Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/431

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A. D. 1547. Anno primo Edwardi Vf. C. 12.' 393 ' pleaf-d, for our Punishment indict and lay upon us, or the Devil lect, doth low and fel an inch Almighty God with his I' ui't I en content and |>] afed to h •■•, as a harder Bridle fhould t might clfc be Qccafton, Caufeand Authors ol fu thei Inconve- lcc; (0 the which Thing caufed the Prince of moft famous Memory, Kingiiiwry tl faid o reign Lord the King, and other his Highnefs Progenitors, with the Allii.t (.1 theft ' and Commons, at divers Parliaments in their I i make and enact «. I , , which might fcem and appear to Men of extt riot Realms, and many < , very itrait, lore, cxtrcam and terrible, although they were then, whenthey ' without great Confideration and Policy moved and cftablilhed, and for the Tin e, to the Avoidance of fur- Inconvenience, very expedient and necefiary : (4) Put as in Temped or Winter, one Courft and • Garment is convenient, in calm or warm Weather a more liberal Cafe or lighter Garment, both 1 ' and ought to he followed and ufed ; fo we have feen divers ftrait and tore Laws made in one Parliament Hine fo requiring) in a more calm and quiet Reign of another Prince, by the like Authority ' * Parliament, repealed and taken away: (5) The which moft high Clemency and Royal Example of his • Majefly's moft noble Progenitors, the King's Highnefs of his tender and godly Nature, moft given to ' Mercy and Love of his Subjects, willing to follow, and perceiving the hearty and fincere Love that his ' moll loving Subjects, both the Lords and Commons, do bear unto his Highnefs, now in this his Maje- ' fty's tender Age, willing alfo to gratify the fame therefore, and minding fuithcr to provoke bis faid Sub- ' jects with gnat Indulgency and Clemency fhewed on his Highnefs Behalf, to more Love and Kindncfs ' toward his Majefty (if it may be) and upon Truft that they will not abufe the fame, but rather be en- ' couraged thereby more faithfully and with more Diligence (if it may be) and Care for his Majefty, to ' fcrve his Highnefs now in this his tender Age, is contented and pleafcd, that the Severity of certain Laws ' here following be mitigated and remitted.' II. Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the Affent of the Lords No Ofi'ence made Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Commons, in this prefeiit Parliament afilmbled, and by the Authority Treafon by any ot the fame, That from henceforth no Act, Deed or Offence, being by Ait of Parliament or Statute made Statute /hall be Treafon or Petit Treafon, by Words, Writing, Ciphering, Deeds, or othenvife whatfoever, fhall be taken, {-L^y! f'„ had, deemed and adjudged to be High Treafon or Petit Treafon, but only fuch as be Treafon or Petit ' mac i c Treafon ■ Treafon, in or by the Act of Parliament or Statute made in the five and twentieth Year of the Reign of by the Statute the moft noble King of famous Memory, King Edvjard the Third, touching or concerning Treafon or of aj'Ed. 3. the Declarations of Treafons, and fuch Offences as hereafter fhall by this prefent Act be exprefled and de- ft:! '- 5- c ' 2 - dared to be Treafon or Petit Treafon, and none other ; (2) nor that any Pains of Death, Penalty or For- J m fei/'i^c 1 fciture in any wife enfue or be to any of the Offenders for the doing or committing any Treafon or Petit - h'. . "c.'i-. Treafon, other than fuch as be in the faid Statute made in the faid twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of the laid King Edward the Third, or by this prefent Statute ordained and provided ; any Act or Acts of Par- liament, Statute or Statutes, had or made at any Time heretofore, or after the faid twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Edward the Third, or any other Declaration or Matter to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. III. And alfo be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Acts of Parliament and Statutes 5 r, 2j fl at , 1# touching, mentioning or in any wife concerning Religion or Opinions, that is to fay, as well the Sta- c 6. tute made in the firft Year of the Reign of the King's noble Progenitor King Richard the Second ; (z) and » H - ?• c - ?■ the Statute made in the fecond Year of the Reign of King Henry the Fifth ; (3) and the Statute alfo made "J "■ S " c - '*• in the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, concerning Punifhment and Reforma- i* & ' .Aj 0- , 1 *' tion of Hereticks and Lollards, and every Provifion therein contained ; (4) and the Statute made for the c . 1. Aboliftiment of Diverfity of Opinions in certain Articles concerning Chriftian Religion, commonly called -- h. 8. c: the Six Articles, made in the Parliament begun at Wejhninjler the twenty-eighth Day of April in the one a -lepeal or" the 1 and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the moft noble and victorious Prince of moft famous Memory King Henry teforc Reined the Eighth, Father of our moft dread Sovereign Lord the King that now is ; (5) and alfo the Act of Par- ll ^ Statu t e s> ">•* liament and Statute made in the Parliament begun at IVeftminfier the fixteenth Day of 'January in the three Aa'^ceraJiie and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, and after that prorogued unto the Doftrine and two and twentieth Day of 'January in the four and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry Matter of Rc- the Eighth, touching, mentioning or in any wife concerning Bocks of the Old and New Teftament in l>6<on,

Englifi, and the printing, uttering, felling, giving or delivering of Books or Writings, and retaining of

■ Euglijh Books or Writings, and Reading, Preaching, Teaching or Expounding of Scripture, or in any wile touching, mentioning or concerning any of the fame Matters. (6) And alfo one other Statute made in the Parliament holden at IVeJlminJler in the five and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, concerning the Qualification of the Statute of Six Articles ; (7) and all and every other Act or Acts of Parliament concerning Doctrine or Matters of Religion; (8) and all and every Branch, Article, Sentence and Matter, Pains and Forfeitures contained, mentioned or in any wife declared in any of the fame Acts of Parliament or Eftatutes, fhall from henceforth be repealed, and utterly void and of none Effect. IV. And be it further ordained and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Offences made Felony a!! Statutes by any Act or Acts of Parliament, Statute or Statutes, made fithence the twenty-third Day of April in made fiuVnc* the firft Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, not being Felony before, and alfo all tke fi:( * Y ™t of and every the branches and Articles mentioned or in any wife declared in any of the fame Statutes con- H ^ h '° m p ktt cerning the making of any Offence or Offences to be Felony, not being Felony before, and all Pains and ^ r'."t,:eV. Forfeitures concerning the fame or any of them, fhall from henceforth be repealed and utterly void, and of none Effect. Vol. II. £ e e - V. And