Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/661

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A. D. 1444. Anno vicefimo tertio Henrici VI. C. 14. 615 Cotton MS. burghs, ou tielx elections font ou ferront faitz, encourge et forface a Roi xl. li. et cnouftre forface et paie a chefcune perfone en apres eflieu citezein ou burgeis a venir al parlement, et nemye per mef- mez lez mair et baillifs, ou baillifs ou baillif ou mair neft, retourne, ou autre perfone qui en de- faulte de tiel citezein ou burgeis iflint eflieu fuer voet, xl. li. dont chefcune des citezeins et burgey- fez iflint greve feveralment, ou afcun autre perfone qui en lour defaute fuer voet, ait fa action de dette envers chefcune des ditz mair et baillifs, ou baillifs ou baillif ou mair neft, et envers lour executours ou adminiftratours, a demaunder et aver de chefcune dez ditz mair et baillifs, ou baillifs ou baillif ou mair neft, xl. li. ove fez coftagez en ceft cas ex- penduz ; et que en tiel action de dette pris per force diceft eftatut null defendaunt gagera fa ley de la dit demaunde en null manere, ne avera afcun effoin. Et que chefcune vifcount qui ne face due elec- tion dez chivalers pur venir al parlement en temps covenable, fcilicet chefcune vifcount en fon pleyn counte per entrc le houre de viij e et le hoeure de xj e devaunt le none, faunz collufion en ceft par- tie, et chefcune vifcount qui ne face bon et verray retourne dez tielx elections dez chivalers de venir al parlement en temps a venir, come a eux ap- partient, en manere et fourme fuifditz, forface envers le Roi C. li. et encourge la peyne de C. li. a paier a celluy qui voet fuer envers luy, fez executours ou adminiftratours, pur ceft caufe, per voie dadtion de dette, ove fez coftagez en ce'lle partie expenduz fans gager de ley de celle de- maunde, ou aver eflbin, come devant eft dit. Purveu tcrutz foitz, que chefcun Chivaler, Cite- zein, et Burgeis, pur venir a afcun parlement en temps aveigner a tenir, en due fourme eflieu, et noun pas retourne come defuis eft dit, commence fa action de dette fuifdit deinz trois mois apres mefme le parlement commence, a proceder en la dit fuite eftectuelment, faunz fraude; et ft ifTmt ne face, eit un autre qui fuer le voet le dit action de dette, come devaunt eft dit, de aver et reco- verer mefme la fomme, ove fez coftagez en ceft partie difpenduz, en manere et fourme avauntdit ;■ iflint que null defendaunt en tiel action gagera fa ley, ne foit effoin en null manere, come defuis eft dit. Et fi afcune Chivaler, Citezein, ou Burgeis, en temps aveignir retourne per le vifcount de venir al parlement en la manere fuifdit, apres tiel re- tourne per afcun perfone foit oufte, et un autre mys en fon lieu ; que tiel perfone iflint mys en le lieu ceftuy qui efte oufte, fil accepte fur luy deftre Chivaler, Citezein, ou Burgeis, a afcun parle- ment en temps avenir, forface devers le Roy C. li. et C. li. al Chivaler, Ckezein, ou Burgeis, iflint retourne per le vifcount, et apres come devaunt eft dit oufte. Et que ceft Chivaler, Citezein, ou Burgeis, qui eft iflint oufte, avera action de 'ette dez mef- mez C. li. vers tiel perfone iflint mys en fon lieu, fez executours ou adminiftratours. Purveu toutz fo'tz, que il commence fa fuite deinz trois moys apres le parlement commence ; et fi il ne face, que eeliuy qui voet fuer avera action de. dette dez met- geffes of the Cities or Boroughs where fuch Elections be or fliall be made, mall incur and forfeit to the King Forty Pounds ; and moreover fhall forfeit and pay to every Perfon hereafter chofen Citizen or Bur- gefs to come to the Parliament, and not by the fame Mayor and Bailiff", or Bailiffs or Bailiff" where no Mayor is, returned, or to any other Perfon which in Default of fuch Citizen or Burgefs fo chofen will fue, Forty Pounds, whereof every of the Citizens and Burgefles fo grieved feverally, or any other Perfon which in their Default will fue, fhall have his Action of Debt againft every of the faid Mayor and Bailiffs, or Bailiffs or Bailiff where no Mayor is, againft their Executors or Adminiftrators, to demand and have of every the faid Mayors and Bailiffs, or Bailiffs or Bai- liff where no Mayor is, Forty Pounds, with his- Cofts in this Cafe expended; (15) and that in fuch Action of Debt, taken by Force of this Statute, no Defendant in any wife fliall wage his Law of the faid Demand, nor have any Effoin. ' II. And that every Sheriff" that maketh no due AfwhatTime Election of Knights to come to the Parliament in of the Day the convenient Time, that is to fay, Every Sheriff in his ^^ [fll^' full County, betwixt the Hour of Eight and the Hour'^,^ a of Eleven before Noon, without Collufion in this Behalf; (2) and that every Sheriff" that maketh not good and true Return of fuch Elections of Knights to come to the Parliament in Time to come, as to them pertaineth, in Manner and Form aforefaid ; fhall forfeit to the King an Hundred Pounds, and alfo fhall incur the Pain of an Hundred Pounds to be paid to him that will fue againft him, his Execu- tors or Adminiftrators, for this Caufe, by Way of Action of Debt, with his Cofts in this Behalf ex- pended, without waging of Law of his Demand, or as afore is faid. Provided always, That every Knight, Citi- Suits to °e com- zen, and Burgefs to come to any Parliament here- ^u nc ! l lr lth | ln after to be holden, in due Form chofen and not re- a f te 7the Parlia*- turned as afore is faid, fhall begin his Action of Debt ment be&un, aforefaid within three Months after the fame Par- liament commenced, to proceed in the fame Suit effectually without Fraud; (2) and if he fo do not, another that will fue fhall have the faid Action of' Debt (as it is before faid) and fhall recover the fame Sum with his Cofts fpent in this Behalf, in Manner and Form aforefaid, fo that no Defendant in fuch Action fhall wage his Law, nor be effoined in any wife, as afore is faid. (3) And if any Knight, Ci- The Penalty if- tizen, or Burgefs, hereafter returned by the Sheriff 3 "? chofcn to come to the Parliament in the Manner aforefaid, J? beKm s hf . c r . t . . r» r 1 Citizen, or cur^- after luch Keturn, be by any rerfon put out, and g e r 3 , be put our,, another put in his Place, that fuch Perfon fo put in and another pat: the Place of him which is out, if he take upon him ln his Mace. to be Knight,. Citizen, or Burgefs, at any Parlia- ment in Ti ; e to come, fhall forfeit to the King an Hundred Pounds, and an Hundred Pounds ;o the Knight, Citizen, or Burgefs fo return d by the She- riff, and after, as afore is faid, put out. (4.) And that the Knight, Citizen, or Burgefs which is fo put out fliall have an Action of Debt of the fame Cli. againft fuch Perfon put in his Place, his Executors, or Adminiftrators ; (5) provided always,. That, he fliall begin his Suit within Three Months after the Parliament commenced; (6) and if he do not, then he that will fue fliall have an Action of Debt of the '- fane. having Effoin,. ' III. -