Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/630

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5S4 C. 6; Anno decimo quinto PIenrici VI. A. D. 1436. A foreign Plea pleaded by any of the Defen- dants lound for the Plaintiff. Keilw. 55. This Statute doth not extend to Cities or Ejioughs. A Remedy if there be not fuf- ficient Men in the fame Countv, who have Lands of the yearly Value of xx/. Farther provided for by 23 H. 8 King's Court upon any ItTue in the faid Acfions of Attaint, if he be for the fame by the Plaintiffs in due Form challenged. (11) And that alfo as often as any Sheriff, Bailiff of Franchife, or Coroner, do con- trary to this Ordinance, he fhall pay, and by this Statute be bound to pay to the King x. li. and to the Plaintiffs in the faid Actions and Writs of Attaint for their Delay other x. li. (12) And if any of the fo- reign Anfvvers and Pleas be tried and found againft any of the faid Defendants, that then the fame Judge- ment againft the fame Defendants, and for the laid Plaintiffs, fhall be given by the King's Jufticcs, and Confideration of his Courts, as by the Law fhould be given againft the fame Defendants, in Cafe that the Grand Jury in the faid Actions and Writs of Attaint, upon the Points and Articles of the fame Writs, had paffed againft the fame Defendants, and with the faid Plaintiffs. (13) And that by the fame Judgements, no other of the faid Defendants, but they againft whom the aforefaid foreign Anfwers and Pleas be found and tried, fhall be prejudiced or endamaged ; (14) and that this Statute touching the Office of She- riff, Bailiff of Franchife, and Coroner, in returning of the faid Perfons of the Sufficiency of Freehold of the yearly Value of xx. li. and that no Perfon of lefs Sufficiency of Freehold be fworn in the faid Ac- tions and Writs of Attaint, fhall not extend to Cities and Boroughs within the faid Realm, nor to the In- habitants in the fame. ' II. Provided always, That if in any of the faid Counties there be not Perfons inhabiting (under the Eftate of a Baron) of PolTeffion of Lands and Tene- ments of the yearly Value of xx li. in the fame County, in the Form aforefaid, to fuffice the Num- ber to be impanelled and returned in the faid Actions and Wriiis of Attaint, that then the Sheriff, and Bailiffs of Franchifes, and Coroners of the fame County, fhall impanel and return in the fame Ac- tions and Writs, Perfons there inhabiting, of the meft fufficient of Poffeffion of yearly Value of Lands and Tenements within the Value of xx li. in the fame County in the Form aforefaid; (2) and that to fuch Perfons the faid Challenge extend not, that he is not of PolTeffion of Lands and Tenements of the yearly Value of xx li. in the fame County ; (3) and that as often as any of the fame Sheriffs, Bai- liffs, or Coroners do contrary to this prefent Article, he fhall pay to the King x li. and to the Plaintiffs x li. in the Form aforefaid.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. Court du Roi fur null iffue en les ditz actions dat- tcint fil foit pur icell par les pleintifs en due fourme chalanges. Et qe auxi fovent qe afcun vicount baillif du fraunchife ou coroner face le contrarie de cede ordinance qil paie & par ceft eftatut foit tenuz a paier au Roy x. li. & a le; pleintifs en les ditz actions & briefs datteint pur lour delaies au- tres x. li. Et qe fi afcun des ditz foreins refponfes & plees foit trice & trove encountre afcun des ditz defendantz qadonques mefmes les j uggementz coun'tre mefmes les defendantz & pur les ditz plein- tifs foient dones par les Juftices du Roy & conn- deration de fes Courts ft come par la leie ferroit donee envers les mefmes defendants en cas qe le graunde jurie en les ditz actions & briefs datteint fur les points & articles de mefmes les briefs paf- fez encountre mefme les defendants & ovefqe les ditz pleintifs. Et qe par mefmes les juggementz null autre des ditz defendantz finon ceux vers qucux les avauntditz foreins refponfes & plees fount troves & triez foit bleffez ne endamages. Et qe ft eftatuit touchant loffice de vifcount baillif de fraunchife & coroner en retournant des per- fones de la fufficiauntee du frank tenement dan- nuell value de xx. li.' et qe null perfone de mein- dre fufficiante du frank tenement foit jurie en les ditz actions & briefs datteint ne extende pas as ci- tees & burghs de le dit Roialme ne a les enhabi- tantz en icelles. Purveu toutz foitz qe ft en afcuny de les ditz countees ne foient perfones enhabitantz defoubz le ftate de baron del poffeffion dez terres & tenementz dannuell value de xx. li. en mefme le counte en la fourme avantdit a fuffire le noumbre pur eftre empanelles & retournes en les ditz actions Sc briefs datteint qadonques le vifcount baillifs de franchifez & coronours de mefme le counte empanell & re- tourne en mefmes' les actions & briefs perfones il- leoqes enhabitantz de la pluis fufficiante du poffef- fion dannuell value de terrez & tenementz deinz la value de xx. li. par an en mefme le counte en la fourme avauntdit & qe a ceux perfones nextende pas lavauntdite chalanges qils ne fount del fuffici- ante des terres & tenementz dannuell value de xx. li. en mefme le counte & ceo auxi fovent qe afcun de mefmes les vifcountz baillfs ou coroners face le contrarie de ceft darrein article qil paie au Roy x. li. & au ditz pleintifs x. li. en la fourme avantdite. c. 3. And let .farthet Relations in Anoints i j H. 7. c. 21 £f 24. 19 li. 7. c. 3. and 37 H. 8. C. 5. C A P. VI. A Reftraint of unlawful Orders made by Matters of Guildes, Fraternities, and other Companies. fori EXP. 7. c. 7. TEM come les maiftres gardeins & gents des plufurs gildes fraternitees & autres companies incorporatz demufantz es diverfes parties du Koialme fovent par colour de reule & governaille & autres termes en ge- ncrall parolles a cux grauntes & confermes parchirtres & lettres patentz des progenitours noftre Seignur le Roi faeent cntre eux mefmes plufours difloialx & meins refonables ordenaunces tant des tielx chofes dount la oonufaunce puniffement & correction foukment parteignent au Roi Seignurs des fraunchifes & autres perfones & parount noftre dit Seignur le Roi h autres fount dilheritez de lour franchifez h profitz come des chofes qe forwent en confederacie pur lour finguler profit h commune damage au poeple. Mefme noftre Seignur le Roy paradis & alien t des Seignurs efpirituelx Si temporelx avauntditz & a la preier des Communes deffuifditz a ordeinc.' par auctorite de mefme le parkment qe les meiftres gardeins & gents de chefcun tiel gilde frater- nitee ou compaince incorporate par entre cy & le feft de Seint Michiell prochein venaunt portent & faeent re- gillrer de recorde devaunt les juftices du peas en countes ou devaunt les chief governours des citees burghs & 2 villes