Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/267

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A. D. 1535. Anno vicefimo feptimo V/lI. C. i i. 229 or take any Fine, Relief or Harriot, for or by Occafi rxecutingof any Eftate by die Authority Aft, to any Perfon 01 Perfons, or Booies PoJitick, before the faid fit It: Day of May, which I be in the Yen of our Lord il J< ;<1 1536. XIV. Anil be it enafted by Authority aforefaid. That all and fingular Perfon and Perfons, and Bodies Cc "uy ■■.• ■ Politi at any Time on this Side the faid firft Day of May, which (hall be in the Year of our Ty^? id 1 , •/>.! (hall have any Eftate unto them executed of anJ in any Lands, Tenements or He- Wiiulrtzc"

, By the Authority or this Aft, (hall and may have and take the fame or like Advantage, He- might h«e h»4.

Voucher, Aid Prayer, Remedy, Commodity and Profit by Aftion, Entry. Condition or othcrwifc, intents, Conftruftions and Purport , ed to their Ufc of or in any fuch Lands, Ten :ments or Hereditaments lo executed, had, fhoul i, might or ought to have had at the Time of the Execution of the Efl thereof, by the Authority of this Aft, againft any other Perfon or Perfons, of or for any Wall.-, Difleifm, TrefpaTs, Condition Broken, or any other Offence. Caufe or Tiling con- cerning or touching the faid Land- or rencm :nt fo exi cuted by the Authority of this Aft. XV. Provided alfo, and be it cnafted by the Authority aforefaid, That Actions now depending againft Aftiom now d> any Perfon or Perfons feized of or in any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, to any Ufc, Truft or Con- P cndln L'- fidence, fhall not abate ne be difcharged for or by Rcafon of executing of any Lftate thereof by Authority of this Aft, before the faid firft Day of May, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God 1536. any Thing contained in this Aft to the contrary notwitnftanding. XVI. Provided alfo, That this Aft, nor any Thing therein contained, fhall not be prejudicial to the Warfftipi, Li- King's Highnefs for Wardfhips of Heirs now being within Age, nor for Liveries, or for Uii/ler k mains, J""'"".' or ° a!ia to be fued by any Perfon or Perfons now being within Age, or of full Age, of any Lands or Tenements unto nowbdng wiuv- the fame Heir or Heirs now already defcended ; any Thing in this Ait contained to the contrary notwith- in Age, or of Handing. full Age. XVI I. Provided alfo, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and fingular Recognizances Recognizance* heretofore knowledgcd, taken or made to the King's Ufe, for or concerning any Recoveries of any Lands, '--ken to h<: Tenements or Hereditaments heretofore fued or had, by Writ or Writs of Entry upon Diffeiiin in le King's Ufe con- po/l, fhall from henceforth be utterly void and of none Effcft, to all Intents, Conftruftions and Purpofes. " rnin E Rreo - XVIII. Provided alfo, That this Aft, nor any Thing therein contained, be in any wife prejudicial or hj,^ f L an d, hurtful to any Perfon or Perfons born in Wales or the Marches of the fame, which fhall have any Eftate executed tc Pe*. to them executed by Authority of this Aft, in any Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments within this fops born in. Realm, whereof any other Perfon or Perfons now ftand or be feized to the Ufe of any fuch Perfon or Per- Wales «  fons born in Wales or the Marches of the fame ; but that the fame Perfon or Perfons born in Wales, or the Marches of the fame, fhall or may lawfully have, retain and keep the fame Lands, Tenements or other He- reditaments, whereof Eftate fhall be fo unto them executed by the Authority of this Aft, according to the Tenor of the fame ; any Thing in this Aft contained, or any other Aft or Provilion heretofore had or made to the contrary notwitnftanding. CAP. XI. For Clerks of the Signet. ' W7 HERE AS the King's Clerks of his Grace's Signet and Privy Seal, giving their daily Attendance . t^ . fi ' VV for the paffing and writing of his Majefty's great and weighty Affairs, and the Caufes of this his ' Realm, having for their Entertainment, and their Clerks, no Fees nor Wages certain for thofe Offices, ' other than fuch Fees as cometh and groweth of the faid Signet and Privy Seal ; (z'j to the Intent that ' from henceforth they fhould not by any manner of Means be defeated of any Part or Portion of the fame ' their Fees :' Be it therefore ordained, eftablifhed and enafted, by the Confent and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That all and every Gift, Grant and other Writing, which fhall be made or given in Writing by The Kinc's the King's Highnefs, or any his moll noble Pofterity, to any Perfon or Perfons, figned with his Grace's Grants flail be Sign, or (' England, his Names, Quality or. Qualities foever the fame be, or hereafter fhall be named, deemed or called, which the Mailer of the King's Wards, or general Surveyors of the King's Lands, for the Time being, or any other Officer or Officers that now be, or hereafter fhall be made, fhall by Virtue of an Aft of Parliament, or any the King's Grants to them, or any of them made, or hereafter to be made in that Behalf, give,. grant or make, after the aforefaid fifteenth Day of April, to any Perfon or Perfons in the King's Name, to be palled under any his Majefty's Seals, (4) be in any wife firft, and before the fame Grant, or any of 8 Co. 18. them, be paffed under any the King's faid Seals, or other Procefs made of the fame, brought and delivered to the King's principal Secretary, or to one of the King's Clerks of his Grace's Signet for the i ime being, to be at the faid Office of the Signet palled accordingly. II. And be it alfo ordained and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That one of the Clerks of the faid A Warrant by Signet, to whom any of the faid Writings figned with the King's moft gracious Hand, or the Hand of 0j e Clerk o) '■••" of the fame Bills, ; c '~~

fame, unlefs he

y, make or caufe to be made in the King's Name, Letters of Warrant fubferibed with the Hand of the fame Clerk, and fealed with the King's Signet, to the Lord Keeper of the King's Privy Seal, for further Procefs to be had