Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/313

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A. D. i$-jO. Anno triccfimo fecundo IIi' n r ici YIII. C. 2. . othci Hereditaments, within threefcore Vears i :he l.flc of the i 'I '■■': • I I I 'I I I I II, And be 11 further ena ority aforcfaid, Thai no mam or mail l'c i ( "1 1 1 done to .my of his Ai r fuc, have or maintain any Affile of Mort-anccflor, Cofinag Xmciior-. or Rredd y, upon the Poffcffibn of ; it hereatter to be brought. /. And be it alio enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That no Perfon nor Pcrfons fhall hereafter make , Avowry qr Cognizance for any R. nt, Suit or Service, and alledge any Seifin of any Rent, Suit 01 in the lame Avowry or Cognizance, in the PolTeflion of his or tn< ir Anceftors or PredcccfTor or Pr - Anceftors or PrcdecefTors, for any Mai - Tenements or other Hercdita u leffionof his or their Anccftor or Pi edeceflbr, but only of th [heir Iti r or PredcccfTor, which was, 01 hereafte fhall h feized of the fame Mai . I , Tenemen Hereditaments, within fifty Years next befoie the Trjle of the Original of the lame Writ night, ill. And be it further cnadte • by the Authority aforcfaid, 'I hat no Perfon nor Pcrfons (ball hereafter fue, Concert ■ h'ave or maintain any Action for any Manors, Lands, Tenements, or other Hereditaments of <■; ii own 'Seifin or Poflelfioii therein, above thirty Years next before the Te/le of the Original of the .. hereafter to be brought. j yi..l kn Ii ill,. .11 1, -I,.' In flu. Anrknritv afnrefnirf- Tlirir nn Perfon nnr Prrfrins fhnll Virrr nftvr mnlrn . any Av< ccflbrs, or in his own FofTeflion, or in the PolTeflion of any other, whofe Lftate he fhall pretend or claim I bovc fifty u Years next before the making of the laid Avowry or Cognizance. H r I; i Roll 53. 8 Co. 64. b. 3 Lev. n. 1 Vernon 195. V. And over that be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Formedons in Reverter, Formcdons Formcd-.n: in in Remainder, and Scire facias upon Fines, of any Manors, Lands, Tenements, or other Hereditaments, RewterorRe- at any Time hereafter to be fued, fhall be fued, ufed and taken within fifty Years next after that the Title n*'"*", ^>" and Caufe of Action fallen, and at no Time after the laid fifty Years palTcd. nFmet. ' * * AHeicd by 21 Jar. 1. c. 16. §. I. Ero. Avow. IC7. Dyer : 73, 315. VI. And be it allb enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons at any Time here- : after do fuc any of the faid Actions or Writs, for any Manors, Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, °' s il f " 1 w,h,n (2) or make any Avowry, Cognizance, Prefcription, Title or Claim of or for any Rent, Suit, Service or Limit^on Other Hereditaments, (3) and cannot prove that he or they, or his or their Anceftors or PrcdecefTors, were in actual PoflerR n or Seifin of and in the fame Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Suits, Services, An- I, Commons, Pcnfions, Portions, Corrodics or other Hereditaments, at any Time or Times within ' the Years before limited and appointed in this prefent Alt, and in Manner and Form as is aforefaid, (4) if the fame be traverfed or denied by the Party Plaintiff, Demandant, or Avowant, or by the Party Tenant or defendant, that then and after fuch Trial therein had, all and every fuch Perfon and Pcrfons and their Hi ii , fhall from henceforth be utterly barred forever, of all and every the faid Writs, Actions, Avowries, Cognizance, Prelcription, Title, or Claim hereafter to be fued, had or made, of and for the fame Manors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments or other the PremifTes, or any Part of the fame, for the which the fame J Action, Writ, Avowry, Cognizance, Prelcription, Title or Claim hereafter fhall be at any Time had, fued or made. VII. Provided alway, and be it enacted by .the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Per- A Provifo for fohs which now have any of the faid Actions, Writs, Avowries, Scire facias, Cognizance, Prefcription, Suits depending Title or Claim depending, or that hereafter fhall fuc, commence, make or bring any of the faid Writs or A ' U- ! - 46, Actions, or make any of the faid Avowries, Cognizances, Prefcription, Titles or Claim, at any Time be- fore the Feaft of the Afcenfion of our Lord God, which fhall be in the Year of ou'r Lord God a thoufand five hundred forty and fix, fhall alledge the Seifin of his or their Anccfiors or PrcdecefTors, or his own PolTeflion and Seifin, and alfo have all other like Advantages to all Intents and Purpofes in the fame Writs, ' Aftions, Avowries, Cognizances, Prcfcriptions, Titles and Claims, as he or they might have had at any Time before the making of this Eftatute ; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary not- withllanding. Vill. Provided allb, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons A Provifo to now being within the Age of twenty-one Years, or covert Baron, or in Prilbh, or out of this Realm of rcl '" Q Women England, now having Caufe to have, fue, commence, make or hring any of the faid Writs or Actions, or co ^f rt ' J" s ' to make any Avowries, Cognizances, Prcfcriptions, Titles or Claims, that it fhall be lawful to fuch Per- Perfons in Pri-i fort or Perfons being within Age, covert Baron, in Prifon, or out of this Realm, to fue, commence, or ibn, or cut of bring any of the faid Writs or Actions, or make any of th: faid Avowries, Cognizances, Prcfcriptions, Ti- the Realm, at tfes or Claims, at any Time within fix Y'ears next after fuch Perfon or Peril hs, now being within Age, ' hcTlrr " : ^ this fhall accomplifii the Age of one and twenty Years, or within fix Years next after fuch Perfon or Perfons, Sututc mi c * being covert Baron, fhall be fole, or within fix Years next after fuch Perfon or Pcrfons, now bein°- in-Prifon, fhall be fet at his Liberty, or within fix Years next after fuch Perfon or Perfons, now being out of this Realm, fhall come and he within this Realm : ' (z) And that every fuch Perfon and Perfons in their faid Actions, Writs, Avowries, Cognizances, Prefcription, Titles or Claims to be made, fued or com- menced within the faid fix Years, fhall alledge within the fix Years the Seifin of his or their Anceftors or Pr Vi-cefiors, or of his own PofTefiion or of the PofTeffion of thofe whofe Eftate he fhall then claim ; ({) and alfo within the fame fix Years fhall have all and every like Advantages to all Intents and Purpofes in tha J Ccfexaveh a Writ tobieblies wbtretliTtthW, that is, the Father of rfe Befail. e, Greet Gnui'/stlf, being fiixtdcf Lands aiidTenimtnti tt til D:irt ,: Sfrcnrer crta-s upor. the Heir a^d abates. b Examined with the Record. Nn 2 fame.