign, by the Advice and " Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at " the fpecial Requeft of the Commons of the Realm, " being in the fame Parliament, hath caufed to be " made divers Statutes and Ordinances, to the Honour " of God, and for the Wealth of him and his Realm, " in the Form following." CAP. I. Juftiees of Nifi prius may give Judgement of a Man attainted or acquitted of Felony. EN primes noftre dit Seignur le Roy ad ordine par auclorite del dit parlement qe les Juftiees devaunt queux inquifitions enqueftes & jurres enavaunt foient prifez par brief du Roi de Ni- fi prius jouft la forme de leftatut ent fait eient poair en toutz cafez de felonie & trefon de ren- dre lour jugement fibien lou home eft acquite de felonie ou de trefon come lou il eft ent atteint a jour & lieu ou les ditz inquifitions enqueftes & jurres iffint foient prifes & adonqes illeoqes de agarder execution de eftre fait par force de mefmes les jugementz. IRST, Our Lord the King hath ordained, by 13 Ed. i. flat. r. the Authority of the faid Parliament, That the^ 30. Juftiees before whom Inquifitions, Inquefts, and Ju- *+ Ei ' }' ^ at ' ries, from henceforth fhall be taken by the King's x ' c ' Writ called Nifi prius, according to the Form of the Statute thereof made, fhall have Power of all the Cafes of Felony and of Treafon, to give their Judge- Dyer f, 120. ments, as well where a Man is acquit of Felony, or I:>:ElJ -4- f - J 9«  of Treafon, as where he is thereof attainted, at the Day and Place where the faid Inquifitions, Inquefts and Junes be fo taken, and then from thenceforth to award Execution to be made by Force of the farce Judgements.' See father cm- •* ° cernwg Trials by Nifi prius 35 H. 8. c. 6* 18 £//«, c. 12. 12 Geo. x, c, 31. 24 Geo. 2. c. iS. fee* 5. CAP. II. Woolls and Fells fhall not be exported but to Calais. Special Exceptions in Favour of King, and his Council, and the Merchants of Venice, Jean, &c. See appendix. CAP. III. Where the Juftiees of Affife of Cumberland fhall hold their Seffions. the ITEM come par eftatut fait en temps le Roi Richard ordine foit qe les Juftiees Daffifes prendre & gaoles deliverer affignez & affigners Vol. L T E M, Whereas by a Statute made in the Time 6 R . 2. c. 5, b. of King Richard the Second, it was ordained, " That the Juftiees affigned, and 10 be affigned, to take Eeee " Affifes