Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/29

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The TITLES of the STAT U T E S. 24.. An Act for the making of Hats, Dornccks, and Co- verlets; ;>t Norwich in the County of Norfolk. 1 i Keepers of Alehoufes to be bound by Rc- • ' n wl for Writs upon Proclamations and Exigents, to be current within the County Palatine of /,<^.,;. , P R I V A T E A C T S. Anno qiiinta Is' frxti Eawardi Sexti. 1. A N Act for Bob AiCnrarfce of the Manor of I J and divers other Lauds in the County of/ to William Devereux, one t>f the younger Sons of 1, alttr Vilcount HerefordTjord F/rremhi of Chdftley. 2. An Ad for Aflurance of divers Lands to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London. Act for the Reftitution in Blood of Sir John Nevtll of Chile, Knight. 1 Act for William Marquefs of Northampton and Elt- zabetbhis Wife, to make their Marriage lawful and their Childien legitimate. Rep. 1 Mar. Stat. z. 5. An Aft for the Reftitution of Blood of John Forte/cue, Son of Sir Adryan Fortefcue, Knight. 6. An Aft for Aflurance of the Jointure of the Lady Frounces, Wife of Henry Nevifl Lord Burgavenyc. 7. vn Aft for making Denizens the Wife and Children of Edward Allen. 8. An Aft for the Erection of a Free School in the Town of Pocklington in the County of York. 9. An Aft to ratify the Aft of Parliament made 32 H. 8. for Edward Earl of Hertford, in fome Points, and for Re- compencc to be made to John Seymour for Katherin Fy- loll his Mother's Lands ; and for making good the At- tainders of the Duke of Somerfett, Sir Thomas Arundell, Sir Michaell Stanhope, Sir Ralphe Vane, and Sir My Us Partridge, Knights, with Forfeitures of their PoiTefllons, and with divers other Claufes and Matters concerning the Duke of Somcrfct and his Children. 10. An Aft for the Earl of Oxford, touching the Avoidance of certain AHurances made to the Duke of S.merfct. 1 1. An Aft for the uniting of St. Peters oiWejiminJler, and Weftminjler, to the Bifhoprick of London, and the Ereftion of the Dean and Chapter of JVeJlminJlcr, confining of one Dean being a Prieft, and twelve Prebendaries Priefts. 12. An Aft concerning the Limitation of the Lands of Ed- zvard Duke of Somcrfet. PUBLIC K ACTS. Anno fcptimo Edward} Sexti. 1. AN Aft for the true anfwering of the King's Ma- jt. jefty's Revenues. 2. An Aft for the Diflblving, Uniting, or Annexing of certain Courts, lately erected by the King that dead is. 3. An Aft for the Confirmation of the King's .Majefty's Letters Patents of Bargains and Sales, notwithstanding the Lack or Lofs of the Particulars, or the Bill affigned of the Patentee. 4. An Aft that all Patentees of Colleftorfhips of Tenths itiall be bound for their Collections. ?. An Aft to avoid the exceffive Prices of Wines. 6. An Aft reviving a Statute made in the Seventeenth Year of King Edward the Fourth, touching the carrying of Gold and Silver out of the Realm. 7. An Aft for the Affife of Fuel. 8. An Aft for the true Fulling and Thicking of Caps. 9. An Aft for the making of white plain Streights, and pinned white Streights, in Devon and Cornwall, 10. .An A. ; for the -uniting and aw Town of ■ cajllt upon V 11. An Act for the Continuance of certain Statul 12. An A:t for the Gram ol a Sul granted to the K i fty by the ' Temporally. 13. An Aft for the Confirmation of a Subfidy granted by the C lergy. 14. An Act for the King's Majefty's moft Gracious, Gene- ral and Free Pardon. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno fcptimo Edward! Sexti. 1. A N Act for the Diflblution of the Bifhoprick of Ibur- l. ham, and alio for the new erefting of the fame IjI- fhoprick, and one other at Nnvcafllc. Rep. 1 Mar. Seff. 3- '"• 3- 2. An Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of Sir Edward Se- nior, Knight, Son and Heir 1 < ' Juke of Sopurfeit, and the Lady Katherine Fyloll his firft Wife. 3. An Aft to make Denizens the Children oi Richard Hilh, and Nicholas Wheeler. PUBLICK ACT. A Anno prima Marine. N Aft repealing certain Treafons, Felonies, and Praemunire. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno primo Mariee. 1 . AN Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of the Lady Gar- jtx. tred Courtney, late Wife of Henry Courtney, late Lord Marquis of Exeter. z. An Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of Sir Edward Courtney, Knight, Earl of Devon. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno primo Maria:, Seff. z. 1. AN Aft declaring the Queen's Highnefs to have been JT%. born in a moft juft and lawful Matrimony; and alfo repealing all Acts of Parliament, and Sentences of Divorce, had and made to the contrary. 2. An Aft for the Repeal of certain Statutes made in the Time of the Reign of King Edivard the fixth. 3. An Aft againft Offenders of Preachers and other Milli- liters in the Church. 4. An Aft touching Writings made from the Sixth Day of July lalt paft, and before the firft Day of Ahgujl then next enfuing. 5. An Aft for the Limitation of Prefcription in certain Cafes. 6. An Aft againft Counterfeiting of ftrange Coins, being current within this R.ea!m, or of the Queen's Highnefs Sign Alanual, Signet, or Privy Seal, to be adjudged High Trcafon. 7. An Aft touching Proclamations upon Fines. 8. An Aft that Sheriffs fhai! not be Juftices of Peace during that Office. 9. An Aft touching the Corporation of the Phyficians in London. io. An Aft for the Uniting, Biflblving, or new erecting of Courts. 11. An