Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/643

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A. D. 1442. Ex Rot. in iW-i Lond. ■eax foit'enquiz eft fil poet elite trove par enquerre devaunt juitices de la peas & proevez qils ount ifihit monftrez de r-ecorde & departiez a lour capi- tals defuifditz faunz licence come eft defuifdit qe adonqes iis foient puniz come felons. Anno vicefimo H e n r i c i VI, C. 1. 597 to keep until it be of them inquired ; (5) and if it be found by Inquiry before Jufticcs of Peace, and proved that they have fo mufterc-d of Record, and departed from their Captains aforefaid without Licence, as afore is faid, that then they flnll be punifhed as IT 1 1 i H f' fine Felc ners by 5 El. c. 5. f. 27. 45 EI. c. 3. 31 Car. 2. e. 1. & iS. And fee ibe yearly -A3s-agah:Jl Mutiny and Befertion. 12 Am. 1. <r. 13. 1 Geo. t. c. 47. 3 Ceo. 1. c. 2. 22 Geo. 2. c. 44. 33 Regi 2 R ft. iqi. ~ 2. Hat. I. c.4. 4 & 5 Ph. & M. c- 3 Exte ldcd to Ma- riners and Gun- Gco. 2. c. 6,- 8, Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 20 Hen. VI. a?id Anno Dom, 1442. Ex Rot. in Twr. Lond. 'OSTRE Seignur le Roy.a fon parlement tenuz a Wel'm' le jour do; Converfion de Seint Paule le xxv. jour de Januar' Ian de fon regne xx e a lonour de Dieu & pur le -bien de -luy Sc Ton Roialme de ladvis & affent des Seignurs efpirituelx & temporelx ■& a la efpecial .requeft des Communes en mefnie le parlement affembleez ad fait ordeigner & eftableir diveifez eftatuitz & ordinaunces en la fourme qenfuit. jUR Lord the Thing, at his Parliament holden at Jfrejhninjler, the Day of the Converfion of St. Paul, the l ive and twentieth Day of ^, the Twentieth Year of his Reign, to the Ho- nour of God, and for the Weal of him and of his Realm, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal, and at the fpecial Requeft of the Commons in the fame Parliament affembled, hath,' made, ordained, and eftablilhed divers Statutes and'- Ordinances in the Form following," CAP. I. All Letters of Safe Condu&s fhall be inrolled in the Chancery. PRimerement come poverez -merchantz diceft Roialme de jour en autre fount difrobbes par les, enemys du Roy fur le mer & deins mefmc- le Roialme de lours niefs & biens & merchaundifes de graunde richeffe & lour corps prifez & emprifonez ove graunde dureffe & myz a graunde finaunces & raunfon & les poverez lieges du Roy demurantz pres les coftes du meer hors de lours propre rnea- ibn ove lour chateux & enfauntz fur le terre •prifez & ove les ditz enemys ou lour pleft amef- nez queux meichiefs Veignent pur ceo qe les ditz merchauntz fount difcoragez ove force &. puiffans de niefs & de gents defenfibles de gardicr le meer & les coftes dicell a caufe qe les niefs biens & merchandifes par eux prifez des ditz enemiz du Roy fount afcun foitz claimez par les enemys du Roy par colur de faufconducts nicnt duement purchacez ne de recorde enroliez enfy qe les fubgetz du Roy purrount aver notice de eux et afcun foitz fount claymez par marchantz eftraungez del amifte du Roy deftre a eux appur- tenauntz par colour de tefmoignfz meins verrois de lour nation & par merches lettres & chartres parte par eux countrefaitz & per tielx provez fur tielx claimes fount reftorez a mefmes les biens & merchandifes treflbvent foitz prifez en niefs & veflelx appurtenauntz a les enemyes du Roy & les ditz enemyz du Roy graundement fount enrichez & lour navie fortement encrece & la navie & merchandife du dit Roialme noftre die Seignur le Roy grevoufment amenufez & tielx damages & i convenientifez de jour en autre fount verifemblable dencrecer & avenere a dit Roialme. FIRST, Whereas poor Merchants* of the King* N " ; " 0r ^ of this Realm daily be robbed by the King's MAniefs ?mnn £ V • ., c j-'j- t>- .from the Non- Jinemies upon the Sea, and in divers Rivers and inro]Iment ot - Ports within the fame Realm, of their Ships, Goods,Letters of Safe- and Merchandifes, of great Riches, and their Bo-Condua. dies taken and imprifoned with great Durefs, and put to great Fines and Ranfoms, and the King's -poor Subjects dwelling nigh the Sea-coafts taken out of their own Houfes, with their Chattl.s and In- fants upon Land, and carried by the faid Enemies where it pleafe them ; (2) which Mifchiefs come by reafon that the faid Merchants be difcouraged with. - Force and Puiffance of Ships, and of People defen- fible, to keep the Sea and the Coafts of the fame, . for that the Ships, Goods, and Merchandifes by them taken from the faid King's Enemies, be fome- tirnes claimed by the King's Enemies, by Colour of Safe Conducts not duly purchafe.1, nor of Record inrolled,. fo that the King's Subjects may have No- tice of them, (3) and fometime be claimed by Mer- chants Strangers of the King's Amity, to be belong- ing to them, by Colour of falfe WitnefTes of their Nation, and by Letters of Marque and Charters. party by them counterfeited, and by fuch Proofs upon fuch Claims be reftored to the fame Goods and Merchandifes often taken in Ships and Veffels belongii g to the King's Enemies, and the faid King's Subjects put to great Vexation, and Lofs of their own Goods, (4.) whereby the faid- King's Enemies be greatly enriched, and their Navy ftrong- ly increafed, and the Navy and Merchandife of the faid Realm of our Lord the King greatly diminifti- ed, and fuch Damages and Inconveniencies daily be likely to increafe and come to the faid Realm of our faid Lord the King, if fpeedy Remedy in this Cafe be not provided : II.